Audio, Education, Exercising Your Mind, Flor Elizabeth Carrasco, Hakeem Alexander, Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander, Health, HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, Meditation, Metaphysics, UniquilibriuM

How You’ve Been BrainWashed To Be Happy About Being UnHealthy

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TranScript Summary

Action Trumps Words: A Personal Anecdote

  • Taking action is the best way to avoid deception.
  • A recent encounter highlighted the importance of personal experience and verification.
  • A conversation about physical mobility and the impact of shared content is described.

Mind-Body Connection Through Physical Action

  • A demonstration of physical exercises like pistol squats and capoeira moves was performed.
  • Taking action is highlighted as a method to control the mind.
  • The concept of ‘use it or lose it’ is introduced in relation to physical and mental capabilities.

Mind-Body Alignment: A Synthesis of Action and Contemplation

  • The text explores the interplay between meditative practices (visualization, mantras) and active engagement in achieving goals.
  • It suggests a gradual integration of both approaches, ultimately leading to complete alignment.
  • The concept is described as something the author has contemplated for years, even referencing a past discussion titled ‘witchcraft’.

The Practicality of Magic

  • The text explores the concept of magic being stolen due to semantics and etymology.
  • It argues that the ability to direct one’s fate and experiences has been relegated to the realm of ‘magic’, leading to ridicule.
  • The text emphasizes that magic is a practical practice with material and physical components, using old school witchcraft as an example, while clarifying that no witchcraft is being performed.

Understanding Hypnotic Narrative

  • A clarification is given to alleviate concerns about ritualistic practices.
  • The speaker discloses their expertise in clinical hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
  • The process involves storytelling and narrative creation for better comprehension.

Tooth Fairy Tradition: A Brief Narrative

  • The text draws parallels between the tooth fairy and other mythological figures like Santa Claus.
  • It describes the tooth fairy tradition where children receive money for lost teeth.
  • The narrative highlights the fictional nature of the tooth fairy story and its evolution over time.

Mythical Gift-Giving Traditions

  • The tooth fairy’s exchange of a tooth for money brings joy to children.
  • Santa Claus’s gift-giving depends on behavior, involving leaving treats.
  • Easter’s inclusion of money adds to the magical aspects of these traditions.

Archetypal Witch Imagery

  • Discussion of the physical control or hypnosis of the mind.
  • Reference to the stereotypical image of a witch, as seen in popular culture.
  • Description of the common visual representation: pointy hat, crooked nose, black clothing.

Witchcraft Imagery: A Classic Depiction

  • A typical depiction involves a witch wearing a black hat with a wide brim and pointy top.
  • The witch is often portrayed as old and haggish, sometimes wielding a broom or wand.
  • Witches are frequently depicted in covens, often seven in number, surrounding a large, bubbling cauldron.

Cauldron Visions and Mind Control

  • Witches use a cauldron to see visions of the future or distant places.
  • This is compared to modern technology like TV screens showing live events.
  • The process involves spells and a physical/mental control aspect.

Decoding Witchcraft Rituals

  • Witchcraft spells often involve unusual ingredients like bat wings, frog tongues, and nuts.
  • The spells’ purposes typically center around desires for love, money, health, and happiness, or conversely, curses.
  • The ritualistic process includes physical components like a cauldron and fire, highlighting the tangible nature of the practice.

Physical Actions and Metaphorical Witchcraft

  • The text discusses a large black pot as a metaphor for physical actions and their consequences.
  • It argues that ‘witchcraft’ stories are metaphors for the impact of physical actions in the world.
  • The text emphasizes that inaction leads to results as impactful as action, highlighting a ‘use it or lose it’ principle.

Achieving Goals Through Action

  • Taking action leads to desired results.
  • Happiness requires pursuing activities that bring joy.
  • Persistence and continued effort are crucial despite potential setbacks.

Achieving Health and Wealth Through Action

  • Physical activities like jumping jacks, squats, and push-ups contribute to health.
  • Maintaining health requires consistent healthy habits and choices.
  • Financial success is achieved through actions such as selling products or services.

Direct Path to Happiness

  • Physical actions contribute to mental and physical well-being.
  • Creating, sharing, and selling products can lead to wealth.
  • The core message is to focus on activities that bring happiness, eliminating unnecessary steps.

