Brain Washing The Poison Out Of Your Mind
Out Of Your Mind
Brain Washing The Poison
“As a mark is not set up in order to be missed,
so neither is such a thing as natural evil produced in the World.”
– Epictetus
(Exercising Your Mind) There is a master key to creating the world of your desires through life-style design.
Most likely, there are many master-keys to unlocking magical personal revolutions of course, because not everyone who creates the massive results they desire, does it in the same way.
But there is a very particular process and specific method that is common among them all.
There are many things that we may have had success with such as athletics, music, hypnosis, metaphysics, mathematics, or whatever thing it is you do very well, and have success with.
That thing you do well, you excel in, and are recognized for.
And this is all fine and well; but what about your bank account?
You must understand, that this is the question I had to ask myself. Because I am very good at a lot of things, but a certain element was missing to take it to the level I desired.
And what I desire is to serve as many people as possible, with the highest possible quality imaginable, as efficiently as possible, in the area of personal development.
To achieve more with less waste.
No matter what vehicle I have chosen at the moment to deliver service to people, I would get to a certain point and be stuck, because of limiting the resources I had control of.
In this material world, in order for us to make the most of ourselves and do the best for other people, then we absolutely have to be rich.
I don’t say if you are content with being average, mediocre, and do not intend to be something like a super-hero that you need to be rich.
I am only insisting that those of us who really and truly wish to take over, and change the world must absolutely be rich.
Everyone else can remain where they are on the rat-race of commonality, and we will love you just the same.
Because what is good and right for one is not good and right for another.
What is true for you is true for you.
Wisdom Wins Over Common Sense
“Feed your mind constantly with compelling information, from people who are world class communicators, and who make more money than you, and who have a different level of success than you in your life.
Feed your mind constantly by people who are more successful than you, by people who get better results than you, by people who have magic in their lives.”
– David Wood
There is so much crap running in the background of our lives that is continually influencing our minds while we are unaware of this happening.
Our minds and brains are being soiled with the filth of the world around us.
And we need to be brain-washed.
Yes, I know that this word has so many negative vibes attached to it but I am compelling you to shake this off.
Just like the word manipulate means “to handle with skill and care“; propaganda just means “something spread far and wide“; these words have been stained because of context.
Content is what they actually mean and contain as their origin.
Context is the way that they are used.
But in the case of these words they have been misused.
So if your brain is stained, soiled, dirty and filthy with limitation, hopelessness, mediocrity, and anything that kills your dreams; then your brain needs to be washed.
You see how putting something in a certain context can change the meaning of it?
People say “Hakeem; you are out of your mind!” when they hear me speak or see the things that I produce and publish.
I thank them graciously.
Because I am out of my mind according to what is statistically most frequent. I prefer it to be this way.
Because those who would hope to change the world are not those who are common.
Common Sense
Really? Do you want for your sense to be common?
If so, keep the TV and the radio on all day, read the newspapers, cheesy online gossip, supermarket tabloids, and listen to your broke associates telling you how to succeed.
Keep the company of people who make you feel awesome because you are the greatest or smartest in the room if you want to maintain common sense.
Do the same things every single day, that have kept you stuck where you are, in situations and places that you don’t like or desire, if being common and having common sense is cool with you.
If you want to keep scratching around in the dirt with the foul and the chickens, then common sense is all you will need, I assure you.
When you allow this; don’t you dare complain about your life without actually doing something to make it change the way you demand it to be.
Wisdom Wins Over
But if you desire to soar above the storms with the eagles and the dragons, then you need to tap into the uncommon knowledge.
You need to make successful movements shared by successful examples so that you act yourself into a new way of thinking.
Of course you can succeed by accident if you just happen to be doing things in a Certain Way that lead to success.
But if you want to have success on purpose, then you need to do what all the people who are succeeding in massive ways in whatever they do, are doing.
You need to immerse yourself into an environment that will support, uplift, inspire, encourage and drive your power to succeed in the way that you want.
I have learned this from the people who I have chosen to guide me because they are free to go where they wish and do what they want while lifting up other people.
My teachers, coaches, mentors, and guides are not only millionaires and multimillionaires, but they are also happy, spend time with their families, and live magical lives.
Find The Cure For It
“Success starts from the inside out, not from the outside in.”
– David Sharpe
There is a way to have everything that you want.
You do not have to sacrifice riches and wealth for happiness.
You do not have to give up your mental and physical health to be wealthy and prosperous.
You do not have to sell your soul in order to make a fortune.
Those ideas are the poison that has soiled your brain, my brain, and anyone’s brains and minds who have believed all the nonsense connected to abundance and prosperity.
It is time to be out of your mind. To wash the poison out of your mind.
The poison causes the disease that holds us back from being healthy and whole. The poison sickens us and keeps us from the integrity that we know is the greatness of life.
But we have found the cure for it.
You just have to change what you are feeding your mind on a constant basis and wake up to this fact.
You have been asleep for far too long.
The worst thing you could be doing is taking advice and being influenced by people, environments and media that are stealing your souls and drinking your blood.
Those demons and vampires of the dead and evil realms that rob you of your success and murder your dreams.
Maybe you are just average and common. Just going along with the flow of the average and common world around you.
Not having your dreams stolen, yet no longer growing and learning and becoming better, and getting closer to empower yourself to design your life the way you desire.
Inner Circle Master Mind
But the best you can be doing, is tapping into the god-like being that is within you by first being the antidote to the poison by being alert and aware that changes must be made.
Then if you can not find the success that you want then you go out and make it.
And how do you make and create the life of your dreams?
You have to brain wash the poison out of your mind, by bathing in the wisdom of those who are succeeding in ways that you desire to, but have not yet.
You brain wash the poison out of your soul by showering in the rich and full knowledge of powerful leadership that gets the results that you desire until you get those results.
Do the things that have been proven by successful people to get successful results.
Don’t take my word for it.
This is the influence and words of super-successful leaders that I have chosen to light the way to being a world changer, game changer and life changer.
Are you content with having a dirty mind?
Or are you ready to clean up your act?
If you are ready to make one of the most empowering and life-changing, results proven decisions of your life, then click HERE now and find out more.
You really have to know what this is all about if you feel stuck and are looking for “The Secret” to your very own success and outstanding achievement.
So just click here now, enter you e mail for my exclusive inner circle master mind list, and get ready to learn more about becoming part of one of the most successful teams on Earth!
You Are The Secret.
I Believe In You
Believe In YourSelf.