Covert Hypnosis Strategies: The Instant Hypnotist
The Instant Hypnotist
Covert Hypnosis Strategies
“When you take action to solve a problem, you take power away from the problem, and you gain power” – Dan Kennedy
(Exercising Your Mind) I remain persistent towards the ever evolving purposes that I have set out to experience in my life.
This experience is no less than the liberation of myself, and any body that wants to come along from all slavery systems.
You can tell if you are a slave if you are a complaining and whining person about your life and circumstances, rather than taking action to create something better.
You can tell if you are a slave, if you hate your job, but do it anyway just because “it pays the bills”, yet still you do not make yourself more valuable enough to move on and do better.
You are a slave indeed, anytime you are unhappy or feeling trapped in any type of situation, and instead of making a new way, you just settle for the familiar pain, and remain in chains.
And it is one thing to be a slave and know that you are.
It is another thing to do something about it.
Because you can know all that you want, but without taking action to free yourself, you are still in a slave system, and even worse off because now you know.
Maybe this is the reason for the saying “ignorance is bliss“.
I would agree that it must be a sort of bliss to not know you are a slave, no matter how trapped you feel, compared to knowing that you are, and not doing a thing about it.
One of the main reasons that a lot of us may actually know about our enslavement, and not do anything about it, is because we do not know what to do or where to begin.
The first place to start as soon as you realize and admit that you are a slave, is to quit all the whining and complaining about it.
That sort of stuff is weakness to your spirit and severely damages your Self-Talk and Social Speech through a destructive misuse of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
So empower yourself instead.
It is one thing to feel sorry for myself about the disease, and another thing to find and use the cure for it.
Using the cure to eliminate the disease is the actual tactics. I will get to that.
But first we have to begin with a well thought out strategy to find the right cure.
The strategy is the art, science, and skill of making, and putting to work the plans to achieve the goals that we desire.
So we have to start with a plan.
Begin by observing what it is that you are unhappy with, and were complaining about.
Now you know for sure what it is that you do not want.
Because you were complaining about it.
It could be something as simple as taking a course so that you are more valuable and deserving of a promotion at your current job.
Maybe you do something to increase your value to find and get a new and better job. One that you have always wanted, that you really love, and pays better.
For some of us, this is not enough. We may want to leave the job world behind and create our own business venture as entrepreneurs, business owners, and maybe even investors.
Whatever it is for you, there is a basic strategy outline that we can all follow to move on.
- Know What You Want
- Know Why You Want What You Want
- Know How Much Of What You Want
- Know What You Are Going To Give To Get What You Want
- Know When You Will Have What You Want
- Write All OF These Things Down
- Read These Things When You Wake Up And Before You Go To Sleep
When you follow this outline, which I studied, adopted, practiced,
adapted, and teach from Think and Grow Rich, your strategy will be ready
to put into action.
Covert Hypnosis
“Any person who is educated is one who has learned to get whatever he wants in life without violating the rights of others.” – Napoleon Hill
Notice that I did not tell you that I came up with the outline for the strategies myself.
This is because I firmly believe in, and have now had the experience of success with following the advice of those who know how to succeed in certain things more than me.
Not people who know just how to repeat good advice, but people who have success that is a current reality in the way that I desire to succeed.
They are doing it right now.
So that when you fill your subconscious mind with information that comes from an empowered perspective; from confident people who know where they are going, you are also empowered and confident as long as you stay connected to that source.
By aligning yourself with the same ideas and the same tools that successful people are thinking and using, you set a powerful intention that aims all of your resources.
The Instant Hypnotist
“The normal desire for increased wealth is not an evil or reprehensible thing; it is simply the desire for more abundant life; it is aspiration.
And because it is the deepest instinct of their natures, all men ans women are attracted to him who can give them more of the means of life.” – Wallace D. Wattles
You have to set goals to aim yourself in the direction of success that you desire.
Yet sometimes it feels so difficult to do this.
I know for a fact it is, because I have a lot of difficulty setting goals and go forward to getting what I want for myself.
But there is an almost magical strategy that I have found to be able to aim myself in the right direction, which is freakin’ brilliant and so darn simple.
Think about what I am about to release here. Focus really carefully on what I am about to share with you right now.
Practice and repetition are the mothers of all skill and perfection.
And if you want skill and perfection, you have to practice this very specific type of repetition of intention, so that you are aimed in the direction of your desired success.
It is a very humble practice that we must make part of our behavior.
I do this every single day, and it is the fuel to the fire of my desire that keeps me going.
Because I am willing to learn and better myself.
Even if you think you do, I bet that you don”t know everything.
You listen to feed back and training in order to evolve and grow.
But they have to be the right tools, training, and plans to get where you want to go.
You do not have to struggle figuring things out all by yourself.
But just like I had to be, you have to be humble, listen and get to work.
And you can instantly change the course of your personal and business life by doing this. It is the master key to Neuro-Linguistic Programming in practice.
You want to be able to use the things and serve the people that you want to be able to get the most out of life?
The you need to be hypnotic.
And you will hypnotize everyone around you just like you always have been doing.
Only when you apply this strategy in the same way that the millionaire earners and successful life leaders do, you change what you are hypnotizing people with.
Because you are already hypnotizing people just like you are already being hypnotized.
The difference is what you are allowing yourself to be hypnotized by. This drives your Self-Talk…
And your Self-Talk fuels your Social Speech, which is how you are hypnotizing other people, along with your general attitude and behaviors.
I realized that humility is strength and that it is my heart that matters. I had to be willing to learn and adapt to what is really working.
- Read These Things When You Wake Up And Before You Go To Sleep
You can also LISTEN when you wake up and before you go to sleep.
So that when your motivation is lacking a bit, you can borrow from the success of others.
So when you don’t believe in yourself, you can listen to those who do believe in you.
It can feel very alone going towards success by yourself.
But you don’t have to be alone.
I know because I am not alone anymore even when I felt like no one cared.
When I felt like everyone abandoned me for having the crazy idea that I could succeed.
Because when I wake up, I listen to these inspiring and powerful leaders.
Before I go to sleep, i listen to these motivational and wealthy pioneers.
I do this because the truth is that I really want for you to succeed in the way that you have always dreamed of succeeding.
There is nothing better than watching the people I love step into the dreams that they have always wanted.
And I can only do this if I point you in the right direction.
Not by asking you to follow me.
But by showing you who I have been humble enough to follow and get my successful strategies from.Because I know what the secret really is…
You Are The Secret.
I Believe In You
Believe In YourSelf.