Direct Action: Bypassing Intermediaries

  • The text challenges the reliance on intermediaries to achieve goals.
  • It highlights the absurdity of using physical means to achieve physical results indirectly.
  • The core message advocates for immediate, direct physical action within one’s present environment.

Universe Alignment and Opportunity Seizing

  • Persistence, drive, and insistence in achieving goals lead to universe alignment.
  • Taking action creates opportunities that were previously inaccessible.
  • The universe seemingly lines up to present opportunities when action is taken.

Action Trumps Doubt: A Personal Journey

  • Taking massive action and self-experimentation yields results, proving doubters wrong.
  • Personal experience disproves claims of impossibility; action reveals truth.
  • Examples cited from early career in fitness instruction illustrate this principle.

Cognitive Dissonance in Creative Fields

  • Boot camp classes and similar training are prerequisites for film and TV industry.
  • The author challenges the notion of needing extensive unpaid work, citing personal experience.
  • The author highlights the disbelief and cognitive dissonance some experience when witnessing others’ achievements.

Misconceptions about Physical Fitness

  • Discouraging messages about physical health are prevalent.
  • The belief that age limits physical capabilities is a misconception.
  • Examples of activities like ‘flair’ demonstrate that age is not a barrier to physical fitness.

Body Functionality Decline: A Compounding Effect

  • Loss of body functionality is linked to disuse over time.
  • Daily actions significantly impact overall body condition.
  • Small, consistent efforts accumulate to influence physical capabilities.

Health Concerns During Shopping

  • The act of shopping is a common activity for most.
  • A detrimental health habit observed is hunching over while pushing a shopping cart.
  • Extended periods of shopping, involving carrying and moving items, can lead to physical strain.

Intentional Movement and Body Control

  • The process involves intentional actions to improve strength and capabilities.
  • Specific examples include mindful shopping techniques and optimized load carrying.
  • Maintaining symmetry and controlled breathing are emphasized for efficient movement.

Detrimental Effects of Poor Posture

  • Leans on carts and other support structures are detrimental to posture.
  • This posture trains the body to rely on external support, hindering independent standing.
  • Prolonged poor posture can lead to a decline in the ability to stand upright and breathe deeply.

Repetition in Fitness and Training

  • The text discusses repetition as a fundamental aspect of fitness training.
  • It highlights the role of repetition in various exercises, including squats, push-ups, and other activities.
  • The perspective is that of a clinical hypnotist, fitness trainer, and martial artist, emphasizing the importance of repetition across disciplines.

Repetitive Movement and Strength Gains

  • Repetitive movements, like squats, build strength in the targeted muscles.
  • Consistent and correct execution is key to achieving strength gains.
  • Repeated leaning in a weakened position strengthens the body in that position.

Postural Habits and Aging

  • Continuously leaning and using external support weakens the ability to stand independently.
  • Intermittent rest is preferable to consistently relying on support for posture.
  • Maintaining upright posture is crucial for preserving strength and mitigating age-related decline.

Understanding Interconnectedness and Physical Activity

  • The text highlights the interconnectedness of various factors.
  • It emphasizes the concept of ‘use it or lose it’, relating to physical activity.
  • Sedentary behavior is described as essentially training the body to remain inactive.

Sedentary Lifestyle’s Impact on Bodily Systems

  • A sedentary lifestyle leads to the deprioritization of bodily systems.
  • Energy is redirected away from systems crucial for physical activity.
  • This results in a decline in the functionality of the nervous, muscular, skeletal, and circulatory systems.

Body’s Response to Inactivity

  • Prolonged inactivity leads to muscle flabbiness and reduced mobility.
  • This inactivity creates a physical condition the body prioritizes.
  • The body adapts to a sedentary lifestyle, impacting overall physical capabilities.

Body’s Resource Allocation and Physical Activity

  • Regular physical activities like walking, climbing stairs, and jumping are essential for maintaining bodily functions.
  • Inactivity leads to the body redirecting energy away from these functions due to its efficient resource allocation.
  • The body prioritizes functions based on usage; if certain movements are neglected, the body reduces resources allocated to them.

