Inside Edition
(Exercising Your Mind) I believe that there is a single neutral creative thought power that permeates all of the “multiverse.” The nature of good is that which understands our creative power and uses it constructively. The nature of evil is that which understands our creative power and uses it destructively. Whether it is true or not, I choose to believe this way because it changes the way I think, behave, and act. When I act in this certain way it achieves all of the results that I desire and is therefore a useful philosophical model for achieving the happiness, health and wealth that I envision for myself and for all the world.
The things that are, exist so long as we allow them to exist collectively and privately. What I am about to create is only meant to be a temporary excursion into the magnificent power of the mind. It is meant to share the process I have worked out for myself to come to a working understanding of the neutral but very powerful so-called Laws of the Universe. I will be as clear as I know how. This is meant to be experienced with an alert but calm demeanor and the message is very clear but may not appear so to some. I welcome all inquiries.
A psychiatrist has stated that if we believe that everything that happens to us has been attracted by ourselves, then we are placing the blame of a tragedy on the victim; because according to the Law of Attraction, we become what we think about.
A practitioner of this philosophy and way of life has stated that a very young girl who was raped and murdered attracted that terrible circumstance to herself.
This is not entirely accurate.
It is time we begin more consciously thinking of healthy And happy young girls and boys and teens and adults yes? Because whatever we resist, persists.
No matter how it came about that people are raped and murdered, we must ask ourselves if we want more of this. Do we want this to continue in the future, for others to experience? The very fear and powerlessness that anyone feels about these things may be just the conduit that allows it to perpetuate.
However, none of this should matter to one who knows that this can no longer be real and should not be perpetuated for our future generations.
We are co-creaters and the factors contributing to the circumstances of the world are not at all complex if we simply take the time to carefully observe the rules of the game.
Can anyone assure me that a particular little girl was never traumatized by the thought of rape and murder accidentally through exposure in a movie, song, commercial, argument, daycare center, babysitter, radio, or song?
Do we as adults assume that because babies cannot speak and communicate as we do that we can have them sleeping or awake in a room when we are experiencing some particularly intense scene without some consequence?
Questions must be asked. Did the parents ever have the fearful thought that this could happen? Did anyone? Does anyone fear that these things could happen to children? Are these terrible issues not smeared before us by the “merchants of chaos” who call themselves the “fair and balanced” media?
It is time we begin more consciously thinking of healthy and happy young girls and boys and teens and adults yes? Because it doesn’t matter what happens, it’s what we do with what happens.
To simply deny possibility to the existence of these very powerful but simple Laws of the Universe is only because of the very nature of why we deny it – It is intentional! It has been hidden from us, and in place of the knowledge of how to use it, we are bombarded with all of these material, “concrete” and “solid” perspectives – And what is not intentional, I believe to be the result of mis-use, due to inexperience and improper guidance.
A sure way to know one not living mindfully and at cause is the presence of many excuses, and little or no results accordng to plan. There is absolute possibility and to think otherwise is truly delusional. It is carelessness, ignorance, irresponsablity and inconsiderate.
The truth is that as co-creators, we have all raped and murdered little girls and boys and adults alike; just as we have nurtured and loved and supported the beauty that is life eternal. I believe that these concepts can be, and should be taught to everyone at all ages, all places and all times.
It is time we begin more consciously thinking of healthy and happy young girls and boys and teens and adults yes? Health and happiness is eternally abundant and eager to love those who allow.
If you are not mindful, experiencing life by default, being in effect rather than at cause, I can create for you that which you do not desire if I am fearing it for you and you are not able to protect yourself because you do not know how to use your thought to transmute this.
I can also create for you any devilish thing by preying upon you with prayer that is desirous of calamity if I so choose. I have done both and have accomplished both the demonic and angelic simply by the thoughts that I think.
I can say quite empirically that when I experienced many disturbing encounters while very young I did attract it because of the information I had available at the time.
If any element of rape and murder, sex and violence, pain and pleasure are introduced into ones experience, there is the potential for attraction of this once it is in mind; even if there is no understanding of the content. I know of many people who have invented things by accident without understanding how exactly it was invented. I have done this myself and there are many historic accounts where this can be proven time and again.
One cannot contest that we do not attract what we think about if they were not taught this or have not been using it accordingly, consciously. It is limiting to discount the possibility that chronic ways of thinking may be a contributing factor to whatever ill has befallen one. Even unconscious thought patterns and the vibrations of our closest associates have potential co-creative effects.
Pleasure and pain are constantly recurring themes in any growing beings environment on this planet that I know of; and I was and still am repeatedly exposed to violent sexual messages almost everywhere I go everyday of my life and most of it is intentional and covert and meant for the masses of this great planet Earth. There are so many possibilities and they can be traced.
Imagine that you slept in a room where your parents had sex when you were a baby or a “toddler”. What if you walked in on them in the shower later in life or accidentally intruded upon any of their more intimate moments. What if they became upset with you when you stumbled upon them?
Have you ever accidentally seen part of a movie that was “R-Rated or otherwise out of your age limit when you were a baby? It is interesting that the United States harshly condemns and represses sexuality and related content from movies and television and video games, but allows extremely gory violence to be presented in this same media.
I have personally seen explicitly sexual images on some of my favorite violent 1980’s cartoons. “ShadowMyth”, who is a good friend and one of the researchers I work with collects DVDs of these shows, and we have seen hidden messages in more than we can say are simply mistakes or isolated incidents. These are very famous television programs that are all being remade now as if to restimulate all of these implanted messages in the now influential adult population from that time.
None of this should matter however to one who knows that this can no longer be real and should not be perpetuated for our future generations. The families and individuals who experience these tragedies may or may not know that it is our collective responsibility to con
sciously change the future. Therefore, it is up to us who do understand to go to our work in a persistent and calm and cheerful manner to elicit this change. I believe that our words have the power to heal; or to do whatever else we wish.
No matter how it came about that people are raped and murdered, we must ask ourselves if we want more of this. Do we want this to continue in the future for others to experience? The very fear and powerlessness that anyone feels about these things may be just the conduit that allows it to perpetuate.
It is time we begin more consciously thinking of healthy and happy young girls and boys and teens and adults yes? By believing we have creative power we will act from a position of empowerment.
Science of Mind; Ernest Holmes-1938