(Exercising Your Mind) What is the problem?
In 1998, one-third of Americans were obese, and one in every four Western-Europeans shared the same fate. The same World Health Organization report that originated this data, made the claim that if this rate continued, we will all be fat by 2020.
It looks as if we are well on our way. As of 2006, two-thirds of the American population have joined the overwieght category. Put in perspective, it has been only nine years since that report. Considering that there are now 300,437,238 people in the U.S., that means we have grown fatter by approximately one-hundred million or so in less than a decade.
How can this be happening?
Carbohydrates and Proteins both yield 4 Calories of energy per gram; Fat gives 9 Calories per gram, and Alcohol has 7 Calories per gam. Unlike the first three, which contain 100% usable substances, alcohol has only 43% or 3 of its 7 Calories as usable Carbohydrates, the remaining 4 Calories are “empty”. This is not unlike much of the food we consume each day.
This is why I believe that the main reason for the Obesity Pandemic is Malnutrition. About seventy-five percent of the food in this country (U.S.A.) is over-processed, leaving the food with a depleted nutrient density. If 75% is not nutritious, this means that you will only get 25% of the nutrition your body requires from the food. In order to get the full nutrition, you must consume four times (400%) the normal amount to benefit fully (4 x 25% nutrition = 100% nutrition). The extra 300% of material may be empty Calories. A person may be eating to the point of uncomfortable stuffed feelings, but still be recieving signals from the brain to continue eating. This is because the nutrient requirements of the body have not been met.
Other reasons are sedentary, inactive lifestyles, and very minimally, genetics.
Why is this a Problem?
More illness and depression are found in overweight people who are more likely to have heart disease, diabetes, strokes and cancer than more fit individuals. An overweight body must work much harder to maintain normal body functions such as heart rate, breathing, sleeping and movement in general. Overweight people may fatigue more quickly and not be able to enjoy life as they desire. This is a very disastrous example to be setting for future generations.
What can be done?
Read the food labels.
Check the ingredients and definitely avoid Partially or Fully Hydrogenated oils, High Fructose Corn Syrup, “Artificial Flavors”, Natural Flavors unless an acceptable source of the flavor is identified on the label, Processed (white) Sugar, and ingredients that have known synthetic chemical names to start. Of major concern is the unlabeled introduction of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) into the U.S. food supply.
Look for Calories per serving and calculate accordingly.
If a 10 ounce package reads 50 Calories per serving, and contains 5 servings per package, you have 250 total Calories in that item with 50 Calories per 2 ounce serving. Consuming 4 ounces will yield 100 Calories for you to use as fuel.
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Drink more water.
Water is necessary throughout the entire digestive process starting with chewing. Saliva is made of water and enzymes; the gastric fluid in the stomach requires water. It is required for almost all metabolic processes, and an insufficient amount of water may result in sluggish digestion and the resulting storage of unused energy units in the body.
About 60% of the human body is water, the brain is 70% water, the lungs are nearly 90% water; 83% of our blood is water, which transports waste, controls body temperature and even our bones are 50% water. Every day we must replace 2.4 litres of water, some through drinking and the rest taken from foods we eat containing water.
Drinking enough water also ensures that you are not in conservation mode. When your body is thouroughly hydrated, storage is not necessary in the form of “water-weight” by your body. So naturally, the diuertic(urination inducing) quality of drinking sufficient water increases breakdown and absorbtion of vital nutrients, while flushing out wastes and excess water-weight.
Exercise regularly.
Moderate activities such as walking for 30 minutes each day has been shown to dramatically improve fitness in many people. Other forms of exercise such as biking, running, swimming, weight-lifting and many sports are also suitable activities.
Choose natural foods.
The Organic food industry may seem like just another fad. However, consuming foods that have been processed and “treated’ with nutrient depleting, denaturing and harmful chemicals may interfere with the metabolic process and prevent your body from absorbing nutrients fully. As mentioned before, these degenerated “foods” are not as nutrient rich, and you may be consuming much more bulk than is normal, resulting in much excess to be stored in your body from empty calories.
Consult a competent Physician.
If you have genuinely been making efforts to reduce body-weight and have run into a plateau, or never got moving, there may be an underlying, as of yet undiagnosed condition. A competent physician with proper diagnostic techniques may identify and treat the cause of the condition with non-drug or other non-invasive methods. These should be nutritional, herbal and Homeopathic,etc..
Mapping the Mind, Rita Carter-2000
Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, Fereydoon Batmanghelij-1992