Athletics, HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, Metaphysics

Now is the Time to Improve Your Health

By Hakeem Alexander

(Exercising Your Mind) Are you a happy and healthy person? Do you thrive in your physical life? Are you mentally fit and focused? Do you feel Love and joy in your Powerful Spirit? If so, I congratulate you for being in control of your life. I also encourage you to share your abundance with others who need it. So many people do. The following information may be helpful to those who are struggling.  

If you understand that experiencing fresh air, clean water, and nutritious whole foods in a healthy body on a happy planet is true wealth, you hold a key concept to unlocking your holistic abundance on all levels of existence – physical, energetic, mental, intuitive and spiritual. A few helpful and simplified tips for abundant health and wellness are:

  • Daily physical activity with common movements such as walking, stretching and breathing deeply.
  • Sustaining an energetic body and mind with proper sleep, relaxation, play, and natural foods.
  • Exercising Your Mind and strengthening mental experiences by learning and contemplating new information.
  • Enhancing intuitive connections to others, your mission in life and higher vision through mindfulness.
  • Empowering your spiritual being through gratitude, meditation, and Loving intention towards all things.

*These steps are especially important for teachers, healers, and other leaders of people.

For many different reasons, which I take full responsibility for, I have not always been healthy or happy. But I did not accept that as being my fate, and disciplined myself to achieve the life I felt was right for me. Through many difficult years of persistent studying, practice and sharing, I have come to a point where I consistently achieve the results I desire. Of course I am not claiming to be perfect or free of challenges, but only that I have realized it is possible to create harmony by practicing healthy living.

Sometimes, it is very hard for me not to cry almost every day when I am traveling around the city I live in. I can relate to the pain I see from personal experience. I frequently use public transportation, walk quite often, and live in an “affluent” neighborhood which exposes me to a wide variety of people from many areas of life in all social arenas. I am personally disturbed at the poor quality of health across all of these demographics. Most of these health issues may be prevented by simple changes in lifestyle.

There is no excuse to be in poor health from preventable diseases. This is simply because they are preventable, which means you can take actions to improve the quality of your health, or avoid processes that are bad for your health. Heart disease, lung cancer and type-2, or adult onset diabetes and obesity are just a few of these diseases. All of them may be prevented by exercising intelligently, eating foods in a sensible and balanced way, and meditating regularly.

Drinking alcohol irresponsibly and binge drinking or in excess, smoking tobacco and over-eating or eating too many processed and artificial junk foods are sure ways to invite these diseases into your life. Of course, many people will say that what I have just written is common sense. If so, then why are we as a nation, the United States of America, and so many other folks across the world suffering from these ailments so persistently and frequently?

The answer to that question is very easy for me to answer from my perspective. The reason so many people all over the world suffer from preventable diseases is because they are mislead, uninformed, ignorant, indifferent and lazy. That last statement is meant to be blunt and honest but not mean. To clarify and be fair, much of this suffering is because the reality of how we as humans may thrive in great health is hidden and replaced by dangerous, health threatening information. Most of this is done through carefully crafted messages that can be viewed as a sinister form of covert hypnosis, intended to increase the profits of a few at the expense of many. Common sense is not so common.

As you know, there are many people getting rich by making other people sick. The junk food, soft drink, cigarette, alcohol, and prescription drug industries are a few examples.” –Robert T. Kiyosaki; Increasing Your Financial IQ, 2008

After writing the first few lines of this essay I remembered reading the line I quoted from Kiyosaki’s book. It adds the fact that prescription drugs are also one of the causes of what I am calling preventable diseases. I mention its importance here because prescription drugs are where many people turn when faced with a health crises, which may be making matters worse.

Human beings appear to be either very trusting of their fellow humans and unquestioningly accepting of the information from “authority figures”, or intellectually lazy. Either one of those situations qualify as a primary hypnotic modality and allows much of the health damaging information to pass unchallenged into the subconscious mind where it becomes belief and behavior. Even when a person is experiencing negative results from their poor behavior and actions, they may still carry on destroying themselves.

Because of the hidden beneficial information that is replaced with diseased information, many people simply accept that their ill state of being as a normal course of life. And if you go by one definition of normal as “statistically most frequent” then yes, nowadays it is normal to be ill. But does that mean it is destined, necessary or inevitable? Of course not. Now is the time to improve your health.

You may be wondering why it sounds like some evil conspiracy theory from a thriller novel or suspense film that there are people who enrich their bank accounts from the demise of others. Well, it is because it is easy to do and because they can enslave others. If that is considered conspiracy then it is so. There is a great power that we all possess which has been systematically removed from our knowledge banks and replaced with limiting beliefs. The truth of our existence may be summed up by stating: We live in a Universe which is formless, neutral substance, formed by a God that responds directly to the nature of our thoughts or prayers. Thoughts are prayers, it is as simple as that. Whatever your beliefs or disbelief about God, it is a fact that our thoughts are creative.

Actions on the physical level must begin with thought. If you think disease thoughts, the kind which may have been planted within you, you become diseased by acting in disease generating ways. It is like praying to God for suffering and then going about and consuming that pain which has been created by your thoughts. If this is all you know because the other more helpful information has been hidden, it is understandable why you suffer.

Just because there are those who are benefitting from your losses, and it is logically understandable, it is not an excuse to allow yourself to be miserable. There always have been and always will be those who are healthy and successful as examples to model. Therefore, if you are experiencing poor health, now is the time to improve your health by adopting and adapting to your lifestyle more wholesome behaviors.

Unhealthy behavior is physical suicide induced by a poor mentality as a result of a disconnection from the Great Spirit. I believe that if I have the ability to take responsibility for transforming my self abuse and personal suffering into health and prosperity, then anyone can. I know of people who have had experiences in their lives that I am very glad to not have dealt with because they were so deeply traumatized physically, mentally and spiritually. However, they too found the strength in their lowest times to turn their suffering into salvation. -So can you, if you truly desire it!

We all have the power to create our experiences. If we have taken a path that has been painful rather than joyful, it may seem almost impossible to elevate ourselves from the troubles we have entrenched ourselves in. But the truth is that we can change by simply desiring to do so, and that is our power. From desire we take persistent action towards our goals. It takes time but we continue in faith and inspiration from our small successes. We seek help when we need it and accept that we are a co-creating community. No matter how sick you feel, no matter how impoverished your thoughts, no matter how much pain is in your soul, you can find your way into achieving the results that you desire.

Now is the Time to Improve Your Health.

One thought on “Now is the Time to Improve Your Health

  1. great post – its good to keep in mind that a little daily activity can really help everyone improve their health, little by little. Just some stretching and activity can help keep you out of walkers later in life, and help keep you mentally fit as well!

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