Gray Area: 51 Shades Of Aliens (Numerology Code Of Area-51)
51 Shades Of Aliens
Gray Area
(Numerology Code Of Area-51)
Noun, 1. gray area – an intermediate area; a topic that is not clearly one thing or the other (The Free Dictionary by Farlex)
… gray area is a concept or topic that is unclear (Wikipedia)
There is a high probability that the base called “Area-51” is housing non-human entities, extra-terrestrials, aliens, advanced vehicles, technology or some combination of these things.
As a Metaphysical Scientist who practices Numerology, my calculations have
conclusively determined that there is at least something interesting in
the name.
The name Area-51 might literally translate to “Area-Gray”, or, “Gray Area“!
And of course, one of the most popular types or species of alien is known as “The Grays” (Greys).
Numerology uses what is known as alpha-numerics. This means that each alpha or
letter, has a numeric or numeral assigned to it as a fixed value from 1
through 9.
The British Code: 7 + 18 + 5 + 25 = 55 / 10 / 1
In the British English, the word that represents the color that is between black and white is spelled G-R-E-Y.
- G is the 7th letter of the alphabet.
- R is the 18th letter of the alphabet.
- E is the 5th letter of the alphabet.
- Y is the 25th letter of the alphabet.
Adding up the alpha-numerics, 7+18+5+25=55.
In Numerology, the Commutative Law of Addition is in play.
So you can add all of the numerals in any order to get the sum which will be the same no matter what order you add..
One of the formalities of Numerology is that for many purposes, you
continue combining the numerals until you have a single numeral.
So that 55 is 5+5=10 and 10 is 1+0=1. 55 would be noted as 55/1.
The British English word GREY then is equal to the numeral 55.
We have a 5 and a 1, but that is not conclusive enough to say that is what is encoded in the name Area-51.
The American Code: 7 + 18 + 1 + 25 = 51 / 6
But what is even more enigmatic, is that in the American English, the word
that represents the color that is in between black and white is spelled G-R-A-Y.
- G is the 7th letter of the alphabet.
- R is the 18th letter of the alphabet.
- A is the 1st letter of the alphabet.
- Y is the 25th letter of the alphabet.
Adding up the alpha-numerics, 7+18+1+25=51.
The American English word GRAY then is equal to the numeral 51.
So you may guess that in the United States, where Area-51 is located, it can be decoded using Numerology to mean “Area-Gray” or “Gray Area”.
This is definitely “a topic that is not clearly one thing or the other”.
Because it can mean that there are actual Grey Alien Beings and / or their vehicles and technology being housed at Area-51…
Or, it can mean that there are very highly classified and top-secret,
human-made technologies and vehicles being housed and tested at Area-51.
All of the ideas and “theories” about crash-landed alien vehicles and alien
beings may simply be very carefully crafted public-relations campaigns.
This would be used as one of many types of psychological operations or “psy-ops”.
The reason for this is also “a concept or topic that is unclear“.
The bottom line is that it is indeed very interesting that the letters of
the word GRAY in the American English would add up to the numeral 51.
This is because of the fact that the most common Alien Beings we humans know of are known as “The Grays” or “The Greys”.
I suppose that they have been given that name because they are reported to have a skin color that is grey / gray.
So here we have a heavily guarded, Above Top-Secret, American Military Base that is not represented on any maps being known as “Area-51”.
Whoever came up with that name is a bit clever. Probably a Numerologist or
other Metaphysical Scientist who is familiar with Numerology.
It is definitely a fresh perspective that is worth taking note of.
don’t know much about numerology but have heard about area 51… an interesting read all the same…would like to know what’s really going on there