UnLock YourSelf From UnWanted Hypnotic States By Simply Counting To Five – A Guided Meditation
Counting To 5 Brings You Alive
“When you know what to think and do, then you must use your will to compel yourself to think and do the right things.”
– The Science Of Getting Rich; Wallace Deloise Wattles
(Exercising Your Mind) This meditation is offered as a FREE download. It is part of the “Dolphyn BrainWashing for Higher Living Series”. The purpose of this meditation is to learn to unlock yourself from unwanted hypnotic states by experiencing a trance state, and then using a simple technique to count yourself out of it. Once you begin to recognize what these highly suggestible, hypnotic trance are, you will be able to begin the practice of choosing to remain in those that are good for you, and eliminating the mental states that work against you.
Download and listen to the meditation now to begin the process of awakening to the imaginative potential of your own mind.
Previously published on HypnoAthletics in written concept as “Counting To 5 Brings You Alive: UnLock YourSelf From UnWanted Trance States“. <click to read
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