HypnoAthletics: Mind Exercise for Harmony

  • HypnotAthletics is presented as a method of exercising the mind for universal harmony and spiritual wisdom.
  • It emphasizes practical actions to achieve tangible results, discarding unnecessary complexities.
  • The approach involves experimentation, acknowledging that desired resources may not always be available.

Skill Enhancement Through Consistent Use

  • Improved ability to perform tasks through consistent practice.
  • Increased confidence with repeated use of skills.
  • Discussion of skill improvement through repetition and consumption.

Filtering External Influences

  • Consumption of media and nutrition significantly impacts personal development.
  • The importance of being selective about what is absorbed is emphasized.
  • Physical exercise and proper nutrition are highlighted as crucial factors.


One of the best ways to not be fooled by things that other people say is to take action. This is you can prove certain things yourself, such as you already know, from experience that if you don’t use it, you lose it the other day. I was speaking to a woman outside of a sharp I don’t exactly remember what it was, I think it might have been.

There was a grossy store, and she said that she recognised me because of my power cords if you’ve ever seen any other videos I’m wearing this golden blackbreed, there are other iterations of it that have been blue, green and yellow, there’s another one that shred. White and blue and the current one I have is black and gold now. We were talking and you know, she was saying that she had seen something that I posted about the physical manif mobility, and I had explained her this idea, basically.

this is what it means because she was so backing up a little bit, she was saying that she didn’t have as much mobility as she saw me displaying. If she says, can I really do that stuff? So I gave her a quick little demonstration, I went down to the ground and did a pistol squat, and then I did what’s called a negativa and a holy or roll this, some capawa moves and crawl around the ground and Just a really quick demo.

But. this is how you prove things for yourself by taking action and taking action is actually one of the ways that you can physically control your mind so a lot of times and I and I am getting to this idea of planet Earth use it or lose it. And this is all part of the same.

Narrative here, now. one of the ideas. is to understand that you can physically control your mind just as much as your mind can physically control your body and sometimes in order to create better habits for that, to become for that, to become your habitual way of being your personality.

Really is you can meet in the middle, some things you can meditate on and visualise and imagine and say, mantres, for another things you just have to do. And sometimes you do a little bit of both, until you’re doing a lot of both, until that’s pretty much they’re all in. Alignment with each other, so this is Something quite interesting I’ve been thinking about for many years, I’ve spoken about it recorded it before.

I don’t know where it is because I haven’t spoken about it a whole lot. I do know actually, now that I come to think about it that there was something I spoke about, and I called it witchcraft on one of the noon vibe recordings. So the basic idea is this, and this is a way to understand this.

And it’s also because I was attempting to show how magic, for example, has been stolen from everyone, because of semantics and etymology, and things like that, like it’s we have had our ability to direct our own fate. and creep the experiences that we want physically and mentally, because it’s been. Pushed off into this realm, that’s called magic that then people will ridicule and say, oh, that, that airy fairy oogy boogie, new AG stuff when really it’s there, actually is a practice.

and being a practice. It’s practical and there are material and physical components to it. Just like with magic and also the example I’m going to give is from old school witchcraft, but we’re not doing any witchcraft.

Purse, as if you’re a religious person or spiritual and as scared of those kinds of things, please be confident that we’re not doing any kind of rituals like that, there’s no pentagrams, there’s no chanting, there’s none of that stuff like that, it’s simply an explanation so that you can come to understand and we can be on the same page, right? So Now. know this.

that I have to disclose this, because I’ve been told before, especially. sometimes I start to use these tools and a certain pattern and a certain way of speaking that is hypnotic. And so you should know that I am a master hypoist I have a degree in clinical.

Hypnosis, hypnotherapy. From the hypnosis motivation institute tarzanna, California, you can look them up hypnosis that EDU okay, so., in this understanding. okay, what I’m doing is telling you a story and creating a narrative so that you can put this into perspective because a lot of people know.

And can relate to mythology and folklore and stories, just like how we somewhat know the story of Santa Claus. Although, I really don’t know much about Santa clauses or like the Easter bunt, or whatever right or the tooth fairy like, let’s look at the tooth bear. I think I’m more fantly with that narrative.

For example, before I go onto the whole witchcrafting. But you see, you know what I’m talking about here, right? It’s all kind of nonsense and BS right?

