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(Exercising Your MindWhat is Hypoglycemia?

Hypoglycemia is a carbohydrate (carb) metabolism defect in that the blood glucose levels reach far below the normal level.

Low Blood Sugar(LBS) takes place when there is an insufficient amount of sugar to supply the energy needed for the body, its organs and the cells that make them up.

Glucose is a very important brain fuel and low levels may result in many central nervous system disorders. Many people experiencing this may be diagnosed with some pretty serious psychiatric and / or medical conditions. When the body is deprived of sugar it cannot function properly.

It is well worth your time if you experience some of the symptoms below to check this out before any more serious and expensive measures are taken.

What Causes Hypoglycemia?

Drugs, alcohol, poor eating habits consisting of too many refined carbohydrates and insufficient protein are common denominators.

These are a great formula for hypoglycemia, they get absorbed quickly into the bloodstream because they require little digestion and the result is an unstable blood sugar level.

Sugar is not the dietary evil that most food faddist would have you believe-when in its natural unprocessed form, but too much of it as with anything over consumed may have great consequence.

Sugar should be consumed as a complex carbohydrate as it is found in starchy vegetables and fruit, or in its raw form.

A diet high in refined carbs is the main cause for LBS and unfortunately, we livinging in America eat foods that are very processed such as coffee, soda and sugar.

Too much insulin is secreted by the pancreas in the case of sugary foods and the blood sugar drops. The cycle perpetuates when folks attempt to re-up zapped energy from the insulin in the brain with more sugary foods.

Hypoglycemic tendencies can also develop during pregnancy or can be inherited from one or both parents.

The mother will draw upon the adrenal glands of the child during gestation if she has low blood sugar and this contributes to the child being prone to hypoglycemia.

However, physical and emotional stress are also common causes, especially when it is consistent and of considerable duration.

Some of the symptoms of hypoglycemia are as follows:

1. Irritability, depression, nervousness, anxiety
2. Decreased ability to cope
3. Chronic fatigue or weakness, especially in the morning
4. Inability to lose or gain weight
5. Feelings of panic or loss control
6. Headaches
7. Confusion or forgetfulness
8. Difficulty concentrating
9. Difficulty controlling temper and emotions
10. Insomnia, nightmares
11. Tremors and cold sweats
12. Heart palpitation
13. Addictions to coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs
14. Cravings for sweets and pastries
15. Allergies, asthma
16. Dizzy spells, loss of balance, vertigo
17. Convulsions
18. Blurred vision
19. Itching or crawling sensations of the of the skin
20. Loss of libido
21. Nausea
22. Muscular pains, leg cramping
23. Gastrointestinal distress
24. Phobias
25. Symptoms of paranoia
26. Nervous breakdown
27. Suicidal ideation

The extreme reactions manifest usually after long periods of hypoglycemia, but some may take place after long periods without food such as after sleeping, or after intaking foods with a high sugar content.

The symptoms of hypoglycemia are caused by the sustained stress it produces, causing food and chemical allergies, asthma, chronic yeast infections, confusion, chronic fatigue, weakness, visual disturbances, headaches, mood swings, anxiety and other emotional problems.

Most people do not know that low-blood sugar is responsible and neither do medical professionals in most cases.

Some consequences of this are that people have been thought to be incapable of rational thinking and subsequently institutionalized.

Sadly, most tests fail to detect it, although the six-hour Glucose Tolerance Test sometimes given to diabetics is revealing of the condition.

Natural And Effective Cupping Treatment


Most hypoglycemics have been recommended to eat high protein diets to combat their energy issues; that is not entirely accurate (what really is?).

While the meat-protein eaten takes up to seven hours to leave the body and even longer for its amino acids to be broken down to usable energy, a complex carbohydrate like fruit will have the effect of being digested in thirty minutes and raising the blood sugar after the glucose enters the blood stream to the body and brain.

So the theorized and proposed solution is to consume more complex carbohydrates; avoid simple sugars which lack B-vitamins needed to most beneficially metabolize sugar into energy; eat vegatable protein like hemp-seed, flax, grains, jerasulam artichokes which provide time released energy; and finally animal proteins which are last on the list to overcome this condition.

When experimenting with this dietary change you should allow anywhere between 2 weeks to 2 months in order to feel results that will last.

Source: Dr. John G. Kappas
Professional Hypnotism Manual; Fourth Edition 2001 paperback

Dr. Gary Null
The Encyclopedia of Natural Healing, 2005

Total Nutrition: The Only Guide You’ll Ever Need – From The Mount Sinai School Of Medicine: Victor Herbert,Genell J. Subak-Sharpe, M.S, Tracy Stoppler Kasden, M.S., R.D.-1995, St. Martin’s Griffen

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