Jasmine In June: Aiyana Cadwell Is The Eternal Bloom
Aiyana Cadwell Is The Eternal Bloom
Jasmine In June
On June 29th 2013, following my 4-hour stay at the Capoeira Los Angeles Grand Opening and Birthday Roda event; I witnessed another of the greatest local musicians in Los Angeles!
Meet Aiyana Cadwell: In the photo below you can see her playing the flute. Just one of her many musical talents.
She was playing a few compositions from a Native American songbook that was transposed from the traditional wooden flute for the nickel-plated key of C flute you see her playing here.
But this photo opportunity only came as a courtesy of Aiyana who allowed me to catch up with her while she was relaxing at Wilbur Park the day after the show.
Aiyana Cadwell
Aiyana Cadwell is one of the most genuine and brilliant musicians I have had the pleasure to see perform live as well as listen to a great selection of her recordings.
Although I met her over 14-years ago in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, I had never seen her perform before since she was not then as involved in songwriting as she is now.
We also lost touch those many years ago when she left for school at the University of Central Florida in Orlando where she studied music.
Just after 9pm on June 29th 2013, Aiyana Cadwell hit the stage at Rafa’s Lounge and Art Gallery to perform one of the most magical shows I have ever been to.
“Don’t Want Anything” is definitely one of my favorite songs and represents the sincere emotional expression that goes into much of Aiyana Cadwell‘s musical compositions.
Aiyana Cadwell puts on a beautiful performance that is all at once deeply penetrating to the feelings of Love, vibrant, captivating, light-hearted and even humorous.
The battery on my Galaxy SIII device was almost completely dead by the time I got to the show.
The flash wasn’t working so the reddish photos from the show do no justice to the breath-taking and stellar performance that was witnessed that evening at Rafa’s Lounge.
Another of my favorite songs from Aiyana Cadwell’s reperoire is desperately. It is quite a soulful song about falling in love and living life to the fullest.
You can feel an upbeat mood to the song as well as the underlying and ever-present longing and desire that fills the embracing sound of this composition.
Aiyana Cadwell is as lovely as she is talented. And she has a Universe’s worth of talent! So you may find yourself desperately falling in love with her as you watch her dynamic live performance.
I found it difficult to leave after the show. So I stayed just to have the opportunity to mingle with her friends and fans.
Later, enamored and star-struck, I ended up helping her load her very large and heavy keyboard and other gear into her car two levels below Rafa’s Lounge.
She is something like a Siren from Greek Mythology. The good thing is she is not dangerous. At least I don’t think so.
And the ship of enchantment that she lured me into with her sultry voice found no rocks to crash upon. I suppose the only similarity is that hearing her live is compelling, hypnotic and absolutely irresistible!
She was very gentle with me and let me hang out with her at the park while she played Native American flute songs the next day.
I am very excited for her next show. You can follow Aiyana Cadwell and be a fan too by checking her out on ReverbNation, SoundCloud and FaceBook.
You can also pick up her music on CD-Baby and iTunes so you can sing along with me at the next show. I really hope to see you there!
By the way, the name Aiyana is a Native American name that translates to “Eternal Bloom“.
And with the way Aiyana Cadwell makes music that touches the heart as it does now; it seems like her music is meant to bloom just this way. Forever.