
HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, KappaGuerra, Metaphysics, UniquilibriuM

Contacting S.P.A.C.E. on H.A.L.O. – Delta Experiments

In dreams I can manipulate or control the “physics” of my environment in radical ways. I am also a bit more “militant”. While HALO-Delta is a Research and Development branch of my dream concept, I have created a more militarized concept. This is known as S.P.A.C.E., the Sentience Protection Agency & Cosmic Embassy.

Athletics, HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, KappaGuerra, Metaphysics, OrthoMolecular, UniquilibriuM

HypnoAthletics EpiGenetic Engineering

It is also motivating that what I am creating may be shared with others who might benefit from my eccentricities. In this way I am giving back to a world and people who have given me so much all of my life, especially the love and support I get from my family and friends. Being motivated effects the subconscious mind which in turn, enhances our success in self-improvement.

Athletics, KappaGuerra

Capoeira Contemporanea: Salvaging Combat Effectiveness from a Badly Organized Circus with KappaGuerra

if you learn how to remain in striking range as Anderson Silva did, while being
deft enough to evade Forrest Griffin’s (your opponent’s) attack, a-la a very
advanced Ali-like “rope-a-dope”, all while maintaining the positioning to
deliver “killing-strikes” of your own, you then have an effective martial arts
tool. …

Athletics, Events and Premieres, KappaGuerra, Metaphysics

Malicioso: Applying Nestor Capoeira’s Wisdom in Analysis of Personal Capoeira Conflicts

I am also pretty sure that Don and his then girlfriend, now wife, never donated
that $300.00 dollars to their Mestre and Capoeira  Academy, as I requested
as part of our agreement. If this is the case, I wonder how their Mestre
would feel about this theft-in-fact. But the Universe moves in her own way, and
malicia” is a beautiful creature …

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