Selected comments from L. Ron Hubbard on Hypnosis
(Exercising Your Mind) It is very interesting to study these excerpts after having completed a one year program of Clinical Hypnotherapy. Studying them within the full context may reveal much more. Even so, just contemplating on these presented here may stump even the most seasoned Hypnotist.
“Dianetics: the Modern Science of Mental Health”; 1999 paperback edition.
Page 75
Hypnotism is a laboratory tool. It is not used to any extent in Dianetic therapy, but has served as a means of examining the mind and getting its reactions.
Page 77
…hypnotism is just another tool, a tool which is of only occasional use in Dianetics and is, indeed, not needed at all. (Contradicts page 75?)
Hypnotism is a wild variable. It is dangerous and belongs in the parlor in the same way you would want an atom bomb there. – LRH
page 88
The analogy between hypnotism and aberration plays out well. Hypnotism plants by positive suggestion one or another form of insanity. It is usually a temporary planting, but sometimes the suggestion will not “lift” in a way desirable to the hypnotist.
page 125
And none of these hypnotic tests should be performed until one has finished reading this book and knows how to get rid of suggestions; for hypnosis, as practiced, is strictly live-fuse stuff and the hypnotist who is unacquainted with Dianetics has no more idea how to get rid of a suggestion he has made than he has of how to peel an atom.
“Science of Survival”; 2001 hardcover edition
page 186
The hypnotist who plants suggestions to the effect that one must treat one’s fellow man kindly is actually driving his client down toward apathy.
Page 199-200
Hypnotism is the entering of the hypnotist’s personality and desires below the choice level of the individual. It is nonsurvival…
Civilized cultures of today are unaware of the widespread use of hypnotism. It is the favorite tool of the pervert and the sexually deranged.
…it is only to render the individual under treatment more tractable, less “liable to be harmful to others” and to wreck self-determinism in the individual.
Page 209
This is the reason there are so many suicides pursuant to the practice of hypnotism and old-school techniques.
page 243
The auditor must remember that even such a degraded practice as hypnotism can, by the implantation of positive suggestions, suppress certain physical and mental disorders.
page 465
Submission to being hypnotized is analogous to being raped, with the exception that the individual can, generally, recover from being raped. To any clear thinking human being who believes in the value of people as human beings, there is something gruesomely obscene about hypnotism.
Page 466
Whatever the apparent attempted beneficence may be, the individual who would permit himself to be hypnotized is, frankly, a fool.
Hypnotism, in common use, is simply a dramatization of some individual desiring covert control over his fellow human beings.
page 473
Hypnotism has been a parlor game, the tool of the pervert, the command assertion of the authoritarian, and is more general than one would immediately suspect, as the auditor will discover after he has processed a few cases. He should not be surprised at what he finds in a hypnotic incident, since the facts may differ entirely from what the hypnotist told the subject had taken place. A motto one could use is “Never believe a hypnotist.”
Extras from:
“Dianetics: Evolution of a Science”; 2002 hardcover edition
page 21
But what of such a terrible, unpredictable variable as hypnotism? On some people it works. On most it doesn’t. On those on whom it works it sometimes achieves good results, sometimes bad. Wild stuff, hypnotism.
page 22-23
But it was clear that hypnotism and insanity were, somehow, identities.
Examination was made of hypnoanalysis. It sounds good in the texts but it doesn’t work.
So hypnoanalysis was buried along with the water cure of Bedlam and the prefrontal lobotomy and the demon-extraction techniques of the shamans of British Guiana, and the search for the key which could restore a mind to normal was continued.
Page 105
The whole world, according to the hypnotist, needs nothing but to be hypnotized. That’s the basic trouble – reduction of self-determinism.”
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Radiologists are using an unusual approach, hypnosis, to ease patient pain and anxiety during breast biopsy procedures. A new study from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School in Boston found that women who were guided into a state of hypnotic relaxation during biopsy experienced less pain and anxiety during the procedure.
Thank you for your comments and insight Mary. I have heard the assertions that Hypnosis is evil also. It seems to me that most Scientologists do not know that Hubbard was a Hypnotist himself and probably asserted its negative uses to steer followers away from understanding the basis of Dianetics and Auditing. It is a good way to hold people away from complete knowlede and keep them dependent through the use of fear.
I have inquired into peoples experiences at Scientology meetings and I was not surprised to discover the blatant use of hypnosis while at the same time asserting that hynosis was evil. Either they do not understand the basics of hypnosis or they are trying to be deceptive. I have read Dianetics and I was very impressed with the subtlety of the information that could effectively lead people down wrong paths.