The Absolute Truth About Hypnosis
About Hypnosis
The Absolute Truth
“But there’s not a phobia on earth that can’t be treated, conquered, controlled.”
– Dan Kennedy
(Exercising Your Mind) You really have to wake up right now. Chances are that you have been asleep for a very long time.[Every Monday Night Are You In?]
I can make this statement quite confidently because most people I meet and communicate with have no idea what hypnosis is.
I am also a graduate of America’s 1st Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy.
I have also been allowing myself to be hypnotized for over one year now so that I do know for sure that it does work.
Many who think that they know have actually been hypnotized with false information.
A lot of you believe that you can not be hypnotized.
A lot of you believe that you have not been hypnotized.
So many people think that “hypnosis does not work”.
People just as often say ” I don’t believe in hypnosis”.
This is very unfortunate. Because belief is actually one form of hypnosis.
To think, say, and behave in a way that expresses the idea that “I don’t believe in hypnosis”, is an hypnotic state that you have been put into a trance by hypnotic methods to believe.
The belief that “hypnosis does not work” is the same misuse of hypnosis that has you in the trance of belief that it does not work.
Believing that you can not be, and have not been hypnotized serve the same purpose to mislead you, and are both, in fact, hypnotic states!
Any of those ideas that you believe actually prove that you can be hypnotized, have been hypnotized, and that hypnosis does work. Because that belief is a hypnotic trance state.
Act And Be Rich
“If you can put yourself around successful people,
it’s just a matter of time before you can become successful“.
– Justin Verrengia; Inner Circle Audios
A little over one-year ago, I decided that it was time to earn more money from my online activity with blogging.I started the blog because I know that people can experience transformational outcomes by reading influential and authoritative information.
I know that if someone is reading what I write with the expectation of learning something, that they are being hypnotized by what they read, because expectation is hypnotic.
When you expect to learn something, you will learn something, even when you do not realize what you have learned. And learning is a powerful form of hypnosis.
Learning new information is in fact what hypnosis is.
Anything that changes or controls your behavior, by influencing your thoughts and beliefs, is hypnosis.
The most powerful form of hypnosis is when you support and empower what you have learned by acting on, or doing something about what you have learned.
This is what I know and understand as “physical hypnosis“.
It is based on the very real process of acting yourself into a new way of thinking.
Of course you begin with a burning desire while you Think and Grow Rich; but I also know from experience that it is most effective to Act and Be Rich!
The Hypnosis MasterMind
[Every Monday Night Are You In?]
I know this because I have been using a product that could be called Prosperity Hypnosis or The Hypnosis MasterMind.
I knew that I had to create my own business when I graduated from hypnosis school.
There are no jobs for hypnotists, even those who graduate from the best schools in the world; at least not in the United States where I live.
I did not enjoy or thrive in private practice as a clinical hypnotist because it is out of alignment with the ideas of success that I have.
I can do it on a limited and exclusive basis, but this does not allow me to serve as many people who want and need what I have to offer, and it also limits my income potential.
There are a lot of people who do quite well in that profession using the same skills that I have. But it was not something that would be sustainable for me.
I found a better way for myself. And I know it is a better way for many others who have a similar concept of success and worthy ideals as I do.
The Absolute Truth
“By thought, the thing you want is brought to you; by action you receive it.”
– Wallace D. Wattles
Because I knew that my mind had been influenced very heavily by ideas of limitation, poverty and failure; I set out on a mission to begin washing out the poison.
It started many years ago reading books in the self-help, personal development, new age, and business sections of various book stores.
This was an amazing start to recreating my belief system to bring me out of the type of thought-field that was holding me in a perspective that did not know I did not know.
I was unconscious that I was incompetent.
Then I became conscious of being incompetent.
I knew that I did not know,
As I studied with faith and persistence, I then begin to know more about what was possible.
Now I was conscious of my growing competence.
I began knowing what I knew.
But the real power and ability is what I am coming to know right now. That the best use of my knowledge is to apply it until it becomes a part of who I am.
By being humble and following the advice of people who know more than I do, and are experiencing the type of success that I really want and desire.
And as I act on this knowledge, my desire begins to turn into an absolute belief. Because now I am experiencing the success of applying knowledge of those who are teaching me.
At this point, I am acting out very successful attitudes through success generating behaviors without even the need to think about what I am doing!
I have finally reached the tipping-point where my unwanted, limited, poverty ideas and beliefs are being washed away and replaced by the mind-set of success, prosperity and wealth!
And right now, I am about to be a part of this same success, wealth and prosperity mind-set by getting on a call with the top-earners and leaders in my Empower Family!
Are you going to be sitting in front of the TV and then go about complaining why your life is not getting better?
Will you remain unconsciously incompetent?
Or are you ready to lock arms with me and fight the forces
of evil?
[Every Monday Night Are You In?]
You Are The Secret.