(NLP) Neuro-Linguistic Programming: The Instant Hypnotist
The Instant Hypnotist
(NLP) Neuro-Linguistic Programming
“It is plain as can be that people are controlled – yes controlled – throughout their adult lives by limits that were set and by behaviors that were prescribed early on, then never challenged.“
– Dan Kennedy
(Exercising Your Mind) Getting the results that I want takes a whole lot of hard work, determination, skill, and effort from me.
A lot of people do not want to receive this type of information about effort, skill, determination, and hard work.
Only people who do not care about succeeding to their fullest avoid doing the work.
It is very tempting to believe that there is some secret shortcut to the success we desire.
But the shortcut to success is in fact not taking shortcuts.
The secret is that you are the secret.
You must desire with so much fire, that no matter how little you have or know right now, you will continue moving forward every way that you know how, to realize your dreams.
To some it may be a surprise that I actually read, listen, and associate with at least 10 to 20 times the information from books, multi-media, and people than I write and speak about.
It is the reason I am able to so easily locate quotes, phrases, and other vital, life-transformational information from multiple sources when I communicate.
I actually just open up my BlogCast software and write freestyle online, without making an outline or draft before I start writing.
Because successful communication is not based on being in possession of formal or “proper” language, grammar, and style.
Effective communication is based on preparation.
It may or may not be obvious, but I dropped out of English 101 in Community College.
Formal schooling is not the type of preparation that is always necessary.
Successful communication is effective communication, and has a foundation of standing Upon The Shoulders Of Giants, who have already succeeded where you want to succeed.
Getting the results you desire through communication, is most efficiently experienced by accessing and applying what you learn from the success of others.
More Than Words
“Any writer who’s truly serious about the craft recognizes that it’s a lifelong journey up an unscalable mountain.“ – Jack Turk
Learning from the success of others is learning from their actual experience, and not simply theory or something they heard from someone else.
The success I learn from is a reality and is occurring right now in the lives of my teachers, coaches, and mentors who are alive and breathing.
Because of this, it can be verified.
All of the others who are no longer around, have had their success verified and proven by the fact that my current guides use and recommend these as proven resources.
Using the same information that has helped them to succeed, is one part of modeling the behavior that has gotten them their successful results.
By doing this, we actually transform our self-talk and social speech.
Reading and listening to the same things that successful people read and listen to, is a very effective way of replacing destructive hypnosis with constructive hypnosis.
Hypnosis is the way that we use language to communicate with ourselves.
Hypnosis is self hypnosis.
And language is more than words. There is body language too. There are other types of language. Language is just how we communicate. And there are many ways.
The so-called extra-verbal language.
What really matters is the message.
If the messages in our self-talk and social speech is that of failure, we will fail.
When the messages of our self-talk and social speech is that of success, we do succeed.
Just like being serious about the craft of writing, we must be serious about the craft of successful living, and rewriting the script of our lives in the way we really want.
And we just keep on going from one success to the next. It is a lifelong journey.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
“Nature hath given men one tongue but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak.“ – Epictetus
The central and most important part of NLP as I use it in my very simple and effective way is by focusing on the LINGUISTIC part or LANGUAGE.
And even though language is much more than words, using words to create change is one of the most effective ways to do so.
The way that I have been experiencing some very exciting results is through word language.
This is done in a very simple way through reading and listening.
Because of the technology we have, we can carry around thousands of hours of recorded audio information with us, to practice changing our self-talk and social speech.
This is one of the most effective ways to use the law of repetition to hypnotically reprogram our subconscious minds to remain focused on successful language patterns.
In the same way that when you watch a movie over and over again, or listen to a song, read a book, or immerse yourself in other recorded information.
Each time you revisit this recorded information, you pick up new data that you may have missed before.
This new info that you pick up will contribute to your growing understanding, and ability to apply more easily what you are learning.
And the key here is to read and listen to recorded information produced by those who are currently creating the type of success that you desire in your reality.
So that if motivation and self-improvement is your goal, then you plug into the audio productions that are made by the proven leaders in motivation and self improvement.
Likewise, if your goal is wealth attraction and prosperity, then you immerse yourself in the productions that are offered by the proven leaders in wealth attraction and prosperity.
When you put this into practice, you can challenge the prescribed and set, limits and behaviors that may have been controlling you away from your desired success.
But to tune into the recorded programs of success instead of chaotic and confusing media like the news and other distractions takes effort, dedication, and hard work to develop skill.
This is the choice that you have to make when it comes to making the necessary changes in your self-talk and social speech in order to succeed.
And just what is self-talk and social speech exactly?
Well, there is the rub my friend.
These are the specific behaviors that I have actually changed by using NLP to reprogram.
Because the language patterns I was using were not working for me. So I had to seek and find language patterns that are working right now for others.
Then, after I did that, I had to study, adopt, practice, adapt and teach these new, successful language patterns, to begin my personal road to mastery, and to share them with you.
Get ready for the next level!
You Are The Secret.
I Believe In You
Believe In YourSelf.