What the BLEEP is happening to the Health, Wellness, and Personal-Development Movement?
By Hakeem Alexander
(Exercising Your Mind) Since 2007, I have been watching and learning from the re-released “Quantum Edition” of the wonderful film “What the Bleep Do We Know“.
It is a fantastic inspirational and educational movie blending scientific and spiritual concepts in a rational and organized way.
However, I am deeply concerned about the author of the fabulous book “Molecules of Emotion“.
I am not sure why she is very overweight and a facilitator of psychoneuroimmunology, a science that studies the mind-body connection and disease.
It may be that she has a disease, but I am not quite sure if that is the case and not her bad habits.
This woman is a neuroscientist and a pharmacologist who talks about healing people of their addictions amongst other accomplishments.
She discovered the opiate receptor in humans in the year 1972.
Yet in the film she is sipping on one of the most dangerous, health-threatening products known to man – a diet soda.
Many diet soft-drinks are made with artificial sweeteners that are not only addictive, but are also highly-toxic neurotoxins and excitotoxins.
You would think that with her credentials and training she would know better, not to mention that her drinking of this beverage on an educational film and her status is like a subconscious thumbs-up for viewers and fans of this hit film to go out and load up on poison-pop!
We all have the ability to be holistic, highly functioning in all areas of human existence from the mundane like breathing, sleeping, and our processes of elimination, without settling for less than being masters of ourselves and of life.
And the more constructive such as Religion, Art and Science, socializing and sex, can all be exciting adventures. But for too many, this is somehow not the reality, and it must be addressed.
The following prosaic analysis is meant to be direct. Some people might find it offensive because it is the nude truth as I recognize it.
I am not making fun of anyone or intentionally belittling anything for the sake of demoralizing others. This should be a wake-up call.
I have spoken to a lot of so-called gurus, philosophers, religious people, spiritual leaders and personal development visionaries.
Although some of what I hear seems to be practical wisdom that can be applied to everyday living, most of it is a bunch of bullbleep.
If you don’t understand that slang term, it means nonsense. Stinky piles of moronic sludge.
It is pathetic and shameful.
And I am not here to sugar coat this travesty any longer.
I will be flowing about different types of institutions. However, I will focus on a key theme of reference to illustrate my quarrel. Yes quarrel. As in being anti-something. Antagonistic.
Because the situation is grotesque and the systems in place are failures.
So, what is the theme?
It is personal and public health. Specifically how unhealthy and fat so many people are allowing themselves to grow.
Many of my family members are fat.
And because of being fat they struggle with back injuries, allergies, nutritional deficiencies and addictions.
I love my family.
But a lot of their habits and that of many other people are ignorant if not just plain stupid.
So many people spend hours putting on make-up, shopping for expensive customized perfumes, designer clothes, shoes, mani-pedis, hair-styles and cars.
All with the hope or goal to feel better about themselves, to “treat” themselves, to attract mates or to fit in socially.
It would appear that there is no connection to the fact that if these same folks would take a small amount of time out of each day to investigate the source of their food, really eat rationally and exercise, the beauty and attractiveness would be almost effortless in comparison.
Instead most are living a cruel lie.
A deception to yourselves and others. It is like Halloween. All you are doing is playing dress-up and pretending to be beautiful.
Healthy is beautiful.
Nature designs us that way.
If you are fit and healthy, and I mean nutritionally healthy as well as physically fit; none of these disguises would be necessary. At least not to the tragic extent it is in the present form.
“But Hakeem, beauty comes from within.”
Love is beautiful my friends, and Love is within.
Really love yourself and you will take care of yourself physically, energetically, mentally, intuitively and spiritually.
I love myself and have made the choice to be the best that I can at whatever I do, and so I am, on all planes of existence.
And I know there is always room for improvement.
Regardless of my mistakes and past hardships I choose to thrive instead of just survive. In my opinion, anything else is an excuse, a lie, or a joke.
What kind of God do you pray to?
What type of science are you conducting?
What kind of medicine are you practicing?
What sort of “try this and it will make you better at whatever” type of bleep is being sold, that is leading so many people’s bodies and minds to be so degenerated?
For example, if I see a fat, cigarette-smoking, soda-pop guzzling seminar or church leader rattling off about how his or her religion, philosophy, book or other product will make me feel better, guide me to salvation, or you fill in the blank benefit, I’d think deeply before I buy it.
Literally and figuratively.
And you probably should too. But many of you are, vainly hoping, idly wishing for things to get easier.
Is it my fault metaphysicans?
Did I create a world where I am of an endangered species, surrounded by zombie-like masses of sick people?
Is this my own hell?
Is that what this is?
Am I in hell?
Nope. Because I feel pretty great.
I can do things with my body and my thoughts that most people can’t even dream about.
And the ones who can dream about their own greatness just sit around hoping, wishing, and vainly visualizing, trying to “attract” happiness, health, wealth and success instead of getting up and getting it.
