Experience Calm And Relaxation In Five Minutes (Hypnotic Audio)
(Hypnotic Audio)
Experience Calm And Relaxation In Five Minutes
* * * ~ ! ! ! You can crash and die if you are driving and attempt to listen to this. This hypnotic suggestion exercise is to assist with calm and relaxation which may be deep and profound for some. Please Hypnotize Responsibly. ! ! !~ * * *
It is a great idea to read this transcript before listening to the >[AUDIO]< as it will act as a primer and warm you up for the most effective calm and relaxation possible with this >[AUDIO]<
This will even work if you listen to the >[AUDIO]< at a much later time because the reading of it will be stored in memory, ready to have the information repeated to your subconscious mind with the >[AUDIO]< for maximum benefit.
Experience relaxation instead of tension and flow from anxiety into calm.
You can experience relaxation instead of tension and flow from anxiety into calm.
Sometimes you feel tension like your muscles being tightened, like your jaw being clenched; but you can move and you can flow from that tightened, tensed, clenched feeling into one that is more calm and relaxed.
One where you feel loose, free, warm, comforted.
You can experience relaxation instead of tension and flow from anxiety into calm
Just use everything that you have around you to help you remove any tension and replace it with relaxation.
You can flow from anxiety to calm.
Sometimes taking a long deep breath in….. and gently letting it flow out….. and doing that… breathing in…. and gently letting it flow out….. several times;
maybe just three times breathing in….. and then exhaling that long breath is enough to help you experience relaxation instead of tension and flow from anxiety into calm.
Are you understanding how this works?
Can you feel yourself relaxing?
Can you see how this is bringing light to the situation?
How does it sound to you?
To feel more calm and relaxed? To feel more calm and relaxed…
To be more calm and relaxed. To experience relaxation. To experience calm.
Breathing in and breathing out.
You are experiencing relaxation instead of tension
and flowing from anxiety into calm.
The more you allow yourself to see, to feel, to hear, to taste, to smell, to live relaxation and calm; the more relaxed and calm you will be.
Think about all of those wonderful relaxing and calm experiences you’ve had and allow them to gently fill every part of your being.
Relaxed and calm.
You’re being calm and relaxed, You are being calm and relaxed.
You are calm and relaxed. You’re allowing yourself to remain calm and relaxed.
Experiencing relaxation and calm. Experiencing relaxation and calm
Calm and relaxed.
Be calm and relaxed by listening to the >[AUDIO]<