The Hypnotic Power Of A Clear Intention
A Clear Intention
Is Hypnotic Power
“Do not act as if thou were going to live ten thousand years. Death hangs over thee. While thou livest, while it is in thy power, be good.” – Marcus Aurelius
(Exercising Your Mind) You have great power and success when you set a clear intention. This is because a clear intention cuts through all of the fog around you like a sharp breeze.
There is a very specific reason why a clear intention has hypnotic power for you.
It is the simple fact that most other people around you have no clear intentions, or do not have any intention at all.
By the simple fact that you set a clear intention, you have a very significant advantage over others around you with only the effort it takes to set a clear intention.
This is not meant to suggest that setting a clear intention is easy for everyone.
It may be easy for some people.
The fact is that it is very simple.
When you really want something, the next step is just to truly intend to take the actions necessary to experience what you want so much.
You will know if you really want something when it is all you can think about without being distracted.
Being distracted is a sign that other things are significant enough to you to draw your attention away from what you want.
But when what you want is truly a primary goal that has the highest priority, it will be all you can think about, and sometimes you will actually remember dreaming about it.
And when you have a clear intention while others do not, they will be easily distracted by you.
A lot of people are very easily distracted by, and focus a lot of attention on me wherever I go.
This is not because I am particularly handsome, flashy, noisy or attention grabbing.
It is because on a subconscious level they are lead by my clear intention.
it is something that other people sense just beneath their awareness.
And this is very hypnotizing to them.
You are like a lighthouse in the fog.
Your intention sets a clear path for them where there was not one before.
You become like a light within the darkness.
Because when other people do not know where to go or where they are going, they will follow you since you have a clear path that can be followed where there was not one for them before.
You can do whatever you like with this type of hypnotic power.
I personally think it is the best to set clear intentions that will benefit all who are effected.
Because if you are going to be so powerfully hypnotic by setting a clear intention, it is a really good idea to lead others to an empowered place where they can also become more clear and focused.
And this is the ultimate purpose of establishing a clear intention.
It serves as a guide to clear away the confusion that others may have around them in their lives.
By making the decision to be clear with what you intend to do with your life, you are also helping others to be empowered by the decision to be clear with what the intend for their own lives.
And this certainly makes for a better world for everyone.
What will you do with your hypnotic power?
How will you change the world with your power of intention?