The Weight-Loss Challenge – Exercising Your Mind and Body for Weight-Management and Fitness
By Hakeem Alexander
(Exercising Your Mind) Using the Science of Hypnosis as a consultant and in a therapeutic setting for fitness and body-weight management, I have re-discovered a key language tool that may be very helpful for accelerating weight reduction, or other similar fitness improvement goals.
This tool is re-writing, re-scripting or re-programming.
This essay is about re-writing our script, or changing our self-talk in order to allow success to thrive.
It will briefly address the Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Theories of Mind.
Maybe for you, reading this essay is the beginning of this re-scripting process.
To begin with, I believe that the terms “weight-loss” and “lose weight” should be discarded from anyone’s lexicon or library of terms, if they desire to reduce the unwanted fat weight or other unhealthy body weight.
One may also want to remove these terms if they do not wish to eventually add unhealthy weight to their bodies.
The reason for this is simple: We usually refer to things as being lost when what we are referring to as lost was desired to begin with!
You lose jewelry, money, a job, your keys, your socks, your favorite whatever. – But you get rid of, or throw away, -not LOSE something that you DO NOT want.
While we might think consciously that we are talking of something beneficial to us, we are actually speaking in a way that counters most of our awareness regarding loss.
In theory, I trust this should be simple enough to understand.
However, it is very challenging to practice, because almost everyone uses the term “lose-weight” or “weight-loss” when speaking about changing their body weight or becoming more lean and fit.
Even fitness professionals, and others who are in the service and business of helping others become more fit use this term.
I have personally reduced my body-weight by 25 to 30 pounds, and have been able to keep my body-weight where I desire it to be by making this simple, yet challenging, linguistic correction.
It is a very subtle, and almost too simple of a psychological strategy for many of us to accept as effective, and adopt as a behavioral modification or change.
However, I am quite certain that this small change in the way we think about weight-control, weight-management, weight-reduction, body-sculpting, fitness etc., is a major factor in allowing one to more confidently and successfully re-create their physical being when used consistently with understanding and conviction.
Our subconscious is much more powerful than our conscious will alone.
So when we tell ourselves something consciously while having unconscious conflict, the subconscious will win almost every time.
We have spent most of our lives programming the idea, symbols and words related to loss in a certain way.
The concept of loss is ancient.
We have a very powerful connection, and deep understanding of what loss is.
We DO NOT want to or like to lose things or people.
It is very uncomfortable.
It is even irrational at some times, because we all know of someone who has refused to let go of a loved one who has died.
No matter how improbable or irrational it may be, many people suffer because they refuse to “let go” of a loved one who has passed away.
Some people even go so far as to wish and pray and beg that the deceased will return.
This is how uncomfortable, and powerful the idea of loss really is.
Loss is profoundly subconscious, and deeply anchored as an undesirable incident, state, or condition in our lives.
When we are convinced, coerced, or forced to give something up, even when it may be good for us, like giving up an addiction; we fight the loss.
It is like being robbed when we are made to give up something we do not want to.
When something is stolen from us, the feeling of loss is often many times greater than if we ourselves had been careless with our prized possessions.
This hypothesis can lead to the understanding that this is much like what the most powerful part of our mind perceives when told on a conscious level to “lose-weight”.
It feels like it is being robbed of the weight, and therefore strongly desires to get it back!
On a conscious level you may be truly wanting to reduce your body weight, but your very literal subconscious mind thinks you are robbing yourself, and secretly works against you to find and reclaim what was stolen; or lost.
Your own subconscious mind may actually hide many of its activities from you and keep these actions, and processes away from your awareness.
This is why you do not know that your very own mind is acting against your conscious will, to undo all of the work you have been carrying out to get the fat off, and keep yourself fit.
There may be another compartment of that already mysterious subconscious mind called the “unconscious“, where our inner-workings go on without us being, well, conscious of them.
We do not usually experience every beat of our hearts, each blink of our eyes, every swallow, each level of digestion; and most of us are not aware of our dreams, and most of our sleep.
If we had to be aware of all of these things at once, we might be too distracted to do anything else and may even -LOSE our minds!
And as we know about loss, we DO NOT wish to lose our minds.
Our minds are also one of those very valuable things, intangible or not, that we very much want to, and need to keep.
All of this speculating I trust, should be sufficient to demonstrate that we would probably be much better of using terms like: weight-control, weight-management, weight-reduction, body-sculpting, fitness etc., when we are doing our best to remove unhealthy body-weight.
By using these terms, we are being more definite, and therefore less-conflicting about our relationship to the weight we are dealing with.
By removing this very powerful conflict, we allow a more successful type of suggestion, or script, to re-program our bodies for our desired fitness gains and weight-management goals.
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