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UniquilibriuM: Energetic Purification and Companionship

By Hakeem Alexander

(Exercising Your Mind) Blessings in everlasting proportion are to you all. May you eternally be courted by evolving and blossoming delight, goodwill and plentiful supply of all that is right and pleasing to you. You know who you are, though your names are too numerous and would fill many pages and books, I owe to you my fine graces and glow with thankfulness for the gifts that have been your purifying companionship throughout my existence.

Quite some time ago, I developed a persistent desire and faith in personal development, self-improvement and optimum performance. It first began as a personal exploration journey in order to save myself from oblivion. I had felt that I was on a path to total self-destruction for a while and made a decision to change the course of my actions for one that would be more constructive.

I really am not sure why I was so hell-bent on annihilation of myself. My parents provided me and my siblings with everything we needed and more. In addition to that we were given many luxuries and had the opportunities to participate in and excel in many school and extra-curricular activities. Somehow though, even with all of the love, care and attention I received, I embarked upon a dark-mission that left a wake of smoldering aftermath wherever I would go.

Interestingly enough though, many of my friends and companions from those self-tortured days seem to have had, and still do have a much more positive recollection of who I was and am now than I had about myself. I was really very hard on myself and felt like I was a failure at everything I did and was headed nowhere but into devastation.

What is even more intriguing is that, in spite of my constant self-hatred, I decided to search for ways to free myself from the persistent agony, suicidal and maniacal emotions I was suffering from. To my understanding, these harsh feelings were all self-inflicted and therefore able to be changed by a focus on self-healing and recovery. Because of the efforts I made to remedy my ill-tempered and misguided state, I have been able to overcome the negativity and actually begin to thrive from my learning.

I have over the recent past few years taken careful consideration of the recollections of many of my former school-mates, neighborhood pals and current friends and associates. Throughout this self-analysis, I have come to the realization that I have been considered to do far more good than any perceived evils I had before expected to be the case.

In fact, I am now quite certain, above all else, that I have been much of an asset to my community in proportion but opposite to the liability I had considered myself to be. And taking an honest and thorough inventory of the matters concerning my life has revealed a very refreshing history that I am eternally grateful for.

My gratitude and thanksgiving far exceeds anything that could possibly be expressed in a thousand words; but is a picture of a life surrounded by many beautiful and wonderful souls who have supported and encouraged me throughout my wonderful journey. It is with considerable joy that I credit the magnificent beings I am and have been surrounded with for being the propelling and sustaining impulse that has so favored my positive development.

Were it not for all of the uplifting spirits and welcoming embraces sheltering and nourishing me, figuratively and literally, I would have indeed been the wretched and downtrodden villain I had mistakenly imagined for my destiny.

Being charged with the truest strength and power to energize my efforts to see myself in a better light from all about me, I was in very short time able to propel forward, quite independently, from my own internally-generated, upward acceleration. With an astounding quickness and resourceful efficiency, my self-help efforts began to overflow to my atmosphere and into any who may have had the particular thirst or yearning for the showering abundance of life.

To my wonderful astonishment, I have observed that a great many of the more substantial  benefits of my character and resulting charismatic musings were being absorbed, both consciously and unconsciously by all those in the radius of my outpouring surplus of light and love. Light and Love that was before rained upon me by all the glorious companions who dared allow me into their lives had now been collected, magnified and reflected out onto the world in such fabulous proportions.

By all appearances and evidence, it is now obvious that I have gratefully transformed into a more conscious facilitator of the marvelous resources of benevolence and peace that have been bestowed upon me. And I am more than glad to guide and direct such joyful radiance to everything and everyone that I can.

The testimonials of health and happiness that fill my heart are given the most hospitable acceptance. To know that my earnest pursuits towards the better and the best have been and are put to service in energetic purification and companionship brings cheer to my soul. To be honored with the knowledge that some part of my presence has provided relief and satisfaction is a great consolation.

Being acutely aware of my many shortcomings, I offer my highest regard and shall set my goals to sustaining the brightest aspirations. I wish all great things to everyone. The privilege I have before me is a precious opportunity to continue the exchange and cultivation the most noble attributes of humankind. Let us all travel further in mutual respect and visionary ideals.

Thank you all for the delivering to me the grand fortune I have had to fulfill a mighty purpose of determination, distinction and volition that may have otherwise been less worthy an entity. Instead, we have all profited and dwell in coherent sophistication in great response to the appreciation I embody because of your recognition of my potential esteem.

In actuality, we may not owe any debts of gratitude for the harmony and splendor that we have obtained in this expansive Universe. But we may as well act as if that were so and continue the ongoing cycle of majesty and reward to all those who may find themselves cast within our shadows and our light.

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