Hypnosis And Attraction: The Magnetism Of Mental Mojo
The Magnetism Of Mental Mojo
Hypnosis And Attraction
While you read this, take notice of the specific elements that are the most attractive to you.
It is important to understand what types of things activate your attraction.
When you are aware of your own attraction, then you begin to be most attractive.
Attraction is not only how someone physically appears.
Attraction is often times invisible just like the photons that are responsible for electromagnetic attraction.
It is an energetic frequency that we may not see, but we certainly know that we can feel it.
The attraction between people that leads to some kind of relationship can be business-based, friendship oriented, or romantically driven. But the result is always the same: Movement towards the person who is attractive for whatever reasons that may be.
Core Of The Invisible Magnets
You will find that there is a common theme being communicated about the ideas of hypnosis and the different elements of success. I am sure that you have already known what it is. And you will continue to find it repeated as you become more successful.
The core of anything and of a person or group is what is inside. This is not necessarily a physical location but rather the overall character of who an individual or group really is all about.
It is the central idea and energetic radiation that is expressed from “within”.
Most people make attempts to attract others by putting on things to make-up for what they feel they are missing.
This is why cosmetics are referred to as make-up. It is also that the person applying cosmetics is attempting to make-up a symbol, signal or suggestion that is not real.
There is however a much different reality or royalty of the situation. It is that when you are focused on personal development of your character from within, you do not have to make up for what is missing.
When you build a royal or real core, you do not have to make up a story because you are actually a true source of attraction.
Short Circuits And Blown Fuses
There are actually shortcuts to becoming a successful core of attraction. It is not what many people think though.
Too many of you reading this are probably searching for some type of magic button or red pill to take that will launch you out of the matrix you feel stuck inside of.
But consider yourself to be very fortunate indeed.
Because if you are still reading this, then you are at this very moment beginning to enhance your personal development.
By continuing forward with your burning desire to become your best, you are already becoming much more attractive.
Blown Fuses
Some people have already blown their fuse and are angry and wounded because the truth really does hurt.
Some people would rather be “correct” more than they desire to be successful and magnetic.
It is at this point that they quit and retreat back into an imprisoned life. They choose to take the blue pill and collapse back into the fold of the matrix.
But this is not you.
Because if you are still reading this now then you have discovered a way to short circuit the long route to creating more powerful attraction to yourself.
The secret of powerful attraction is found by accumulating lots of wisdom from experience. It does not matter if you do not always get the desired result.
But if you learn something and improve because of it, then, you have actually succeeded.
Short Circuit
And here is they key to unlock this treasure of attraction.
When you focus on learning from all of your experiences, even if you “fail”, then all of your so-called “failures” are instantly transformed into successes – because you have learned something that will help move you forward.
And the Master-Key is that you can learn from the failures, learning experiences and successes of others who have gone before you!
You can model their path and use it as a plan and blueprint for your own desired success.
How is that for a short circuit?
And this way you will not blow a fuse in disappointment due to impatiently expecting a result that is not firmly based on a plan that really works.
Secrets Of Hypnotic Attraction
All of the incoming messages, signals, information and symbols that you perceive are some type of suggestion.
Suggestion is the foundation of hypnosis.
The other factor is the agreements that you make with thee suggestions. You have filters of this information based on how much you trust the information and the source of the message.
You may have conditioned yourself to trust messages that falls into a weak and needy disposition, or information that builds an authentic, powerful character.
The secret of hypnotic attraction depends on you deciding to accept the suggestions that will build authentic power while rejecting weakness and neediness.
Hypnosis is a formless neutral element that responds directly to the nature of
how it is guided and directed.
You can learn to be weak or powerful. You can hypnotize yourself into weakness or into power.
Learning and hypnosis are the same thing.
You can learn how to do anything that anyone else has done and even more which has not yet been done. The real power of attraction is how you decide to learn.
By searching for and accepting information that develops an authentic and powerful character is the secret of instant attraction.
Authenticity and Power are extremely attractive.
By developing supreme, absolute confidence, you become just like the most powerful magnet is to the attraction of iron.
Mental Mojo
Your power of attraction will be impossible to resist to anyone who is also seeking to be more successful and attractive. You will be repulsive to the haters and people who are seeking power and success in unethical ways.
Those types are really needy and weak. You should be glad to repel them.
Simply being who you are is suggestive and hypnotic.
Because you know this, the only ethical and responsible vision and mission you can have in life is to be the best that you can be.
There is no need for competition as an authentic powerful being.
You must build, work, dream and create the greatest that you can be. The instant that you royally (really) dedicate yourself to this path of vibrant, personal development, you immediately send out waves of powerful attraction.
It is in this state of being that your power of hypnotic attraction is most beneficial to all who it effects.
If you are going to be suggestive anyway, why not send out the suggestion that others can be all that they have ever dreamed of?
I can see through to the depths of your illumined soul with eyes of belief.
You may not have ever stood before me but I know of the greatness that is within you.
Set your power of attraction in action right now.
Begin by being, doing and having the life of your dreams.
This is the master key and secret to creating the change in the world you want to live in.
Be that change.
I Believe In You.
Believe In YourSelf.