So the tooth theory you know, the child, we do parents tell their children, you know yours are tooth. You know, you put it on your pillar on the tooth fairy will give you a quarter or whatever it was back in the day, maybe it started off as a time Neon Nicole’s dimes, quarters and a dollar out of how much to giving kids for their teeth that fall out these days, right? But that’s kind of see how that’s a short little story right child loses their teeth.

Tooth fairy comes text the tooth, give the money. child wakes are happy, right? That’ll other.

narrative that’s like some some focal rights like I don’t know or there are other ones like gets or Santa Claus right? If you’re if you’re naughty, you don’t get presents, if you’re nice and Santa Claus comes down the chimney, put presence. Under the tree, you leave him milk and cookies and you know you wake up in the morning.

Happy kids like it’s all the same kind. Weird stuff right for some reason, Easter money is make extra care. So now the witchcraft scenario the idea to understand is and this is having to do with user, lose it.

the physical control of the mind or physical hypnosis of the mind., and so in the old ideas that we that many people. Have of witches right like if you think about the wicked witch of the west from Wizard of oz, if you’re familiar with that, but basically it’s this typical which right, the on the archetype, which that you would see in Halloween, right? That has the pointy black hat right?

And the long crooked nose, and they’re wearing like this black garment, right this black kind of dress, or whatever this coverable thing right with kind of like belled. Sleeves, an entire are skirt are actually a dress. Maybe it’s one piece.

I don’t know, but there’s a black hat with a with a wide brim and a pointy top right, and that’s a typical witch, and either the witch has a broom or a wand. andor could have a blue manyland usually I think they do in a flu on the mate, that’s the whole idea, and then This same kind of witch, right, usually they’re old and haggish, right? And um, and so and in these witches, sometimes they’re part of covins, right.

And these carbons, usually they’re like 7 witches, I think is a typical number. And in these cupbons, you know, the thing that comes to my mind now write the thing that I’m seeing is there’s a big giant cauldron, right? Which is this big, black giant pot full of like some kind of liquid and it’s bubbling, maybe sometimes it’s over a fire.

And they see things like bubble bubble toil, and trouble or whatever, right, or they look into it like how you would a crystal ball, I think it’s cost crying or something like that, and then they can see visions. The future or in distant places, or whatever, just like now we have are portals of our, you know, we can see live events and things like that now with our TV screens, whatnot, but the point is that these witches are or dancing around this cauldron, and sometimes when they wanted you.

Spells, now here’s the part that’s connecting to a physical hypnosis of the mind, physical control of the mind and also It goes the other way. But let’s take a look at what’s happening here. So.

a lot of these typical which types of spells they’ll see things like, you know dot wing of a back in the physical tongue of a frog, I have a nut right in there and they start putting in inside the cauldron, right? And And so when you think about these things right? So what is the point of a witch casting a spell?

Sometimes it’s for love, sometimes it’s for money. Sometimes it’s for health rate, happiness, health wealth, the stuff we still talk about today, right? Or they wanna curse somebody, but let’s look at the blessing part of the achievement partlers focus on that right?

So happiness, health and wealth. And so now, but look at what is happening here, I look at think it lesslet’s break this down. They are taking physical components right-wing up a bat tongue of a frog, I of a new.

right or whatever else they’re putting in their physical things. And then there’s this physical cauldron, and they’re physically starring it. Over a physical fire.

this big, giant black physical pot, and they’re saying words their physical faces generation. Making physical sound in the physical medium, if someone to sort for 3I could go on or not. My point, his.

witchcraft, those old stories of it have been carvalued and what I am declaring they actually are. this is not something that other people agree with me, or anybody has ever said to. Me.

No one talks about this, except for me, but what those things in my mind and what is because of the way I’m showing you is useful for you to change your perspective on this instead of being scared of it is that it’s a story. It’s a metaphor for the fact that physical action. In the world.

Doing things is how you become anything. and if you don’t do something, then you become the result of the not doing. they’ll use it or lose it, right?

So. type of which crowd that I just talk about, whether using this physical stuff is a metaphor are you taking action for you, actually doing things when you do and take certain actions, you get certain results if you want happiness, you have to do things that are going to make you happy, meaning you practise the instrument that you want to sing you sing the songs you want to write the haiku that you want you talk to the people that you want. To sometimes you get rejected, but you just keep trying, you keep going right, or you figure out you draw the art that you want, you do the job that you want you take the trip that you want you.

