Becoming Super-Human through Toxin Elimination and Nutrition
(Exercising Your Mind) The great Brasilian Jiu-Jitsu GrandMaster Helio Gracie, who passed this year at a very strong, active and alert age of 95, has often been heard saying that disease enters through the mouth.
Also, according to the makers of the Soladay Toothbrushes, “World renowned heart surgeon and medical researcher, Dr. Reinhardt Voll reports that 80% of all illness can be traced to the mouth, what you put in it, how well you keep it clean, and the chemicals or products you use to do so.”
These are tremendous words of wisdom, and may be expanded upon to speculate some causes of disease to be remedied for better health.
My experience shows that as a first action to be healthy and vibrant is NOT to add more to our systems to achieve health, but simply to eliminate the poisons entering from the outside, through food and the environment.
The next step, if necessary is to then rebuild using natural supplementation, not synthetic pharmaceuticals. This is because the imperfect science behind creating these synthetic technologies and products are the very reasons for our toxic overload in the first place.
We must create a new, and cleaner supply of agricultural, industrial and environmental products by demanding better quality. The way we do this is by recognizing through personal experimentation, the differences in quality of certain food, household products and the like. By choosing to purchase the better for us products and ingredients, we send a message for the supply of these to increase.
When we take a simple step such as this we come closer to cleaning up our environment, and thereby improving the quality of our life experience and allowing our bodies, and minds to evolve to the maximum and optimum functioning possible.
There is a popular D.C. Comic Book character named Super-Man. Whenever he is exposed to a radio-active fragment of his home planet Krypton, which is called Kryptonite, he becomes weak, mortal, falls ill, and if he does not get away from it, he will die.
A few year ago, I watched a supplementary video to the books 8 Weeks to Optimal Health and Spontaneous Healing by Dr. Andrew Weil. In the video, Dr. Weil relates a story that was told to him by another physician. It was about a river that was full of life until a paper making factory was situated and operating on the riverbank and began polluting it with the chemicals from the factory.
Eventually most, if not all of the life in the river died off. Then, later on, the paper plant closed shop, or for whatever reasons moved on, leaving the dead river behind. However, since the river was no longer being poisoned, it eventually revitalized itself.
Dr. Weil compared the human body and its health to the river, and I agree. I am also taking it a step further and comparing the toxins on our planet to Kryptonite, and we humans to Super-Man.
In the case of the river and of Super-Man, it is obvious that there is a toxic situation, but most people are totally unaware of the way they are being slowly poisoned by the foods and products they trust and use every day.
There is a whole lot of debate over whether or not the so-called organic foods, and certain nutritional supplements have any benefits beyond conventionally produced foods or not using supplementation.
I have created simple elimination diet experiments called Food Awareness Subjective Testing (F.A.S.T), published previously here, and used them myself to determine the truth of these situations for myself. Basically, I discovered that organic foods are less toxic than conventionally produced foods, and that using nutritional supplements such as herbs, vitamins and minerals, do have therapeutic and healing qualities. I feel and function like a Super-Human!
Unfortunately, most people are living in a state of diminished health and consider it to be normal, because most others around them generally experience the same quality of health.
At the same time, this unawareness remains because these same folks have no Super-Human experience to contrast with their current limited experience of existence. This can be changed and understood, once again, through personal experimentation with products created using different methods and processes.
When Super-Man was on his home planet Krypton, he and the other inhabitants were all mortal, as we are on Earth, because of the environment of Krypton and its red sun.
With us humans, it is our man-made toxic environment that keeps us from being Super-Human.
In one of my favorite cartoons growing up called the ThunderCats, there were a group of villains from the Moons of Plundar called the Lunattacks. Three of theses Lunattacks have special abilities that are noticeable when they go to Earth where the environments are not as demanding as their places of origin.
One is from an ice moon and she is called Chilla. Because of her cold origin, she can spit ice and survive extreme cold environments.
Next there is Red Eye who comes from a dark moon. He can see in the dark through infra-red vision.
Another one called Tug-Mug, comes from a moon with very powerful gravity and has very strong legs and can jump very high on 3rd Earth where the gravity is not nearly so strong.
In all of these sci-fi examples there is a very relevant truth regarding human health and vitality.
I theorize that if we could visit a planet identical to Earth as far as the composition of its plant-life, minerals, and atmosphere, water content etc., without any inhabitants polluting it, we would probably go into shock. If we had any dis-eases, we would rapidly begin to heal, and then go on to experience Super-Human abilities in contrast to what we experience here on our polluted Earth.
However, since it may be a long way off before we leave for another Earth-like world, we must take steps now to demand a cleaner environment by choosing the highest quality foods and products that we can find.
Super-Man’s incredible strength and other powers are fueled and supplemented by the yellow sun of our solar system. Similarly, every cell of our bodies are dependent for optimum health on vitamin-D produced when we are exposed to adequate amounts of sunlight.
Perhaps through this type of natural sun exposure and supplementation with vitamin-D and other nutrients when necessary, we may all find ourselves feeling and functioning our natural and Super-Human best!
This is something that has always fascinated me, we are a product of our environment, there is so much potential in our bodies that is held back by our toxic environment and largely uneventful lifestyles (people sitting watching tv all day and night).
Every person is exposed to toxic metals to some degree. The retention of these toxic metals, however, is dependent upon the individual’s susceptability. The balance of the protective nutrient minerals within the body in relation to the heavy metals can frequently be the determining factor to this susceptibility. As an example, the accumulation of lead will have a more detrimental effect upon body chemistry when sufficient levels of calcium and iron are not available. By examining the toxic metal levels in relation to the protective minerals, the extent to which the heavy metals may be involved in abnormal chemistry can frequently be seen.
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Thank you!
I admit, I have not been on this webpage in a long time… however it was another joy to see It is such an important topic and ignored by so many, even professionals and even when i thought i was an avid reader hehe. I thank you to help making people more aware of possible issues. Great stuff as usual
You got some golden health tips here. You are right, toxin elimination is a very important process for our health but how many of us actually realize that? I admit I can barely find time to eat twice a day, how can I handle a detox program?
So inspiring and encouraging! Helpful to see that we are not doomed by the self destruction of our human family. Thank you for teaching that through simple actions, the miracles of the universe may heal us and take us to new heights!