Blue Armstrong: Inspired by Neil Armstrong – A Pioneer in Space Exploration.
(Exercising Your Mind) I am a fan of this mathematics and NUMEROLOGY and only document this to show how awesome human endeavor can be. NOT as a “CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORY“.
Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon on July 20th 1969, followed closely by Buzz Aldren.
Neil Armstrong’s Birth-Date is August 5th (8+5=13); 1930 (1+9+3+0=13) – 2 x 13 or 13=13=26; 2+6=8.
Eight is the numeral vibration resonating with POWER, MONEY and FAME, according to Gerie Bauer’s book “Numerology for Beginners”.
Armstrong was born under the Zodiac Sign LEO with the Heart of the Lion being the star REGULUS; and died under VIRGO (8-25-2012).
Born the KING and in mortal life, his death now reborn as the Virgin.
Interestingly I have researched that Virgo is actually the first Zodiac Sign and Leo is the last.
Neil Armstrong died August 25th, 8+25=33; 33 is a MASTER NUMBER in NUMEROLOGY and he was also a MASTER MASON of the 33rd-degree, who is photographed placing the 33rd-degree SUPREME COUNCIL Flag, Southern Jurisdiction on the MOON; which was later presented to Luther A. Smith, “The Sovereign Grand Commander” of the Scottish Rite, FREEMASONS.
-paraphrased from The John F. Kennedy Space Center website
Some supporting information and photos that confirm the 33rd-degree Masonic connections may be found in Richard C. Hoagland’s and Mike Bara’s 2009 edition of their book ” DARK MISSION: the secret history of NASA”, as well a many other historical documents and resources. It is not a secret.
The year 2012= 5 as 2+0+1+2=5. Remember that Armstrong died on August 25 and 8+5=33. 33+5=38; 3+8=11 which is another MASTER NUMBER in NUMEROLOGY.
Remember that the ship he co-piloted and landed on the Moon was the Apollo-11 Mission.
Besides the fact that Neil Armstrong’s burial was today August 31st 2012, and it is a not so common FULL BLUE MOON, 8-31-2012=44, as 8+31=39 and 39+5= 44.
Separating the birth month and date is a common ritual practice in Numerology.
Forty-Four is the HIGHEST MASTER NUMBER in NUMEROLOGY and therefore, today is a fitting day and MOON to celebrate the completion of life for the man, the master, who first walked on the MOON.
NOTE: A BLUE MOON is not a reference to the apparent color of the moon, but to the fact that two (2), one-hundred percent FULL MOONS are seen in one month, which rarely occurs . August of 2012 showed two full moons. August 1st AND August 31st. The second one being the BLUE MOON.
“44 stands for strength and complete mental control over one’s life while on EARTH” According to Faith Javane’s and Dusty Bunker’s 1979 book “Numerology and the Divine Triangle”.
Synchronicity Foot-Notes:
(1) I am a VIRGO by birth. Today is a 54/9 day for me today (9-17-2011 + 8 + 25 = 54), which according to Javane and Bunker (et al) vibrates with the key words “Vigilance, messages, secrets“… “You may receive news or messages that demand your energy.” I am certainly dealing energetically with some really awesome messages that are “secrets” to some others who may not be so enthusiastic about MetaPhysics, and specifically the Science of Numerology or Mystical Math for sure.
(2) My great friend and musician, who has the MASTER NUMBER 22, from his birth day and month, and whom I met when he was 22 years old, just got his driver’s permit today. He happens to have met someone today through a mutual friend named APOLLO.
(3) An awesome high school friend of mine messaged me to remind me tonight, after seeing one of my online posts regarding the Mater Numeral 33, that “33 is my number man” their number is 33 by way of the birth day and month. I do recall this ever since high school and have a powerful connection to them for many reasons.
The full name of this person calculates to 157 or 1+5+7 = 13/4 if I do not reduce the double digit numbers. The letter N for example is a 14. Remember Armstrong has double 13’s to equal 26. Another calculation with a reduced N to a 5 shows their 4 being derived from a 22/4. It is interesting they decided to point this out when I do not otherwise receive very much online correspondence from them and the resulting calculations made.
(4) And Joe Lewis, born March 7th 1944, martial arts legend who I have admired and respected for many years, passed away today from brain cancer; A Blue-Moon indeed.
As I was reviewing The Universe television series by the History Channel, I noticed that the production company flashed at the end credits as Flight 33 Productions for the History Channel which can be found at the website
“White Sands Launch Complex 33 is where the Nazis were brought over after WW2 under Project Paperclip and inaugurated America’s space program. Note: there is only one launch complex in the vicinity.”
“The number 33 and its variants also have an unusual significance in our space program. 33 seems to pop up everywhere, like the landing sight of the Mars Pathfinder on “Horus the Red at 19.5o N by 33o W. The one and only launch pad at the White Sands Missile range where Werner Von Braun and his Nazi co-horts ran the post war V-2 tests was launch pad 33. The landing strip at Kennedy Space Center in Florida where the shuttle lands is runway 33. And on and on. The number is of course the top level of the Masonic Scottish Rite, which so many astronauts and executives in NASA’s history are members of.
So the symbolism of “Horus” launching from pad 333 (which just happens to be 3,300 km from Giza) is fairly obvious. But as usual, it gets better.”
see more on
I am sure I missed a few things and will be updating this when I do discover, or someone shares with me the missing gaps.
An extremely fascinating article, Numerology is an incredible thing