Hypnosis And Business: Inside The Mind Of Money
Inside The Mind Of Money
Hypnosis And Business
There is an intelligent way to give that has nothing to do with making yourself poor or to be without that which you need in the process.
You can give your cake and eat it too.
Money actually has no mind. It is you that has a mind. At least you have the ability to use the mind if not actually possessing it.
Even if you consider that there is but one mind, which mind is God, and is perfect, being the only mind there is; money is still mindless.
It is you that has the ability to use the one mind that we are all a part of.
This is what it means to be inside the mind of money. To realize that you have full responsibility over what it is that you experience in life.
This does not only mean money. But it is good to talk about money and the mind of it. Because the mind of money is really your own mind.
And you must use your mind just like you use money. You must invest wisely in your mind just as you must invest your money wisely.
Otherwise you may “lose your mind” and also lose your money.
Thought Leaders And Thought Control
But that is the problem. Let us discuss the solution. The answer to the riddle inside the mind of money is investment in applied and actionable knowledge which is wisdom.
These are not the ideas and original musings of myself. I follow the lead of many successful women and men who know how to wisely invest in themselves.
The blind should not lead the blind. The dumb should not lead the dumb.
So instead my suggestion is to look up those who earn money in a way that is compatible with your soul.
Maybe Oprah Winfrey, Tracey Walker, Dan Kennedy, Loral Langemeir, Sally Hogshead, David Sharpe, Mike Dillard, Bill Glazer, Brian Tracey and others you might know of who you trust and admire because of their work.
This is exactly what I do. And if you do not recognize those names then maybe it is tie you did a little more investing in your mind.
What you put into your mind is the metaphysical chemistry of your thoughts. It is the hypnotic elixir of the subconscious throne within your temple of being.
Electro-Magnetic Money Machines
When you focus on and study poverty then this is what you will get because of your worry and concern over it. It stick in the visions of your mind and makes nightmares of dreams.
When you focus on wealth then this is what you will get because of your joy and comfort about it. It lingers in the theater of your mind and brings your dreams into life.
The way that you think about money is the way that money will think about you. Because you are the mind of money. You are inside the mind of money.
If you think that money is the root of all evil, then money will think of you as the root of all evil and flee from you as a rabbit flees from a wolf.
But when you think of money as a helpful friend that can help you to serve others better and to be able to give more to the world around you, then love is attracted to you.
At once you must give up the desperation and need of money; for it is neediness and desperation that repels money just like a desperate would be lover.
Be within Supreme Absolute Confidence instead, and work on investing in yourself to create a true and fully developed character.
Then all of the money that you could ever want will find you.
The Law Of Mutual Exchange
But did you know that money is not just in currency, coin and cash?
I have so many things gifted and given to me that I need simply because of the output that is the way of my life. Because I live for love and the creation of value.
And you may not always see a return on investment from those that you serve. But you will always receive in kind that which you give.
Your inflow will equal your outflow. Yet you must create a way for you to be able to receive the inflow when it comes to you or else it will be blocked.
A canoe cannot sail an elephant made of gold to the shores of your life to enrich you. The canoe is the wrong vehicle, just as most jobs or occupations might be.
Instead you would use a ocean freight liner or a massive barge that will support your mountain of diamonds. This would be your entrepreneur or business vehicle.
Yet it may not matter. Because anything is possible wherever you are. Youmust only be ready to receive and know that you can take all that you can make good with.
There is eternal wealth waiting for us all. For the Universal supply is forever going on to make more of that which we can make use of when we are ready to receive.
And it all begins in the mind of money. It is your own mind. Hypnosis And Business works just the same as hypnosis and anything else.
You must look for and immerse yourself in all that there is in the successful earning, saving and investing of your spiritual and financial resources.
Total Independence And Freedom From The Matrix
I do not have a job an yet I attract money to me. I know that it is not as much yet as before I quit my job. But yet my life is lived so much better because I live as one who is wealthy.
Because I know that it is not about “How Much Money I Make”.
The real deal is “How I Make My Money”.
The way that I am creating an empire that is rising is by building a business while having a great life. I am able to do great things for other people.
And I do not always have to be present if I do not want to. My business runs on the so-called “auto-pilot” that so many gurus claim to be able to teach yo to do.
It is because I am doing what I love and the money is following me. It is stalking me and magnetically attracted to me like planets are to their main sequence star.
Everything happens for a reason. And the reason I am able to attract and earn money in the way that I do with total and absolute control of my time is simple.
It is because I have looked for and discovered teachers like David Sharpe who are showing me the way through their distant mentoring.
It is because I let go of my impoverished ego and allowed myself to be coached and taught by others who are living a purpose driven life of success in love and money.
I succeed simply because I am following in the footsteps of the successful. I am standing upon the shoulders of giants and so I have a far reaching vision.
And this is the key to Hypnosis And Business. The secret of being Inside The Mind Of Money. You must accept responsibility for your own mind.
Then you will know absolutely that you must accept responsibility for the creation, attraction, accumulation and spreading of wealth, riches and money.
It begins with the giving of the best of you. And there is always room for improvement. So that the better you become, the better you can give.
The more wisely you invest in yourself by seeking, finding and immersing yourself in the gifts of knowledge and wisdom, the more value you can give to the world.
And then you just give and give and give and give.
And make yourself ready and available to receive all that you can possibly receive and make the best use of for yourself and the world that you are part of.
There is an intelligent way to give that has nothing to do with making yourself poor or to be without that which you need in the process.
You can give your cake and eat it too. You must understand that it is you in the drivers seat of all of the mind that there is within and all around you.
Hypnosis And Business is the formation of a new way of thinking. You must find the way that you want and if you can not find it then you must make it.
To be Inside The Mind of Money is to be in command of your own mind and to develop it by investing in it by reading about, listening to and associating with authentic leaders.
Hypnosis And Business is waking up to a world of possibility and stretching yourself beyond where you may have been before. bring your dreams into life right now!