Three Hypnotic Modalities for Belief System Enhancement
By Hakeem Alexander
(Exercising Your Mind)
“Anything that attempts to control or modify human behavior through the influence or creation of belief systems“, is considered a hypnotic modality. A “Belief System Enhancer”, a hypnotist, or Hypnotherapist, is not concerned with fact or fiction regarding a modality.
There are three ingredients required to be working together, for the hypnotic modality to be successful.
The first ingredient may be called “one-ups-manship”. The hypnotist must establish control over the environment to establish authority for this ingredient to work. This may be done by telling the subject where to sit or designating how the room will be arranged.
Wearing “Special Clothes” is another way to establish one-ups-manship by a kind of social separation. This can be seen in the difference between when a doctor wears a suit and white lab coat, or just jeans and a t-shirt. It is also effective to prominently display credentials such as certificates and diplomas. Being on stage or behind a lectern are useful as well.
The second ingredient comes in three parts. Only one is necessary, and they operate at different levels. Doctrine is the highest, paradigm is next and translogic is the lowest level.
A doctrine is a theory or message in written form. It works best when it has been written by a higher authority than the hypnotist or presenter, like the Bible or other important ancient religious text.
A paradigm is a model or theory of how something works. It is usually presented verbally since it has not matured to a book yet, though charts, graphs, and other visual or physical tools may be used.
Translogic is the lowest level and means transitory or temporary logic, because it only needs to make sense for a short time. Usually this is all that is needed to take effect. By the time the lack of logic is revealed, if ever, the goal of delivering the message or suggestion has already been achieved.
This most important ingredient is required to gain access to the subconscious, or reactive part of the mind. We do this by triggering an internal experience so that they feel something inside.
To trigger an internal experience, the hypnotist must overload the conscious mind with message units to exhaust and bypass the critical filter, thereby gaining access to the reactive part of the mind.
Being able to accurately identify these three modalities allows anyone to have better control of their mind and the message units that we are constantly receiving every day. With this recognition we are more able to take what works and discard the rest.
Hi Sir Hakeem Alaxander! I like your post, i thought you are Hakeem and related to medicines but you like a master psychologist the way you write this is awesome. Nice
In today’s ever increasing socioeconomic stressful environment emphasis should be focused on the advantages of Medical hypnosis. It is important to understand that one is not treated with hypnosis but rather through hypnosis. Choosing the right Hypnotherapist is therefore very important. One-on-one sessions are most desirable in correcting conditioned habitual responses, as each patient has different and sometime multiple past and present sensitizing events.
Unlike cognitive therapy or prescription medications which concentrate on the “effects”, Medical hypnosis works in an older part of our brain to assault the “causality” of the problem by redirecting or even eliminating negative habits, emotions, or perceptions. As increased scientific study confirms the value of medical hypnosis; myths, half-truths, and suspicions surrounding hypnotherapy will be diminished and we can help change our stressful society without harsh and often dangerous prescription medications.
Richard L Erickson PhD HHCP LPHt