Billion-Dollar Master-Mind, HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, Metaphysics, UniquilibriuM

Hypnosis And You: All Hypnosis Is Self-Hypnosis

All Hypnosis Is Self-Hypnosis

Hypnosis And You

You have an assignment at once. It is a Self-Hypnosis Exercise (S.H.E.). In your imagination or wherever you can find one make this happen. Step up to a mirror and look into your eyes.

Yes, look into your own eyes in the mirror.

As you do, notice how you are feeling emotionally and physically.

If you are feeling calm and relaxed then maintain that feeling. If you are not feeling something so good then become more calm and relaxed.

How do you become more calm and relaxed? Slow down your breathing as if you were calm and relaxed to assist self-hypnosis.

Focusing on your own breathing becoming more like you are calm and relaxed can be called breathing meditation.

It is also self-hypnosis because you are suggesting to yourself that you can be calm when you wish to. You are the one who may choose your state of being through self-hypnosis.

The Conspiracy Theories

Certainly you can argue that there are those who embed or hide hypnotic commands within other messages, information, signals and symbols that you perceive.

And I agree that there are things that I know about which would fit that description. But here we are studying self-hypnosis.

The word conspiracy literally translates as “to breathe together“. It takes two to tango and two for tantra.

You make an agreement with the information that you receive even though you don’t know you are receiving it. We all know what is right and wrong for us.

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

Even if you come up with an idea all on your own, does that mean you are always correct?

Should you act on everything you think up?

I know not.

So we can blame those who place subliminal messages in alcohol and tobacco ads, or we can take responsibility and agree that it is all self-hypnosis.

You are making yourself weak and needy when you place your life-path in the hands of the world outside of you.

It is to be one who is empowered when you take the responsibility for yourself and understand self-hypnosis.

Reflections Of Gratitude

So you’re looking in this mirror at yourself. You are looking into your own eyes. It is OK to blink. It is kind of weird and maybe uncomfortable if you don’t.

And you are remaining or creating calm with your breath throughout this self-hypnosis exercise.

It feels good.

Or at least it is something new and refreshing if you are not friends with relaxation often.

Calm may also be vitality and excitement. But we do not mean anxiety. Instead let your energetic being have vibrance and joy in place of worry and fear.

You are the creator of your own vibrance and joy by practicing self-hypnosis. Vibrance and joy. You can make friends with this.

And even the thoughts, actions and results that you may have mis-created before and not desired, you can be grateful for.

Be grateful for the realization that you have created all of your experiences through your perceptions. You may call this self-blame, but you can re-frame this and call it self-hypnosis.

Inhaling you are grateful as you look into your own eyes, as you gaze at your wonderful, beautiful face. You are grateful to see, even if your sight is called blind, you still have a mind and within there are eyes.

Your mind’s eye(s) can see whatever it wishes to see. And so even if this is being read to you, then your sight may still behold beauty with self-hypnosis.

Your Royal Eyes

To realize is to see with royal eyes. To be a Master-Mind which perceives that which it desires to see, even though the environment is not what you would like it to be.

This is your responsibility with your understanding of self-hypnosis.

Where you find disease you can create the vision of health in your mind. Where you find poverty you may instead envision royalty.

This is reality that you create with your command of self-hypnosis.

  • You do not need to sit upon a throne,
  • But why bury yourself beneath a stone?
  • Would you rather sink and drown,
  • Or soar in the heavens and wear a crown?
  • The choice is yours to hate and despise,
  • Or to love the world with Your Royal Eyes!

Extraction And Inception

The results of what you allow into your mind through self-hypnosis may easily be read by your words, actions and results. Reading the minds of others is no occult trick that is to be held in awe.

Those who would have you believe that inception of ideas is more difficult than extraction are amateurs or deceivers.

It is no more difficult to make an extraction of information from other people’s minds than it is to plant them there.

Whatever we decide to be, do and have is the result of whether or not we choose to be blinded by an impoverished world or to be visionary with royal eyes.

Falling into weakness and neediness or the development of authenticity and power are the direct results of how we use self-hypnosis.

Your book of life is written by you and you alone. There are certainly co-authors indeed, but you are the master editor and have the final word. Through self-hypnosis you are the responsible for the inception of your mind.

The extraction of this self-hypnosis is what you suggest to others through your words, actions and results.

Your subconscious mind is a fertile soil in which you may plant nourishment or poison. Will your book be a travesty or triumph? A tragedy or a comedy?

Cultivating The Garden Of Suggestion

Suggestions are the various seeds of thought and ideas that you have the choice to plant within your subconscious mind.

If you were a farmer and had a land full of good, fertile soil, you could plant whatever you wish. Self-Hypnosis is the tool box which you use when you are cultivating the garden of suggestion; your subconscious mind.

What is it that grows daily within your mind?

There is certainly the chance that you can let the wild bush grow and it will be all for the good.

But why leaf anything to chance when you can landscape your design by nature?

Are you entangled in the wild vines of default jungle?

Or are you feasting on the juicy fruits of your favor?

Life can be a famine or a glorious feast. We certainly reap that which we sow. It is in the field of our minds that we create and grow.

What will it be that we set out upon the Earth for others to harvest?

The choice is in how we use self-hypnosis.

Do we plant poisonous, thorny traps for the unknowing traveler who may happen upon our land?

Or shall we cultivate a beautiful garden of suggestion that blooms and blossoms with the fruits and flowers of Love, Understanding, Compassion and Kindness?

I Believe In You.

Believe In YourSelf.


One thought on “Hypnosis And You: All Hypnosis Is Self-Hypnosis

  1. Wow. Now this is my favorite post. I am not fickle! It’s just that I’m in-the-moment! Your Royal Eyes is just brilliant!
    Envision royalty I shall, as we are a microcosm of the Divine, and therefore we deserve to treat ourselves as the Highest… as “Your Highness”

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