HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, UniquilibriuM

Love And Lava: Enter The Heart Of The Volcano

Enter The Heart Of The Volcano

Love And Lava

Explosive power bursting forward. Molten rock and liquid stone. Clouds of ash; the sky turns black. The earth trembles and quakes. Emotions and heartache.

What most people call loving relationships seems to be more like a volcanic eruption. Whole towns and cities are destroyed. The light is dark as the day turns to night.

Love is an inferno of power. A blazing fire that may light the sky as the Sun. Love can burn through and burn away fear. But just as a volcano is wild, misguided love may destroy.

Love can destroy, you ask? Whatever do you mean?

Well, I do not actually believe that it is Love that is really destructive in the most devastating of ways. Surely it destroys or burns away fear.

But real Love is not a destruction that is degrading to all that is good.

What I mean is that what a lot of us sometimes think is love is really just neediness and an unwillingness to let go of people or situations that are not productive and mutually uplifting.

What makes it so difficult to be rational at those times when we really need to be?

The World Of Tantra

Love often seems to be such a misunderstood concept. A long time ago when I looked it up in the dictionary, I read that it was a “sincere, affectionate concern”.

But that does no justice to it. I am a firm believer that we all need to be practitioners of Love. That we just need to keep exercising our love muscles.

And I don’t mean the ones below the waist and our pelvic muscles to thrust and grind with. Sex and Love are not always sharing the same space.

Although you could learn a thing or two from Tantrikas like Chandi Devi and Rhoda Jordan. Tantra is about Love and devotion between two people and the commitment that creates some of the most powerful sexual unions possible.

But indeed we need to practice doing loving things. Being understanding, compassionate and kind to others. Making Love an everyday actionable process that uplifts and inspires those we come into contact with in some way.

I share this understanding with the practice of Tantra. Just like when we exercise or lift weights, the repetition of the movements builds us up and makes us stronger and more able to perform the exercise.

So it is with Love. The more we practice being Loving. The more we do Loving things and think Loving thoughts. Then we will build our strength and ability to be more Loving.

Exercising Your Mind With HypnoAthletics

HypnoAthletics: Exercising Your Mind Toward Universal Harmony And Spiritual Wisdom Through Healthy Living and Self Defense.

Universal harmony as I define it equals Love. Spiritual Wisdom as I have defined it equals, guess what? That’s right; LOVE!

It is amazing how beautifully things work out. A few years ago I was listening to some audio recordings from Christopher Howard. You should look him up.

Anyway, he gave a great lesson on what it means to create and define your VISION and MISSION when building a business. I followed his instructions as best I could and this is what I came up with.

The vision is what you see as a VISIONARY. It is the outcome and result you desire. Sometimes it is not as tangible but definitely felt. It is the known product or outcome that you wish to create.

The mission is what you DO as a PRACTITIONER to achieve the result. The mission are the activities you do and the actions you carry out to achieve your mission.

I decided that i would “live for Love”. I felt like I really need to exercise my Love muscles and BE more Loving. But I also wanted to remain authentic and true to who i really was and what I LOVE to do.

I decided that since I very much enjoy studying, practicing and teaching Healthy-Living and Self-Defense, that these things would be my vehicle or mission to inspire Motivation and Self-Improvement.

It is all Love. I realize that you can use almost any sensible vehicle as you mission to achieve your vision. I choose Healthy Living and Self-Defense to share Love.

Enter The Heart Of The Volcano

For me this was a very explosive conflict. There was a lot of fear to burn away. And as you know, the more fuel there is, the bigger and hotter the fire is and the longer it burns.

So there have been a whole lot of violent, painful and destructive eruptions of emotions and feelings caused by this radical transformation. I am still feeling the aftermath of some of these changes.

It is amazing how much insanity you have to go through when you are on a real mission to be more mindful and Loving. To recreate yourself from the inside out and change your heart and mind.

It is easy to be an actor and pretend to be loving. it is quite another thing to overhaul you character, who you really are, not just what the world sees.

There was a journey through self-discovery, self-righteousness, self-pity, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-respect and then… It was no longer just about the self. Sure i am very important to me.

But the real change came when I accepted that other people are really important. When I actually accepted that it is not all about me. That not only do others need my help. But sometimes it is not so bad to get help from others.

Love is this mutual exchange type of deal you know. But this change came with a lot of pressure, friction, heat and finally the meltdown of the heard rocks that I had built up as walls to protect my heart. Insecurity sucks.

And lots of volcanic eruptions. Pouring out the red hot, liquid stone that once walled in my spirit. The prison I made for my soul finally boiled over and exploded in a fiery display.

You have probably felt like this. doing your best to be your best. Getting better and better. And how frustrating is it that things get more difficult when yo want to do good? When you stay in your familiar zone and do not expand nothing happens.

But when you decide to give more. When you choose to grow into something fantastic; when you want to Love more; then the challenges come. Then you know what it its like to be inside the heart of the volcano.

It burns. And it hurts when you have kept fear so close that it has become a part of you. It is like losing a part of yourself. How confused we are thinking that just because something or someone is familiar it is love. No, this is just attachment. Neediness. It is retarded.

Love And Lava

There is this beautiful thing that happens in the aftermath of a volcanic eruption. There is a smooth, warm flow of the fiery hot glowing lava over the land.

Like a rolling orange river, streaming across the field of consciousness. Still burning away the remaining fear but not as destructive. No longer explosive.

And then it cools down. The pressure has been released. Sort of like an orgasm. There is less friction and pain. And the soil becomes enriched with these new minerals and elements.

The lava has made a new path. A new way has been paved. And upon its renewed surface where there is more nourishing elements, Love can begin to grow larger. From the heart of the volcano comes a new life and a new earth.

Someday soon I am going to visit the heart of a volcano. Probably in Hawaii. And as beautiful as I know it will be to explore, I will be respectful. Because I know that it can erupt at any time.

Just like the violent reaction that can result from a Kundalini Rising; just like the radical transformation from having a hard heart to an open source of Love, this can be explosive.

But I would miss the experience to see the streams of lava flowing from beneath the earth in the heart of the volcano for anything. I have seen the photos and videos on National Geographic and Discovery.

It is beautiful. And so much more beautiful is Love when we come to understand it more. To live for Love. To make Love our mission and vision.

Certainly they can seem dangerous at times, but Love and Lava are essential to our very existence on this Earth. Lava is Mother Nature and Love is our Mother’s Nature that we inherit. We are born to Love. Enter the heart of the volcano.

I Believe In You.

Believe In YourSelf.

Official Hakeem Alexander HypnoAthletics Icon

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