Hypnosis And Authority: The Science Of Influence
The Science Of Influence
Hypnosis And Authority
Take a few moments to really absorb the transformation you are about to experience. As you read this, you will begin to notice that you gain more confidence.
Go ahead and allow this change to occur. This is what you have come here for. Even though some of this may be familiar to you, my perspective is unique, and you will be transformed.
You will gain something different than another person reading this. The reason is also because of perspective. Continue to understand that it is because of your own unique perspective that you will have a completely unique and powerful transformation.
Authority As A Villain
It is a terrible feeling to be under the control of most so-called authorities. You may have a different experience with psychiatry, but my experiences with this industry are very disturbing.
My experiences with psychiatry remind me of the famous “Milgram Experiment”. In this experiment, Stanley Milgram demonstrated that Nazi Participants in the Holocaust were following orders primarily because of obedience to authority.
Basically, it was shown that something as simple as wearing special clothes was enough to influence people to violate their deepest core beliefs and values. This could be a uniform, insignias, rank, or in the case of the psychiatrist; a lab coat.
Special clothes by themselves are very suggestive and implants an energy of being submissive or somehow inferior to the person in plain clothes. Many people are easily influenced by special clothes because they act as a symbol. Symbols are pictures that are worth a thousand suggestive words.
But you are most likely already aware of how uncomfortable most authority is if you have a job and a boss you do not like. You may even feel a bit uneasy when you are around police officers even though you are not a criminally inclined person.
However, as all things, there is a productive and creative side to authority. Authority and the influence that comes with it can be and is definitely used for constructive purposes.
Authority As An Hypnotic Modality
One of the “Three Hypnotic Modalities for Belief System Enhancement” is known as Authority. By establishing authority, a Clinical Hypnotist is more easily able to enhance the belief system of their client because of their increased influence.
You already know how this is in your own life. You may change the tone, pitch and volume of your voice depending on who you are talking to. This can be on the pone or in person. There is always one person who takes an authoritative role.
Speaking Your Vision Through Voice
One of the secrets to commanding your highest emotions and also commanding authority is with your voice. Your voice can actually be just as effective as the suggestion of special clothes. Your voice can actually become like a symbol. This is especially when you are speaking a powerful vision.
By creating a clear, focused, confident and consistent vision, you are creating a picture or symbol in your mind. This picture, symbol and vision is much more powerful than words alone. This power can become laser focused when you speak your voice.
When speaking the truth about your life; when speaking your true story; by speaking about the true life you are living in fascinating fun, you automatically command authority.
What this means is that simply by living powerfully. By expanding your world and bending the Universe to your vision by going for what you really want, you will slowly and surely, and even sometimes instantly have a more commanding voice of authority.
The magnificent thing about all of this is that you can have the same effect in the reverse by starting with a powerful voice. This has no-thing to do with “fake it til you make it”.
What it means is being grateful for what you have and proud of where you are and allowing your gratitude and confidence be expressed through your voice. This is the command of the hypnotic suggestion. It is spoken with authority.
And when your vision and voice is spoken with authority, it has greater influence and power. So your key is to learn to listen to authority and become authority by example. You can then speak as an authority the more you learn and by doing this become a higher authority of your own life.
This is the ultimate goal of authority. To be in command of your own life and being in line with your own vision. You must clearly define what your vision is and confidently speak it as the truth with your voice and you will be heard.
You have all of the authority you require right now. Just use it for the greatest good and remain consistent with your truth. The authority you need is only to command your own life and not the life of another. It may at times appear as if you are commanding others, but this is only because of their less defined and clear vision.
Anytime you have a vision and focus that is more clear and confident than those around you, then you will automatically be the leader and the authority. Others will naturally follow because you know where you are going.
Of course you can be a villain who wears special clothes if you want to. But just know that you don’t have to. And if you are reading this I am sure that you have more noble and lofty ideals than to be wicked.
Instead, the most abundant and valuable tool you have as an authority is your voice. By designing your life to be one that creates value, a life that is fascinating and fun; you will instantly have an authentic voice that commands authority.
Be the best way, not the easy way. Create the highest, not the laziest. Life in peace and power, you have all that you need. There is a mind boggling life that is right before you, no matter where you are in life now, there is always room for improvement.
I Believe In You.
Believe In YourSelf.