What Do You Do When Your Lover Dies and Other Videos
When Your Lover Dies
What Do You Do?
“The real hero is already home because
she figured out a faster way to get things done.”
[NOTE] : The company that claimed my content would be safe with them apparently either lied, or just could not hold up their end of the bargain, so all of these videos are missing. But they do have some cool titles in the links that should have connected to them [END NOTE]
(Exercising Your Mind) On Monday, I accepted a challenge to shoot, and publish 30-videos in 7-days.
The subject matter is to be based on what I am learning from my teachers, coaches, mentors, and the tools I am using to create success in my life and business.
Because of that challenge, I have been mining some golden nuggets to share with you in these improvised presentations.
Here are 10 of those videos so far.
Ego Rectification, 3rd Party Edification, and Fast Implementation
The 7-Day Video Blitz Has Begun!
Setting Your Intention For 99.99% Success
Experience Success 99.99% Towards Your Goals by Setting Your Intentions and Focusing Your Resources.
Kick The System In The Butt And Break The Job Mind
Immerse yourself in successful information and actually apply it to succeed. You have to believe it will work for you.
Immerse YourSelf in a Successful Environment
Capoeira. Wheel Screw. Success. John Lavenia. Mike Hobbs. Empower Hour. Persistence.
What Do You Do When Your Lover Dies?
Hypnotic Communication Secrets inspired by John Rush, David Wood, Christine Snipes, the Loves Lost, and Hearts Broken.
Focusing Intentions On An Ocean Of Possibilities
The goal is to be at the beach; or wherever we wish to be, when we
desire to, how we like to be, with whoever we want to be with.
Putting Practice Into Action To Replace Procrastination
Sometimes a 7-day, 30-video blitz challenge is all you need to change your inertia.
The Bigger Picture For Fluid And Compelling Presentations
The practice of delivering improvised presentations in a fluid and
compelling manner opens up greater opportunities for those who are up to
the challenge.
Just Say No To Bugs And One Thousand Deals
It is easy to get distracted but more powerful to remain focused.
You Can Start To Be Great
“You don’t have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great.” – Jim Rohn