The exercise you want to do the pressure for the squads to jumping jacks whatever right. That’s you do, the things that make you happy as much as you possibly can right health. I talked about jumping Jack squats and push-ups and crunches right and you eat healthy You do healthy things and you’ll be healthy, but because if you don’t do those things and you will lose your health.

Right? And wealth, you’ve got to do things that lead to wealth. You want to make a million $, you sell 500 of something that you made that cost $2000 to your clients, or you sell um 50000 things that are $20 up.

All that stuff, right? This is all. Things that you have to physical actions in this world create all kinds of other results, physical actions.

We feel happy, that’s mental spiritual right. physical actions, makers healthy, mentally and physically right and physical things that we do making producing and sharing selling marketing these things can have the potential to make us. Wealthy, that is the point of these these stories, what those witches are actually doing what they’re doing these physical things in one place and expecting it to create another result that is in the physical world.

So why not cut out all the middle stuff of the cauldron, and all that other stuff and just go directly. To the thing that makes you happy, that’s the point is what has happened. And this whole story?

What this is all about is that we’ve been full to think that we need some intermediary in order to get this stuff done, right? That’s what has happened, and the thing is that the truth is right in front of your face in that story. Is that it’s showing you right there, that how ridiculous and convoluted is that that here you are in the physical world already.

And then you’re taking this physical stuff and putting into this physical pot, and in expecting some physical results somewhere else. No, just do it now the other thing that that’s telling us, right, because I’ve also experience experienced this myself is what’s really amazing. Is that when you start taking physical actions in this world where you are right now in the space where you are right now?

It’s really amazing the universe. If you will seems to lineup with your persistence with your drive with your insistence, is I rather should say in getting something done and getting some results because then all of a sudden, it seems like other things are just lining up. Too for you to seize those opportunities that you’re looking for when you start taking action where you are, it’s interesting, because that’s a fascinating part of this whole witchcraft story, right is that that’s another part of this, that’s really interesting, which is the real Magic is that when you actually start to do things?

Are there things that may seem to be at a distance that remove from? You seem to lineup and start coming, either into your view or coming your way to make it more accessible for you to seize hold of those opportunities that is fascinating to me. That is amazing, because I know that happens all the time.

It is it a fabulous experience now. and if you don’t, you know a lot of things I talk about in the physical party and I’ll bring this back to what I first started saying, you can’t be lied to or fooled by other people, if you just start taking action, taking massive action. Doing it yourself getting the results from experiment when you start doing things you see the results and stuff that people are saying, won’t be able to have any any hold on you.

because you’ll see, otherwise by doing it. You don’t know how many times people have said to me you. Can’t do that when I’m already Well, into doing it.

I think that’s been very strange, you can’t do that. There’s some examples I know that I have but specifically a lot of things I have to do with when I first started working as a fit, a personal, a trainer and a group fitness instructor where I started teaching. Boxing kickboxing, yoga Mat palates.

Boot camp classes, kids karate all this other stuff like that, and people you can’t do that without this, you can’t do that. You have to do it or ill in the film and TV industry. Would you have to work this many for at least a year without getting paid before yens know that stuff applied to me.

I just cause I was already doing things and people were saying I couldn’t do those things. But I’m thinking, what do you mean camped? I’m already doing it.

Why are you telling me that I can’t do something that I’m already doing or that I’ve finished doing it’s really interesting too, because it speaks to people’s mind’s uttercognitive dissidents, right how someone can be in such a state of disbelief that you could actually have just done something right in front of them, and they cannot, they’ll tell you. You’re lying. That you can’t do it.

And you didn’t do it, because they that is not the experience they have. And this also ties back in some of the things that I’ve been really. putting out more lately is the disappointing messages that a lot of people tend to spread, especially when it comes to physical health And.

and it’s because. this, also it released this idea of the physical control of the mind, right? I was looking at some stuff and I made a mistake.

I said it was you too, but it was actually gone on Facebook, guy, Alex distres and all these people, he was showing this move called flair, that that is used them brake dancing in other sports and people were seeing all this stuff like that. Oh, I’m i’m this old, I’m 49, I’m i’m 42, um people of various ages talking about how. They’d be so injured by doing that and inciting their age as the reason why no, it’s not your age.

