Hypnosis And Trust: The Structure Of Relationships
The Structure Of Relationships
Hypnosis And Trust
You may ask yourself if you actually know the definition of trust, or do you just “feel” trust? Maybe your idea of trust may be found in common law definitions of the word. Trust may refer to how much you know and like someone.
It is possible that trust is the leading value in the structure of relationships you create with others. We can be sure that trust is important. But how important is trust? If we define trust as the reliance on the integrity of another person’s words and reliability, then trust is the ultimate element in any interaction.
Deep inside you know that this is the truth. Even if you have never thought of your definition of trust
you most certainly know when you feel it. Trust can often seem very
elusive to pin down as something certain to you in words, but you know
it emotionally.
Can Hypnosis Be Trusted?
The real question is: “Can your own senses and judgement be trusted?” As you understand hypnosis to be just a word that describes how we receive, process and represent information that we take in, or learning, you will then begin to experience more clarity.
Hypnosis can be best defined as “the suggestion of symbols, signals and messages to influence thoughts and actions that create specific, predetermined results.” Suggestion is anything that we perceive. This is the study of the effects that communication has on behavior. How we perceive suggestions is the key here.
What does hypnosis have to do with trust? Well, in the case of clinical hypnosis, or in any clinical setting there is certainly a very important element of trust that is necessary. In the example of allowing someone to guide you through a hypnotic state, the presence of trust is needed for the desired type of suggestibility.
I specify that it is the “desired type of suggestibility” because there are suggestions that are exchanged when trust is lowered or not present. The lack of trust is not beneficial in a clinical setting where someone is seeking a constructive, radical transformation for the best results possible.
In the case of personal and business relationships hypnosis and trust are almost identical. Many people are going to naturally be fascinated by who you are, just as you are. Some may regard you as an authority in certain areas of understanding and life. You may even just be a part of the trusted networks of a mutual contact and trust is granted in this way.
Trusting Suggestions
When another person knows and likes you then they are automatically suggestible to you. This is the way we humans work. It allows us to learn the traits of a person that are important in building lasting relationships more quickly. The little details that are necessary for bonding and friendship, or the distinctions that are valuable in business relationships.
All of our thoughts, actions and results are signals and messages that act as suggestions to others we interact with. When there is trust present, these suggestions are received differently than if there were no trust or if trust was lacking. You may think of trust as all or nothing.
You may notice in your own life that people you like tend to like, look fantastic. On the other hand, some people you do not like may appear ugly to you, even though others find them attractive
and beautiful. Trust, like many other intangible concepts, alters our perception to a great degree.
Our filters of perception are how we receive the symbols, signals, messages and suggestions coming to us from the world and people around us. So depending on how much we know, like and trust someone, a situation or an item, will determine how we perceive these people, places and things.
Everything Is Hypnosis
All healthy and highly functioning relationships are built on the reliance of trust. Communication and the sharing of ideas are best exchanged through interactions that feel safe and relaxed. The filters that are active in trusted interactions are different than those exchanges which lack trust.
The secret revealed in all of this is that we are all suggestible. This means we are all being hypnotized all of the time because all symbols, signals and messages are suggestions. All thoughts, actions and results are hypnotic. It all depends on how the information is being filtered and received that makes the difference in our understanding, processing and behavior.
Our whole lives are based upon the suggestions that we accept and reject. This is the reason why trust is so important. Because it will determine what information we allow to be accepted in certain areas of our consciousness and how the messages are specifically used.
Learning To Trust Yourself
If you cannot trust yourself, then you must be asking yourself: “Who can I trust?” And if you can not trust yourself, then why should you expect anyone else to trust you?
To make trust work best for ourselves and all whom we effect, we must begin with our character. Making our focus to be at every moment as mindful as possible is extremely valuable. But what is most important is what we are mindful of.
We can be present, aware and mindful of all of the dreadful, toxic, poisonous and negative things in life if we are simply taking in the suggestions from the majority of the environment by default. Fortunately, we may also exercise our Master-Minds and be present, aware and mindful of joyful, loving, nourishing and positive thoughts.
The negative mind filters the suggestions around us from a position of no-trust. The positive mind filters the suggestions around us from a position of all-trust. The more trusting you are, the more trustworthy you will be and the more you will be trusted by others.
You can not force others who are not trusting to be more trustworthy or try to make them trust you. This is an individual choice that comes down to the most simple decision ever. You must decide to trust yourself. And you serve yourself and the world best by being trustworthy. You are the most trustworthy when you are the most trusting.
To be trusting is to do trustful things and to have a trustworthy life. Being trusted puts you in a position of great power. Trust is authentic and fascinating. Trust is genuine and authoritative. Trust is the foundation of building networks of reliable associates and friends. Trust is hypnotic.
When you are able to trust yourself, this great power, fascination, authority and the influence that automatically springs from it will best serve all who are in the radiant sphere of your persuasive suggestions of being.
You know that you trust yourself when you are consistently making, clear, focused, confident decisions that create the most universally beneficial results for all. If you feel right now that you do not quite trust yourself as much as you like, this is OK. You know now that all you have to do is make the decision and start learning to trust yourself.