Authentic Community Building Skills: Friendship, Marketing And Communication
Friendship, Marketing And Communication
Authentic Community Building Skills
In technical terms, the following information is about building a list. Having the highest quantity of the best quality of targeted prospects on your list is key to success.
“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.” – Earl Nightingale
My worthy ideal is to build businesses by offering real value to the community I personally develop.
It does not necessarily mean the community that you live in or spend most of your time in. It is a community that is hand-picked by you because of who you wish to associate with.
The community that you provide value to may also be known as your market.
Your market are those who are receptive to your messages and are likely to reciprocate your value offering by making purchases of your valuable products or services.
But the foundation must be actual value as perceived by your market. This is based on market demand or the needs and desires of your community.
My primary market community happens to be smart women instituting and applying action steps, allowing them leverage of proven systems, which empower them with mastery of marketing skills to build any type of business.
However, these skills are universal and actually work for anyone who intelligently applies them. I just prefer to focus on partnerships with smart women.
How To Build A Community Market List
Desired Outcome Is Valuable
It is quite wonderful that people are motivated, ambitious and eager to improve their lives by building a business. But the problem is in the way they build their community.
According to serial entrepreneur and millionaire maker Dan Kennedy, the highest paid skill on the planet is getting people through the door.
This means that the most money comes from generating qualified leads, or people who are open to and interested in hearing your message and buying from you.
Dan Kennedy teaches that whoever knows how to get people through the door gets all the money. And he is absolutely correct about this.
But many people struggle to build a list for many reasons. Most of the reasons I notice is because of pushy and sleazy sales and marketing tactics that are not authentic.
I agree with Pamela Bruner who teaches that sales and marketing should be heart centered.
This means only offering products and services that people are actively seeking because it provides value to them by solving a problem and creating an outcome they desire.
Desired Outcome
The bottom line comes down to investing in yourself so that all of your activity produces results that has actual and perceived value to your community market.
This means that the skills you study, practice and teach lead to solving a problem of your community or creating a desired outcome to your market.
Let’s say you have created or control a system that will empower the people who use the system to build any business that they want.
This means that if there is a group of people who have a problem building businesses or would like a system that helps create that outcome, then your business building system has actual value to this group or community.
The obstacle may be communicating to this potential market the fact that you have the solution to their problem and can help create their desired outcome.
This is what marketing actually is. Helping your market or community to know, like and trust your ability to deliver what they need or desire.
This is taking your actual value and making it become perceived value in the minds of your community or market.
Friendship: Opening Relationships Rather Than Closing Sales
The most compatible action with my preferred business building model was first learned from Christopher Howard.
I really love to meet and learn about lots of new people and open relationships to make friends.
Naturally, some of the people I meet are usually curious about what I do.
When I tell them that my activities are studying, practicing and teaching motivation and self improvement, the smartest people usually want to know more.
This is because the smartest, most successful, and able people are consistently motivated to improve themselves in every possible way that they can.
This organically and fluidly opens relationships because the messages I communicate come from my actions of personal development, motivation and self-improvement.
These develop into mutually beneficial friendships based on shared interests, desires and ambitions. And there is no need to close sales because the interaction happens automatically whenever exchange of resources is required.
Keeping In Touch And Staying Connected
When I was in Junior High and High School I wrote a lot of poetry. In order to share it with people I had to make hand written copies, photo copies, or I would e mail them to my friends and others who were interested.
It is a very natural process, because as you may know, we tend to be very enthusiastic and highly motivated about sharing something we have personally created.
This is the exact same way that I communicate and syndicate my valuable motivation, self-improvement and business building content today.
I am very proud of and happy with my writing and communications. So it is automatic for me to ask people for their e mails so that I can share it with them.
In this way I am opening relationships without the need to close sales.
There are no pushy or sleazy techniques or tactics involved. I am simply sharing my love of written communication and creative writing.
Those who choose to read my writing and interact with me can not help but notice that I am a world class expert in the subjects that I write about.
So if and when the time comes that someone on my list, my readers, community or market has a need or desire for some skill I possess, I am usually first in their minds.
Feeling Good About Doing Well
By simply investing in your own personal development you naturally live in a way that automatically generates desired results that provide valuable outcomes for many people.
A consistent focus on being your best and doing well very naturally feels good. This authentic power is communicated in your thoughts, words, actions and results.
When you leverage systems to share your message with the highest quantity of the best quality of people receptive to your communication, you effortlessly build an amazing, like-minded community.
The focus is on creating value for yourself and others rather than how you are going to get something from others. There is great value in knowing how to provide solutions.
There is even greater power when you actually enjoy the process of creating desired outcomes. All you have to do is share what you enjoy.
This is a beautiful way to develop authentic community building skills. There is virtually no need to sell when friendship, marketing and communication is understood in this way.
I Believe In You.
Believe In YourSelf