It’s because you stopped using your body a long time ago, if you ever did and therefore you lost it, you lost the ability to do any of those things because you just stopped using the ability, I mean, there are so many tips that come out of this, and I’m gonna Tip puts them on a tail end of here, just because of some of the things that I’ve seen today while I was out shopping. So I’m working shopping. Do picking stuff up and one of the things I see very often.

And so this is a tip right here that’s going to be in the program. Cause these things come up all the time when I see I’m like, wow, this is something that I actually have in my program misses, but. But I, but I want to plant these seeds and give it here.

right. Because this is very importance. It’s because what I realise it’s compounding, it’s all the little things that you can do throughout the day, that have the effect on your body and one of the things that I see people doing so.

Everybody has to go shopping for the most part. Most people do a lot of people do unless you have somebody shopping for you? Like, that’s one of the things that II go shopping 4 people, right?

But if you. if you’re out chocolate, alright, one of the things I see people doing that is really detrimental to your health. is people.

stand behind the shopping cart and their body is hunched over and leaning over. And pushing him. And now you could tell me all kind of excuses about.

Well, I’ve been working all day that it did. I for the last 2 days in a row, okay, I have been out shopping and I’m been walking anywhere between 10 to 12 hours, okay, getting in and out of my car, carrying things up-and-down flights of stairs. Right.

So and I know that by doing those things, what’s really interesting is I get better and stronger to be able to do those things. And then there’s other things that I do in between, like when I’m when I’m shopping and how I squawl all we down to reach things on the shelves and lunged on the floor and add to it and do things very intentionally. I do a lot of things very intentional, even the way that I carry things to my car, I do very intentional instead of having myself in awkward positions with her stuff against my body struggling.

No I make sure I make everything as symmetric as possible. I get my breathing, my pasture, and it might look strange to somebody outside but I have full control of everything. Now I don’t want to get too far away from what I was saying but Because that’s also other stuff that are very good tips.

But this one main one, I’m just gonna tag on to here is the leaning on the carts type of thing. It’s this whole leaning culture that people get into it’s this this lazy posture that people get into, and it’s so detrimental, because all you’re doing is training yourself. To be leaning over and reliant on being propped up, you’re just training for the key, you’re just training for a Walker, you’re training for a wheelchair, if you’re not standing up on your own power and breathing in deeply in standing up tall, you’re going to lose the ability to do that, because you’re just training your body.

To not do that, think about it when you and so again. And this is what I was talking with this lady when she saw means she recognised, because my power quashed, the golden black hoard of Soccer man. This is where I’m bringing this full circle again here, right?

So think about this, and I’m talking about these things from the perspective. Of a clinical hypnotist and a fitness trainer and a martial artist which these things have to do with repetition repetition, his repetition is something that’s using all 3 of those things that I’ve mentioned, and in so many other things. that we all do, and this is why it’s so.

Fundamental This is getting to the root of it here. Right, if you goat to the gym, I should say, wet, I want to plan to see to you when or when you go to exercise of any kind right, you could do it in a park. Do it in your living room.

right, if you’re gonna do a squat, a push-up some jumping jacks. Pull-ups crunches, whatever it is, you’re gonna do. Walking jogging.

It’s repetitive one foot in front of the other up down up down, left, right, left, right, high, low high, low 4, but whatever right. It’s repetitive and let’s just use the idea of a squat rate, you squat down, you stand up, you squat down brew, sitting down into the squat, you’re standing up, right? You’re repeating this movement over and over again, and doing it correctly and consistently, you basically get stronger leg.

So I don’t want to go onto the whole bumble pelvic complex analysis. So you just get stronger legs from doing the squats right now what happens when you repeatedly lean Uber all the time Your body gets stronger in that weakened position. If I can use that just position.

You see what I’m saying, when you lean over all the time and prop yourself up Euro, you’re not allowings of the strengthen, the ability to stand up all the time, it’s better to keep standing up and breathe every once a while you take a rest. But what I’m saying is the majority of what I’m seeing. These people are instead of resting intermittently.

