Covert Hypnosis Tactics: The Instant Hypnotist
The Instant Hypnotist
Covert Hypnosis Tactics
“If you’re going to do something, do something that matters” – REWORK
(Exercising Your Mind) Oprah Winfrey has a new chai tea in Starbucks I just noticed. She became a billionaire by doing stuff.
Apparently the stuff that she does has a very high perceived value in the society that we live in, at least to her sponsors and fans.
Products, services, and other valuable things are being exchanged for money.
Though everything is not all about money, financial gain is a great process to model general success and prosperity, because the idea is of mutual exchange.
Did you realize that by choosing what you write down is an action?
This is a physical activity. Something that you must do. It may not be kickboxing or yoga, but it is an act of participation.
So is actively choosing what you read.
You can choose what to say to others, and record audio things.
You can choose your behavior, and record video things.
Unless for some reason you are completely mad out of your mind.
So this is obvious that people who write, record, and publish things have a choice about what they are sharing.
And all the better if what you are reading, listening to or watching is an example of the type of life and success you desire in your experience.
If not, you will have to be very strong and come up with all of the stuff to read, listen to, and watch by yourself.
This is very possible of course.
And we should do it if we must, but the fact of the matter is that we do not have to.
Because we can get our hands on the stuff that people make to keep us at our best.
Even better than that, we can sometimes get around these people to model their behaviors and states of mind when we decide to continue being our best.
And these are our tactics. The things that we do. The actions we take.
As you may understand, tactics are actually hypnotic in and of themselves.
The stuff that is done in the world around us serve as example of how we are to model our behavior.
Depending what we choose to focus on and model will determine what we get out of life.
And so the real thing to develop here is a dominant thought about who and what it is that we wish to be and then go about editing our experiences to make our life.
This is what we are: EDITORS.
And what we do is EDITING.
It is as simple as this.
This does not mean that we should just have a reckless free-for-all just because we have free will; because we must decide what consequences or outcomes we wish to experience.
It is just like math.
Things either add, subtract, multiply or divide.
And obviously if you do in fact recall, who we are as how we present ourselves to the world through our behavior is hypnotic, just like we are hypnotized by our experiences.
It is not a matter of whether or not you can or can not be hypnotized.
Everyone is, regardless of what anyone misunderstands and teaches you, or lies to you about the matter. It does not change the fact that we are entirely responsible for our experiences.
We either decide to accept this, and empower ourselves by being the chief editors of our life-script and daily news magazines, or have others do the editing for us.
We either control our own minds, behaviors and lives, or someone else will.