Most mediocre and average behavior is only operating like Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion which says that for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction. We can be MetaPhysical and go beyond that understanding.
It is just as simple to interpret our signals from a relaxed and mindful present awareness as it is to be in a state of anxious and reactive confusion. The difference is a choice with profound outcomes.
Many of us expose our hypnotic filters and allow others to read our minds by the way we express ourselves.
When two people are in the same gym, and are on the same equipment and the same exercise and one gets fit while the other stays fat; it indicates that getting fit is the result of exercising or doing things in a Certain Way.
Our environment is the first place we ever get our hypnosis from. We filter this hypnosis through our sensory channels. Then we interpret this hypnosis through our mental constructs.
Don’t believe in hypnosis? Think you can’t be hypnotized? This may be the perfect mind set required to keep you safely enslaved.
Our minds are very, very easily influenced and our real purpose is to simply filter what we are influenced by with this understanding and knowledge.
Hypnosis in all of its forms including those that are constructive or destructive is everywhere in our society. There is hypnosis in every form of media for your good and for your bad.
You can determine most clearly how hypnosis effects you when you know the basics of what hypnosis is all about.
You can crash and die if you are driving and attempt to listen to this. This hypnotic suggestion exercise is to assist with calm and relaxation which may be deep and profound for some. Please Hypnotize Responsibly.
Is all hypnosis really self hypnosis? Mind Power Maps by HypnoAthletics Networks