Handwriting is an Ideomotor Function that Stimulates a Dynamic Ideomotor Response
(Exercising Your Mind) The word ideomotor is a combination of the words ideo and motor.
Respectively, they are defined as “idea”, or mental representation, and “muscular action”.
The word ideodynamic uses the suffix “dynamic” to indicate that there are more than just muscular actions connected to ideas.
This may include the stimulation or inhibition of muscular action, emotions, and even biological processes.
There are ideomotor functions and ideodynamic functions, but the responses are always ideodynamic. The functions are the stimulators of the responses.
Handwriting is a function that is deeply hard-wired into our neurology because most of us have been handwriting since our early education.
We build strong, and apparently permanent neuronal connections amongst nerve cells, as we continually reinforce these connections through regular use.
And just as with any repetitive activity, the insulating, and nerve-conducting, fatty-coating on neurons called myelin, becomes more dense as we continue to repeat certain actions like the ideomotor functions.
This growth makes the ideomotor function, and the ideodynamic responses more efficient to process neurologically.
One of the ideodynamic responses of interest to certain behavioral scientists, is the bypassing, distracting, relaxing, or over-loading the theoretical construct known as the “critical mind”, or “critical filter”.
This type of response is thought to be responsible for getting unfamiliar ideas in the form of suggestions or commands into the unconscious mind of someone, with the least amount of unwantedmodification to the suggestions.
This is because the critical filter is understood to be the gatekeeper of the unconscious, and serves to protect us by modifying; or rejecting completely any unfamiliar ideas.
Unfamiliar ideas are perceived to be threats to our survival by the unconscious mind, even if they may really be beneficial.
Therefore, a behavioral scientist like a hypnotist, would reasonably seek to find some type of method or mechanism with which to most effectively have unfamiliar ideas and suggestions pass into the unconscious mind.
Because handwriting has consistently appeared to achieve this outcome, it is referred to as “a backdoor to the unconscious”.
Behavioral scientists, hypnotists, neurolinguistic programmers, metaphysical scientists, and many other professional belief system enhancers would greatly improve their successful outcomes by using handwriting as part of a synergistic tool-box in their practice.