
We Can Make It Rain: May It Pour Down Upon Our World

May It Pour Down Upon Our World

We Can Make It Rain

Go and present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the land.” – 1 Kings; 18:1

(Exercising Your Mind) [Creative Non-Fiction]

Whenever it rains it pours.

Yet whenever it rains, it never pours down upon me unless that is what I wish. If I want to walk, dance or sing in the rain, only then does it pour down on me.

Otherwise, I can walk from home to vehicle; vehicle to building and building to building – without being soaked if I do not want to be.

The rain actually stops and goes for me because I expect it to.

That is why “when it rains it pours” is not absolute. Sometimes it just drizzles.

If you think, then you pray. Prayer is thought.

Drought and Doubt

California recently has been having a drought. I have expressed my concerns about this throughout the month of February 2014 to almost everyone I have spoken with.

And I told them all that everything will be OK.

I am not overly concerned about how desperate and fearful most people become. Although some are not even aware of the need for water. Some just don’t care.

The just don’t care attitude is somewhat close to the truth of the matter. It is in many cases because of just expecting the rain and the water to come and replenish the diminishing supply.

Because worrying is powerful prayer for the things that you do not want.
Doubt is Drought.

Indifference will bring you what is most powerful in your atmosphere.

Expectation of what you desire is a powerful prayer that will bring what you want into experience.

What Rains Down Upon You?

“…during a long drought, a priest from Antioch brought a miracle-working icon, and prayed for rain. As the procession was marching back to the town, clouds gathered, and the rains poured down.”- Colin Wilson; G.I. GurdjieffThe War Against Sleep; 1980

The same goes for anything that we desire in our lives. The energy of all things possible is around us everywhere like rain pouring down.

It is simply up to us to collect and direct the rain to where we want it to go.

Like setting up a pipeline.

Having a purpose and a goal for where your money is to go when you get it is an example of setting up a pipeline.

Just like having the goal of eating a sandwich after you make it is setting up a pipeline.

You know where you want the sandwich to go before it is made – into your body and so it does.

Because you expect it to.

You do not worry about what will happen to the sandwich, you just know you are going to eat it.

So you do what needs to be done.

You put together the ingredients and then open your mouth.

Do adventurous work if you want excitement and for your life to be an adventure rather than a dull and boring, pale and pathetic story of existence.

If you want more wealth, then follow the recipe for riches by those who have it.

You put together the plan and then open your bank account.

What Does God Know?

In June of 2013, I was writing a song that I wanted to publish and give to the world on June 13th, because my record label is called SIX13 Records due to a 1997 incident on that date.

I had a great recorder that I used to record  over 200 songs with Donald Dias in 2012. But then the laptop I am using right now began to malfunction.

I could not get the song to upload and was very upset.

Then about a week later, I got very drunk from a 6-pack of Undercover Shutdown I bought from Whole Foods Market.

I sat down at one-oclock in the morning outside the same cluster of art museums that I met Mario Van Peebles, Kailani and the other sisters of Bruno Mars who would go on to have a reality TV show based on their music group, The Lylas.

I used my Galaxy SIII phone to get a video of the song and by 01:42:44 am I had what I personally consider a masterpiece.

My consideration of my music is really all that matters.

I re-published it a few weeks later with the title “Is A Belle Ringing?“.

When I listened to the recording done with the portable studio system called ZOOM H4n that I wanted to release on June 13th, I was horrified and grateful.

If I had published that it would have been a shame to me. It sucked and did not deserve to be heard. It was incomplete and lacked the emotional charge that the video recording exuded.

The Universe; GOD knew when the right time was.

When I was drunk and drowning in spirits and my tears.
Everyone who hears it, loves it.
And I have made a lot of money from that song.

If at first you don’t succeed…

Many glorious results marked that day of heroic faith and dauntless courage on Elijah’s part. The happening on Mount Carmel had been successful, but there was no rain. The one thing, the only thing, that God had promised, had not been given.

Elijah turned from Israel to God and from Baal to the one Source of help for a final victory. but it was only until the seventh time that the promise was fulfilled.

Elijah’s relentless praying bore to its triumphant results the promise of God, and rain descended in full showers.” [Entry for February 25th]- E.M. Bounds; The Power of Prayer

I dress the way I want to and do whatever it is that I want, whenever I want for the most part.

This is not always the best thing in a world where “professionals” want everyone to be in business attire, speak a certain way and generally fall into the cowardice of conformity.

So my business life has been difficult and slow growing because of my often times irrational stubbornness when it comes to these things.

But I always come out on top and make things work. I am on an upward spiral.

Because I am RELENTLESS…

Steadily growing and moving forward even as I swim against the tide. Because I persist.

I know what I want and I expect it from my life. I demand it from God.

But She has much better timing than I do and the things I want do not always come when I expect them to. But they do always come.

All we have to do is really know what we want and then expect to have it.

We Can Make It Rain.

Our job is to choose carefully what type of rain it will be. The rain of goodness or the rain of pain.

May It Pour Down Upon Our World.

I Believe In You.

Believe In YourSelf.

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