Hypnosis And Networks: Peers And Their Spheres Of Persuasion
Peers And Their Spheres Of Persuasion
Hypnosis And Networks
While you are enjoying your reading of this and learning much, I encourage you to be ready for a surprise. Something like the quantum leap of an electron from a lower energy shell to a higher state of vibration.
Go ahead and allow the ideas that are good for you to actually become part of you. From the abundant wonders that you plant in your heart, so shall you speak this vision into the world.
Leap out of any shells that may have confined you and enjoy a higher state of awareness. You are more powerful than you may have ever imagined. How will you wield this power of persuasion? of course it will be for the benefit of all whom it effects.
There Were Giants In Those Days; And Also After That
By standing on the shoulders of giants I have learned to see quite far. Of those things that I have seen and then experienced for myself has been the persuasive power of peer group association. Simply meaning the influence that the people I hang out with might have on me.
What I learned from standing on those giant shoulders is that it is possible to become the sum total or average of the five to seven people that I spend most of my time with. So if I am spending time with a bunch of jerks and idiots, then I will be a jerk and an idiot.
On the other side of the moon, if I am creating time-space for matters with high energy people full of love, wonder, intelligence and joy; then I too will be a wonderful, loving, intelligent and joyful being.
It is possible and probable but does not always work out this way.
Please allow me to explore and explain.
Being A Master-Mind
Once upon a time I lived with a bunch of jerks and idiots. But I did not become a jerk and idiot. Instead, because of my powerful, clear and focused decision that was made to be wonderful, loving, intelligent and joyful, I was not imprisoned within their shell.
Not only did I not get trapped in a corner by their limited beliefs actions and results, but I even created something better. What happened was that they were all uplifted, inspired and radically transformed by my clear, focused and powerful decision.
You must understand that if there were not the seed of greatness in them already, it could not have been nourished by my clarity. I was not I who created the change. It is within you and everyone. Sometimes we just need to be given a reminder of the possibilities of what we really can be. To remember how truly beautiful we really are.
“To think health when surrounded by the appearances of disease, or to think riches when in the midst of poverty, requires power; but one who acquires this power becomes a MASTER MIND. They can conquer fate; they can have what they want.” – Wallace D. Wattles; The Science of Getting Rich
The Soul Of The Illuminati
There was a story I once heard about some animals who discovered the darkest place they had ever witnessed. It was so dark to them that nothing could be seen. So these animals went to the Sun and told the Sun about it.
The Sun did not believe them and went to search for this complete darkness. But it was never found by the Sun, for the Sun lights all things. When you bring a light into the darkness, the shadows flee. Because shadows are simply the absence of light and not a thing itself.
The Latin word for Sun is Sol. Sol is where we derive or get our word Soul from. The Soul give the body life just as the Sun gives life to the Earth. You have a Soul. Your body is the earth and your Soul is the Sun. It is the light.
All you must do is stop blocking out the Sun of your life and you will light up everything around you. You do this by making the decision to be free. Enlightened means the “light within”. Your Soul is within you. As you uncover it by throwing off the unknowing of this you are “one who is illumined”; you are Illuminati.
Peers, Spheres And Hypnosis
Darkness does not radiate but light does. The word radiate is derived from the Egyptian Sun God Ra or Re which is pronounced ray. When you can exclaim that “One day my Soul just opened up“, you radiate the light of your sun out to the world.
This is a decision you make and is very suggestive. Because all that you are in thought, behavior and results send signals and messages that are experienced by those around you. You can only be persuaded by those who are more clear in decision than you are.
Hypnosis is suggestion. And since we know that signals and messages in the form of thought, behavior and results are suggestions then we also know that who we are can be and is often hypnotic. But all hypnosis is self hypnosis, and we ourselves agree or disagree to allow a suggestion to become our own thoughts actions and results.
If you do not agree that all hypnosis is that which is created by yourself then you are agreeing to not be responsible. You are then not able to respond and instead react unconsciously to the more clear decisions that surround you. But you may also be reacting to what appears to be a more clear decision because you have not made your own.
It was not on my own that I uplifted, inspired, elevated and helped to radically transform those around me. I stood upon the shoulders of giants who’s light radiated as one thousand points of light into eternity.
I was physically around others who appeared to be a bunch of jerks and idiots. But my mind was immersed in the books, the audio recordings, the videos and the live events of those illumined souls who have already took the quantum leap from out of the shells of limitation and into higher states of being.
Let There Be Light
Wherever you are in life and no matter how you feel; there is always room for improvement. We can all be better than we were before. The journey of life and light is to always be expanding into the all good and the best. This is within us all.
We are all made of light. Atoms are held together by photons being tossed back and forth between them. We are the children of the super nova. Exploding stars, those cosmic Suns that have created our Sol-Ra system out of the ashes and dust.
The same power that creates planets, stars, galaxies and the Universe is within you waiting to be realized. Awaiting your awakening and illuminations. The moment you have been waiting for is here right now, your very own life. There is light within you; you are enlightened. Let there be light.
I Believe In You.
Believe In YourSelf.