HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, Metaphysics

Numerology: Series of Triplets – Numeral 7

Numerology: Series of Triplets – Numeral 7

Time is Precious and Beautiful; just as You Are. How do we make the most of our time? This question is easily answered. But before I answer that question if I do decide to at all, I will address another question that was posed to me about the meaning of the triplet series of 777.

The numeral 7 carries with it the vibration and characteristic of uncovering information. It is a numeral of clear knowing. It can also be said to be a numeral of clairvoyance.

This is a psychic numeral and is one that may be connected to understanding events not directly understood, but more like spooky action from a distance.

On a more grounded level, the numeral 7 may just signify the ability for a person resonating with this vibration to be able to read others easily. Or at least more easily than a person not resonating with this vibration.

So it can be safely said that three 7 -numerals may multiply these powers of perception by 3 times. It may also multiply these powers of perception by 343 times as 7x7x7=343. Seven to the third power!

Three sevens added together, or seven multiplied by three also gives us the numeral 21. Of course as you can observe, 21 is made up of the individual numerals 2 and 1. The numbers 2 and 1 together add up to give us the numeral 3. And it is this that gives the triplet of 777 another powerful dimension of creative, generative, life-force and power.

The numeral 1 is considered a masculine, man or male numeral. It signifies leadership, creativity and starting new things. This is the Yan energy side of the Chi, Ki, Prana, Ha, Ka, or Ba in the Universal Division. You could also say this is Oster or Osiris.

The numeral 2 is considered a feminine, woman or female numeral. It signifies cooperation, reception and supporting all things. This is the Yin energy side of the Chi, Ki, Prana, Ha, Ka, or Ba in the Universal Division. You could also say this is Ast-Ra or Isis.

The numeral 3 is considered to be androgynous, both male and female unisex numeral. it signifies sensuality, sexuality, vibrant-life and union.

This is both the Yin and Yan; the complete Chi, Ki, Prana, Ha, Ka, or Ba as the Universal Union. You could also say this is the Moon-Star, the Monster, Minister, Monastery or HORUS.

This is the Star of Divide (David), the Seal of Solomon (Sol=Sun + Mon=Moon). The ultimate and first unity of the cosmos found on the nine-numeral scale.

If we look at this from a Holistic Perspective, we will find that we have quite a grand power before us when we find the triplet of 7 in one of our calculations.

It could be said that there is one who resonates with this vibration about to unite with their psychic abilities. This could be because of a relationship between a man and a woman becoming stronger and more deeply loving, and this union giving birth to new powers that are unique to this union.

Whatever the case, there is a New Horizon (Horus-Rising) of psychic, intellectual, mental and spiritual perception making itself more powerful and known. This could be signifying a marriage or other strong unity of a couple. It might even be telling us that there is a birth of a new, very aware and powerful child being conceived or about to be conceived.

The meaning of the triplet series of 777  is the answer to how we make the best use of our time. It is to exercise our powers of perception so that we give birth to new understanding. It is to make the best use of our leadership and at the same time cooperation. To create new things and be at the same time supportive of new ideas.

Time is Precious and Beautiful. You are Precious and Beautiful.

I Believe in You.

Believe in YourSelf.


Numerology: Series of Triplets – Numeral 7

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