And how do I get up and get what I desire?
My guideline is to succeed while only engaging in transactions that benefit all whom I effect.
Part of that is making aware whomever may need the wake-up.
The stuff I hear so many gurus say is “well that person or group is just on their own path, following their destiny; it’s not their time yet.” -Bullbleep!
I will not even attempt to calculate how many churches, schools, seminars and other institutions I have completely immersed myself in looking for the answers to help relieve me of former suffering, where people are being fed all kinds of supposedly helpful garbage.
How the practitioners of “this and that” will find happiness, health, success and wealth.
Yet even after years of listening to this bleep, the folks on the receiving end are still depressed, unhealthy, angry and fat.
Is it because we are immortal souls, and that this physical body is just some kind of temporary container, that I am just supposed to pray, hum, meditate and chant my way to salvation, enlightenment, or bliss?
To the detriment and degradation of my vessel?
The body that so many of these supposed masters label a divine temple?
I know from my research as a hypnotist, and life experience as an Earthling, that there are all sorts of chronic indoctrinations that leads to rampant, wasteful consumerism.
There is a lot of “Madison Avenue” brainwashing no doubt.
I recognize this crap all the time. O.K, so there’s adolescent and teen experimentation with sex, drugs, and rock n roll.
But that’s no excuse. Get over it.
How can people still think that binge-drinking, smoking tobacco and overeating anything, let alone fast-junk-food be the least bit O.K.?
When does it end?
I know it has nothing to do with maturity from age because I see people of all ages from adolescents to senior adults still partaking in this anti-biotic (life-destroying) behavior.
I have patiently listened to all kinds of crappy excuses and lame defenses like: “You gotta live a little”, or, “I just like to let go sometimes”, or “I don’t want to be a canary in a cage”, or ” I don’t want to be fanatical about my health”, and other similar idiocy.
Is it too much to read a book or a label?
How hard is it to pick up a dictionary?
Turn off the T.V.? -What about being mindful or paying attention to your body’s signs and signals?
Are you people so far removed from logic and reality that you’ll just listen to any old bleep that the newsmen and the clergy, doctors and scientists pronounce?
Even when it is failing to produce results on the immediate realm of your existence, the body in which thou dwellest?
Yes I have done drugs like LSD, MDMA, pharmaceutical downers, and other garbage, like binge-drinking and tobacco, along with tons of weed.
But at some point, many years ago, the experiment was over. Human trials terminated.
No more bullbleep.
How can you call that living or having fun?
Are you not feeling what this trash does to your body?
Is the brainwashing that powerful? Is the addiction so compelling?
What the bleep, man?
You know what?
I pray, chant, meditate, and creatively visualize my bleep off. But I still find time to take care of the physical body that I am in the here and now living with.
“Oh, but Hakeem, you’re a trainer, you chose fitness as a career and lifestyle.”
Yes, I have. But guess what?
There are more fat, out of shape, garbage eating, mindless fitness teachers, and health industry leaders than I am comfortable with.
It is a bunch of malarkey.
It is embarrassing to the definition of what the health and wellness movement is supposed to be about. Just plain hypocrisy.
What kind of scientist, doctor, religious figure, journalist, teacher or leader of any group are you, who does not self research the truth about, for example, irradiated food, filled with nano-particles and genetically engineered, pesticide ridden, man-made poisons?
Cuz that’s what they are; poison. I mean, really.
What the deuce is going on around here?
Is everybody that deep asleep?!
And I have a Secret to tell you about $10,000.00 sweat lodge retreats:
(1) Use natural breatheable materials for its construction, not plastic and blankets.
(2) Do not “vision-quest” for 3-days in the hot-bleepin‘ desert without food before going into your home-made sauna.
(3) People are not sardines and should not be so tightly packed fifty or more in a space fit for twenty.
(4) No matter if you have had 10 or more years experience or not leading sweat-lodge retreats, if people become hysterical and start trying to grab flaming rocks, begin vomiting, ask you to leave, or pass out; please let them out of the 120 degree easy bake coven.
This type of insane, sadistic, masochistic, physical torment is not cleansing or purging, and our Native brothers did not do it this way.
For your body-temple this is not so good!
Please understand this.
We live in a physical body.
It is from this point of reference that we strive for whatever it is that we hope to attain.
I know it is much more productive to progress towards these desired fulfillments when my body is able to almost effortlessly support my endeavors.
Simple things like walking up-hills, stairs, or just on the street. Sitting, getting up, standing.
Imagine these fundamental actions being easy, as they should be.
Is it not logical to suppose that all other human achievements would flow more gracefully from there?
Even sitting and breathing, reading, piloting space-craft, Mars-missions, looking through microscopes, telescopes, and just living.
Real living.
But I guess I am assuming that you want to live a joyful, or at least somewhat productive life, where there is more love, understanding, compassion and kindness than hatred, confusion, indifference and anger on a war-torn planet.
I pray for us all.