Billion-Dollar Master-Mind, HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, UniquilibriuM

Deep Into The Circles: Modeling The Masters Of Excellence

Modeling The Masters Of Excellence

Deep Into The Circles

You can absolutely experience excellent happiness the most excellent health and truly excellent wealth.

There is a key to all of this that makes things very simple.

I had a hard time excelling as a clinical hypnotist in the way that even the wealthy and successful ones were.

The reason is because they worked too much and I really do not like that.

Besides the fact that I would rather schlep around in board-shorts, hippie-clothes and ninja-gear instead of suits; I do not like trading my time for money.

This does not mean that I do not work for excellence or work very hard.

What it does mean is that I would rather be more efficient with my time and be able to serve more people without always having top be present.

If I was always there, then all of the people that I do help out would not be properly served because of there only being 24 hours in a day.

But I have finally gotten close enough to a system that makes absolute sense to me when it comes to leveraging my resources.

It just takes a while to recognize the habits that are not efficient and change them.

The change is instant once you recognize it and apply the secrets of efficient success.

And these secrets of success are much simpler than you might think. It is actually learning from experience.

And the fantastic thing is that it does not always have to be your own experience.

You can short-cut your way to the success that you design for your life by modelling the masters of excellence in whatever skill you choose.

Interestingly, one of the things I have discovered that I resonate with very strongly is that these masters focus on helping as many people to succeed as possible.

Sometimes tens of thousands of people. But they do it efficiently with systems.

Because not all skills that help others is readily or easily duplicatable. So we use recorded media of various types to spread the messages.

Every time I take myself out of the way and follow the patterns, programs and methods of those who achieve results I am not getting, then my success improves.

You can do the same thing when you get deep into the circles of those who have things or lifestyles that you admire.

Instead of beating yourself up about not yet being, doing or having something or a lifestyle you desire, just get deep into the circles that will move you into your goals and dreams.

And the fabulous part about all of this is that you can do it in a very simple way by having a genuine desire to help others.

Not just helping others that may be less fortunate than you, but also being of service to the ones you seek to be mentored by and get advice from.

We all have wonderful gifts we have to offer. And we can offer out gifts without losing our integrity and creating bondage for ourselves.

Be careful or you may stifle yourself as I once did. Just because someone makes a ton of money or has a lot of clients DOES NOT necessarily mean that they have the lifestyle you want.

I made that mistake and it just felt wrong over and over again until I got it right. That’s how it goes.

You have to be persistent even if you do not figure it out at first. But it makes things a lot more easy to manage if you start by deliberately designing how you want your life to be.

You must do this minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day and so on. Then you fit into it the actions you have to take in order to earn a living while living your dreams.

I am steadily working to get deep into the circles I want to hang with. This is a lesson I learn more clearly every day.

Today I was reminded of it from an interview I read with Loral Langemeier in the Glazer-Kennedy Inner Circle Gold Letter for April 2013 that I received in the mail today.

It has been a constant theme I have learned from David Sharpe, David Wood and the other leaders in the Empower Network. I listen to hours of their Inner Circle Audios every day.

There is a shortcut to success if you don’t have a route built into you from birth. Actually we all are born with the ability to create a great legacy.

It is just all in how we use our minds. We can literally train our thoughts, words and actions to deliver the results we want to any time.

If you accept the idea that you are influenced by the information that comes to you from outside, then all you have to do is make your outside environment one that nourishes success for you and others.

You can begin this journey by modeling the masters of excellence in your life or lives past today. In this way you will begin to get deep into the circles that help you create the life of your dreams.

I Believe In You.

Believe In YourSelf

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