Hypnosis And Eating: Inside The Mind Of Food
Inside The Mind Of Food
Hypnosis And Eating
The Buddha may have been correct about the whole desire is suffering bit.
But I do not suffer from the things I want or desire when I have them the way I want.
Suffering comes only when I don’t have what I want; get what I want; or if it is lost, stolen or murdered. And you can’t just re-order one like a debit or credit card.
When I really think about it though, I really do not suffer much unless I really think about it. Think about that. Thinking about suffering things causes suffering?!
Yeah. I remember having a pretty great childhood. Holidays and birthdays were always packed with family, food and gifts.
I was allowed free expression of all my talents and abilities. I participated in sports and entertainment groups inside and outside of school.
And my parents fully supported everything. It just didn’t help that I was an ungrateful demon-child, taking flight on leathery wings to conquer the Earth.
I had a bad attitude. I hated the law, the press and sometimes my parents. I especially thought most of my teachers all the way through tenth-grade were all jackasses.
The point is that any and all of my suffering was brought upon by myself and the way I was habitually thinking. And a little of something less appetizing…
Inside The Mind Of Food
I can discuss Hypnosis And Eating because I can discuss hypnosis and anything. It is not because the best school around for clinical hypnosis qualified me.
That is all fine, but I was practicing the control of my own mind for at least 7-years before I ever enrolled in college for hypnotherapy.
How fortunate for me! because it has taken a long time for all my practice, training and education to finally reprogram me from the junk food thoughts of yesteryear.
The whole deal here is that everything is your mind when it comes to your own life experience. Make excuses if you want to but it ain’t gonna save you from yourself.
The mind of food is your very own mind. So when you delete the whining, complaining and blaming sissy that may have been inside you, then you become empowered.
But never before taking full and total personal responsibility do you turn on your power.
Anyone that says this is like blaming the victim has made a victim ofthemselves and is just blaming themselves when there is no one else to blame.
Just get into and empower your own mind. Then you will get inside the mind of food and truly understand Hypnosis And Eating.
You Are What You Eat
In the last eight years or so, I have figured out that a large part of my pain and suffering could be relieved by eating certain foods.
I don’t mean comfort foods like cake and ice-cream. I am talking about raw, whole and minimally processed foods. This is bad Hypnosis And Eating.
When I eat raw, whole vegetables, high quality protein and fresh fruit, I feel and perform like a Super-Human Being. The Mutant-X Gene takes over and I am free!
But if I am not mindful of my diet, I am more like a Gollum or some other miserable creature from a Tolkien outfit.
Everybody has a different set of genes. Just ask a geneticist. And so we all digest and metabolize things differently. Some similar, but a few differences too.
It is interesting that the combination of a great attitude and some healthy food can be a big help when it comes to your overall health.
And it makes a big difference when you learn to practice breathing meditation, relaxation and other calming, soothing techniques and natural remedies.
Exercising Your Mind
Exercise is pretty awesome! I like that for sure. You can get too much of it though. I know a lady who literally tears herself apart with too much.
Then she complains about it and wonders why. You don’t need 4-hours in the gym for any reason. Especially if you are not getting paid for it.
I only exercise for short bursts of 5 to 20-minutes at a time for a total of MAYBE one hour each day.
And with a body like mine, you gotta admit I might know what I’m talking about. I choose function over form; but my form comes from the awesome functions I practice.
Actually, I am quite glad that I look the way I do. Because I do not have to advertise my fitness and nutrition expertise. It is in my body as an archive.
And I do not exercise to look great. I do not make time for that and it is not something that I think about.
I am a survivalist, and I want to function my best in order to endure the more difficult physical and psychological challenges life may hit me with.
We Become What We Think About
But if you really think about the way I think about thinking, then you would be thinking that it is our own thinking that is really what hits us over the head with a pan.
It is all about thought.
The Buddha said “All we are is the result of what we have thought“.
The Scientology guy L. Ron Hubbard said “Thought is Boss“.
And the great James Allen said “Mind is the Master“.
I agree with them and add that we have to think about what we eat. Because if we don’t then we are killing ourselves, the children to come and our planet.
Just ask Monsanto.
If you don’t know who Monsanto is then you should just ask Monsanto and take their word for it. Eat genetically modified corn-flakes and call it a day.
Hypnosis For BreakFast
Suffering comes only when I don’t have what I want; get what I want; or if it is lost, stolen or murdered. And you can’t just re-order one like a debit or credit card.
Order one of what, Hakeem?
I mean your health. Can you really order another you? O.K., maybe clones. Just ask a geneticist; or Monsanto.
But I would suggest that you fortify your bodily fortress through healthy eating, exercise, rest and meditation. It is the best route I am sure.
Hypnosis And Eating is really about giving thanks for your life the first thing when you wake up in the morning.
And then not being a hypocrite about it and trashing your body with junk food and a bunch of other crap all day long.
An attitude of gratitude does go a very long way. It is called junk food for a reason you know? Because it throws your health in the garbage.
And you lie to yourself and are suicidal slowly, when you say you want to live with your lips and then kill yourself by shutting them with a bunch of crap.
You might not be able to order a new life or health just yet, just ask a…. You get it by now.
But you can order your own breakfast. Better yet, you can make your own breakfast. And if you say you have no time, then you have no time to live.
Then what you are saying then is that you have time for expensive doctor visits, toxic pharmaceuticals, suffering health and disappointing your friends, family and lovers.
The first thing and the best thing we can do is have hypnosis for breakfast. This is the ultimate way to use Hypnosis And Eating.
Take the time to be thankful for what you have to program your mind from the start of each day with gratitude.
Then go about planning how you are going to prove that by taking healthy actions of eating and exercise and meditation and rest.
You must know it is more effort and pain to suffer and die slowly from poor health than it is to be disciplined enough to remain vibrant and healthy.
Hypnosis And Eating is about knowing that The Hard Way Is The Easy Way. You have to put in the work so that you can change your mind.
And the more you change your mind, the more simple it will appear to do the work that is required to be your personal best.
Because before you can be the best, you must be your best. And yes, things only appear to get simpler and easier wen you hustle.
Things don’t get easier, you either quit and die or you get stronger. Get up in the morning and decide that you will live strong.
Hypnosis is just your habitual way of thinking to put it simply. So have your mhealthy hypnosis for breakfast and you will understand Hypnosis And Eating.
Gravity is gravity my friend. Lifting weights doesn’t ease up and gravity is not taking a break. You MUST get stronger in order to survive and THRIVE!
And getting stronger, day by day in every way is something that we all have the capacity and the potential to become. It is the only way.
I Believe In You.
Believe In YourSelf.
Hypnosis And Eating