Neutralizing Narcissism: 1 Hz Deep Delta & 10 Hz Alpha Meditation DemiPhase Brain-Wave Stimulator
This DemiPhase Sound Design is a Frequency Formula specifically for the mantra / affirmation “Neutralizing Narcissism”.
Listen to “Neutralizing Narcissism: 1 Hz Deep Delta & 10 Hz Alpha Meditation DemiPhase Brain-Wave Stimulator” on Spreaker.This audio is the 3rd step of the “3 very simple steps to begin or compliment your recovery from the damage caused by narcissistic behavior”. The program has 3 levels and the audio you will be able to download is track number 1 from the Therapeutic Album “Neutralizing Naughty Narcissists”.
Get the details of exactly how to use the 3 very simple steps to begin or compliment your recovery from the damage caused by narcissistic behavior from the UniquilibriuM PodCast by clicking on the following link
- First you breathe in and out, then say the number “1”, after the next breath in and out you say “2”, and continue all the way to 10.
- Second, you say the mantra “Neutralizing Narcissism” followed by saying 1, then repeat again and say “2”, just like with the breathing meditation all the way to the number 10.
- Finally, you simply put on your headphones, adjust the volume, and listen to this 33-minute DemiPhase audio.
The Binaural Beat Carrier Waves for BrainWave Stimulation
The isochronic tones 280 Hz & 281 Hz carry a 1 Hz DemiPhase stimulator.
The isochronic tones 100 Hz & 110 Hz carry a 10 Hz DemiPhase Stimulator.
* * * Specially designed for the best experience with stereo headphones or earbuds. * * *
Stereo speakers with a dynamic range that are well able to handle bass notes below 60-Hz > 50-Hz placed on either side of your head will also create an enhanced experience.