
Athletics, HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, KappaGuerra, Metaphysics, OrthoMolecular, UniquilibriuM

HypnoAthletics EpiGenetic Engineering

It is also motivating that what I am creating may be shared with others who might benefit from my eccentricities. In this way I am giving back to a world and people who have given me so much all of my life, especially the love and support I get from my family and friends. Being motivated effects the subconscious mind which in turn, enhances our success in self-improvement.

HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis

Sleep Awareness Week: HypnoAthletics – Therapeutic Hypnosis as Sleep-Aid for Insomnia

To benefit the most from hypnosis as a sleep-aid, I have found two primary objectives that are most important. The first is to induce a trance, or guide you into an attentive, highly focused state of mind, where you are absorbed with the ideas being suggested for better sleep. The second is to enhance your responsiveness to suggestions and encouraging expectation and belief that positive changes will be realized.

HypnoAthletics, OrthoMolecular

Sleep Awareness Week: OrthoMolecular HypnoAthletics

If we integrate the MedScape News data, and the data from PubMed, we can come to the conclusion that “unhealthy diets may directly cause sleep problems”. Adding the NeuroScience CME data that “Sleep disorders may cause… diminished quality of life”, we should be able to confidently determine that healthy eating habits will improve your quality of life.

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