Invitation to the Certified HypnoAthletics Practitioner (CHAP) Training
By Hakeem Alexander
(Exercising Your Mind)
“Without health life is not life; it is only a state of languor and suffering -an image of death” – Buddha
- Seeking heightened awareness, focus, concentration and performance?
- Care about reversing the “obesity epidemic”?
- Would you like to do something about the current “economic crises”?
- What about turbo-charging your energy throughout the day?
- Want to strengthen, sculpt and tone your body?
- How about all this while feeling calm, cheerful and relaxed?
Being a Certified HypnoAthletics Practitioner will empower you to answer these questions and take action!
Make a big difference while making a great living! Experience and share the latest and most useful advances in Hypnotherapy, Nutrition, Fitness, Self-Defense and 1st-Aid.
With these exciting and practical skills delivered in simple, readily available one-on-one and multi-media formats, you will definitely feel inspired to pay it forward.
Next to the already existing Food, Medicine, Personal Computer, and the upcoming Travel and Nano-technology sectors, the “Wellness Industry” is the next “Trillion-Dollar a year Industry” according to Best-Selling Author and Economist Paul Zane Pilzer.
Do you think you could benefit from changing your life, looking good, and feeling good with a portion of this Trillion?!
With the empowering knowledge earned as a Certified HypnoAthetics Practitioner (C.H.A.P.), you will be supremely confident in providing a service that truly “benefits all whom it effects”.
You will also have the experience to Create, Archive, Market and Publish (C.A.M.P.) unique health and wellness products with which to enrich yourself while enriching others!
You can create a thriving home-based, Self-Employed business or other enterprise “with excessive cash flow that serves a purpose greater than money“, as Financial Author and Educator Robert Kyosaki says.
In my yearning for health, success, happiness and prosperity, I have followed many diverse paths before realizing I could seemlessly integrate them.
I have streamlined them into the C.H.A.P. program so you don’t have to pay and play as I did to learn these diverse skills. Some of the formal training I did was as follows:
- 720 hours/1 yr/ $6,000.00 at Hypnosis Motivation Institute “Americs’s 1st Nationally Accredited College of Hypnotherapy
- 80 hours and $600.00 Personal Fitness Trainer Certification = Nationally Academy of Sports Medicine
- 24.5 hours and $310.00 for Red Cross CPR,1st-Aid & AED Instructor Certification
- 816 hours participation in and teaching Yoga at Bodies in Motion
- 820 hours participation and teaching Mat Pilates at Bodies in Motion
- 250 hours Public Relations Internship at Levine Communications Office
- Winner of 30+ Boxing and Submission Bouts of Off the Wall Promotions Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
- 2.5 years of independ research, writing and consulting as a HypnoAthletics Practitioner
Health is Wealth in every sense of the words as I understand them. I realized this when many people who have earned lots of money began paying me so that they could improve their health.
I began to get a glimpse of health as wealth when I was living in my car without much money, but still felt vital and free to move about easily due to my exceptional physical health.
My perspective about riches and wealth transformed when I watched affluent people gagging down dozens of prescriptions, shuffling about their large homes, and struggling to pry their overweight bodies from their luxury cars.
It must be clear that I respect the value of money and understand it to be a necessary tool in living a full and satisfying life. Material riches are important to me for my basic needs as well as the comforts and pleasures of life.
I also respect the people who I have observed, and have had the honor to guide into self-empowerment for their personal wellness. Regardless of how much or how little money you have at your command, I ask you:
-Is your existence an image of life and vitality; or of suffering and death?
Because no matter how much money you have, is it enjoyable when you are ill or when your heart aches?
Which is it that you want?
Do you want suffering until death? -Or, do you favor joy and vitality during a long and prosperous life?
I choose a long, joyful and prosperous life. It is also one of my greatest goals to share this experience of abundant wellness with you. I know it is a realistic goal to achieve and maintain a fortune, and the health of your body, mind and spirit.
HypnoAthletics is an action-philosophy of “Exercising Your Mind“. It is a comprehensive practice of “Healthy-Living and Self-Defense”. HypnoAthletics is rooted in Ancient-Wisdom and New-Thought. These are physical and Metaphysical practices that have been taught and practiced in many forms all over the world.
The Hypno, or mental part is called Heuristic-Philology, which is “Personal Development Through the Love of Learning“. It is exactly how it reads and sounds.
I love to learn, and because of this I have developed myself and others profoundly through Personal Exploration Topics(PETs). When you too are properly and sufficiently motivated to learn about being wealthy through health, you will certainly achieve both.
The Athletics part is called KappaGuerra; “The Only War to Wage is Within“. It rhymes with and is largely based on Capoeira, the African-Brasilian Martial-Art that incorporates music, dance, acrobatics, discourse and camaraderie.
As a physical system of techniques, KappaGuerra introduces practitioners to Athletic & Sports Performance, Enhancement, Conditioning Training (A.S.P.E.C.T.).
Training to be a Certified HypnoAthletics Practitioner you will explore:
- Hypnotherapy for Motivation, Relaxation and Mental-Wellness.
- The application of Ayeurvedic and Orthomolecular Nutrition.
- Optimum Fitness with Yoga, Pilates, Resistance and Endurance Training.
- Confidence in the life-saving techniques of 1st-Aid and CPR.
- Self-Defense tactics of Capoeira, Boxing, Wrestling and Armed-Combat.
If you are motivated to learn or love to learn; if you understand that change comes from within; if you believe that you can be the change you want to see in the world; then now is the time to be well and make some money while you share your wellness. As a Certified HypnoAthletics Practitioner, you have the opportunity to be a dynamo in the emerging “Wellness Revolution”.
Call me, send me and e-mail, or stop by one of my fitness classses to find out how you can be a part of this life-changing and life-saving experience, that may be one of the most exciting and insightful experiences you’ve ever had. I am ready and available to prepare you to meet your goals!