Placing One Parent in Nursing Care: What to Know
You come to an impasse when one parent requires nursing care and the other one doesn’t. However, when you take the time to find the right nursing home and consider your other parent in the process, relocating one parent may not be as difficult. These tips presented by Exercising Your Mind can help you get started.
Know for Certain Your Parent Needs Nursing Care
Is your mother or father remembering to take their medication every day? Does your loved one bathe and complete other routine hygiene practices with little assistance? If not, it might be a sign that your parent needs a bit of assistance. You should also consider your other parent. Are they troubled because their partner is struggling?
Find an Option That Works for Your Budget
Before you begin looking, know your parents’ budget. Think about how much they’ll receive if they sell their home. Consider any available stock market investments and savings accounts, as well. Just make sure that there is enough money retained for your other parent to live. Then, once you start researching facilities in the area, be sure to ask questions and check reviews. Keep your parents as involved in the process as possible.
Coping with Stressful Decisions
Finding a nursing care facility for a parent can be an incredibly stressful experience. There are many factors to consider and the process of searching for the right place can take weeks or even months. To cope with this stress, it’s important to remember that small steps add up. Learning how to use controlled breathing, enjoy the benefits of meditation, keep track of your priorities, and make informed decisions can all help you navigate this challenging time.
Have a Plan for Your Parents’ Home
Talk to your other parent. Are they set on staying at home, or do they feel the responsibilities will be too overwhelming? Smarty Cents notes that you could choose to rent their home to have a steady income each month for both parents to live. On the other hand, you may want to sell so there are sufficient funds to afford a retirement village or nursing care.
Prepare the Home for the Market
If you opt to sell the house to pay for one parent’s nursing home care, note that it’s often beneficial to make a few updates and fixes, enhancing the property’s value. For instance, if there’s a cracked window or leaking pipe, have it repaired first. A house that needs even small repairs is often overlooked by prospective buyers. Additionally, upgrades like new counters and a bathtub can be profitable.
Help Your Other Parent Downsize
Downsizing can be an emotional process for your parent. Many items have a story, and it’s difficult to part with those memories. Hold their hand emotionally and literally as they sort through their possessions. Don’t argue when they want to keep items that remind them of their partner. Encourage them to toss or donate items they haven’t used in a while and won’t use in the near future.
Bulky items or abundant items that hold sentimental value can be challenging to part with, but sometimes it’s sufficient to take photos and make an album or photo collage of meaningful items. Another option is to retain one or a few of something, such as collectibles. Select a favourite or two to savour and sell or give away the others.
Consider Both Parents’ Needs During This Transition
This can be an especially challenging journey. It’s important for all of you to take these stressful choices one step at a time. Above all, consider the needs of both your ma’ and da’ when one needs to transition to a care facility. With loving consideration and support, you can find the solutions that make sense for each of you.
Exercising Your Mind is your best source for information on meditation, metaphysical hypnosis, and lucid dreaming. Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out!
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