They’re only standing up tall and strong intermittently. And what you’re going to get is the result of just slapping Uber and resting on things all the time, instead of standing up on your own steam, that’s where you start to lose your ability as you get older, not because you’re getting older. There’s a difference between chronological age, biological age and physiological age.

And all of these things play into each other. There is also psychological age, right? These things and n., I’m not going to overcomplicate that, but these are all things that have come to my mind, they interplay with each other.

There’s an interconnectedness here. And all of these things faster, a deeper connection with each other, when they work in conjunction. And so you have to be able to understand this one idea, let me get back to it of repetition and back to this lady when I talked about use it or lose it, this is the idea that I’ll, I’ll close this out on you.

Right? What I was talking her about basically was. and this is really a reiteration of everything I’ve said, but when you sit down on the couch, like the idea, I don’t know if you’ve heard this term before a of couch potato, but if you sit on the couch, all the time and you don’t get up and move about if you’re sedentary, then your body basically is training.

And gets trained to be sedentary, and so what it does is just it does a way it disconnects, it no longer prioritises the abilities that you have throughout your nervous system, your musculature, your muscular, skeletal system, your circulatory system, everything it deprioritizes it. Takes away. If what it does, what is where I termed it in the usive of energy, but it redirects, it takes away the energy from being prioritised or directed into those facilities that are used for being active, and therefore you just turned into a tuba goo, because if you’re going to be planted into the seat where gravity is pulling to the seat and gets what’s going to happen.

Your body’s gonna become flabby and be better for gravities to keep you down in the sea. You’re going to be more Abel, if I can even use that term for what happens, because it’s really a disability that you’re that’s preventable, but you’ll be more prosaic, more prosaic, Le, you’re more prosaic level, the the brain of me is. really.

scrambling to find out the term that I would like to use here. But you’re more conditioned, that’s it, wow, conditioned you’re more, you become more conditioned right for that condition, if the condition that you put yourself in is to sit around all the time. And that is the condition that your body is going to prioritise, it’s not going to prioritise.

Getting app and walking around and going upstairs and jumping or squitting or doing any of those things, and that’s why you do exercise, if you don’t Use your body, you lose the ability to do that, because your body then d prioritises it redirects. It takes the energy away from doing those things. Your body is very intelligent, it’s it starts to think if I’m not going to be doing these things, why should I, why should I ER prioritise why should I?

I put any energy towards doing those things. Why should I? Why should I activate those facilities, if I’m not going to be walking for an hour or climbing stairs, right?

Why do I need to to put any kind to direct any resources to that? So your body is very good being efficient with the resources, so if you’re not doing that stuff, it just doesn’t Allocate resources or energy towards those functions. Am I using these functions?

Then let’s just lose the connections to that that’s what it is, use it or lose it. if you don’t do something just like, even when it comes to thinking. and imagining, and that’s why what I call my concepts hypnot Athletics exercising your mind right hypnot Athletics is exercising your mind towards universal harmony.

And spiritual wisdom through healthy living in self-defence. So anyway, that’s, that’s all I’ve got to say about that right now. I tied it in with this idea of witchcraft, really being physical actions to get physical results in the world’s humans will cut out all that middle nonsense with.

The cauldron and the Animal parts in all that out of stuff like that and just do the actions do things get the results of those things. Sometimes you may not always get the resources that you want, but it’s an experiment. And at least you’ve tried people can’t fool you and tell you that you can’t do something because you know by experience that you can do it and By doing things.

you retain and strengthened a bit, the ability to be able to do those things right? Which is talking about user to lose it. But if you use it, then you can become better at using it, and that’s the whole thing, and the more you use things in you become more confident with it, and that’s another way to physically control to physically hypnotise your mind besides the other way around right?

Yes? And. I already talked about the repetition of the things, at least before another recording about the things that we consume, whether that be through food, right?

You are what you eat, whether that be the things that we listen to, right? You are what you hear and the things that we watch, you are what you see, basically you become what you experienced, those things that you absorb from the outside. So be a filtering machine about the things that you You allow into your experience, whether that be things that you’re experiencing through any kind of media and also what you’re putting your body through, what through the physical exercise you are doing, and the nutrition or lack of malnutrition cause bad nutrition right that you put into your body, that is really what it’s all about.

We have to filter. what we allow to become part of our being.

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