Billion-Dollar Master-Mind, Events and Premieres, Guru GrandMaster, Hakeem Alexander, HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, Metaphysics, UniquilibriuM

Primum Nun Nocere part II

(Exercising Your Mind)

(II) To the Mind.
I must as well mention that many people make the assumption that I must be a Scientologist and follower of Lafeyette Ron Hubbard(LRH) because of my awareness campaigns featuring current medical practices, in particular, biological psychiatry. I also was a practicing Scientologist. No surprise if you know me well; I’m a ‘joiner”.

If there is a legitimate movement to create awareness about the Psychiatric Industry, the Church of Scientology, and their Citizens Commission on Human Rights(CCHR) are the best and worst thing that ever happened to it. Because I have experienced that Scientologists do a lot of misleading people whether they know it or not, and many people realize this when listening to some of their arguments that just run around in rhetorical circles as they desperately attempt to recruit or sell something to you. The problem is that most of us have a lazy habit of thinking that just because A, B, and C are false then D must be false also and therefore what Scientologists say about Psych-Meds must be false.

A lot of, if not all of what the Church of Scientology says about Psychiatry and many other things is true, and the human laziness of thinking that because A, B, and C, are true, then D must also be true is why there are so many mislead followers of this “Church”. A church which is reported by Texe Marrs in Codex Magica to have been founded as a copycat organization of Aleister Crowley’s OTO or Ordo Templi Orientis, a “Black Magic” group that also inspired fellow Hypnotist Anton Szandor LaVey to spawn his Church of Satan.

I provide services as an Independent Researcher, Strategic Consultant, Fitness Trainer and Hypnotherapist; complimenting other skills. I studied at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI), known as “America’s first nationally accredited college of hypnotherapyin November of 2004 and received my diploma in February 2006. I have recognized during my interest in the Church of Scientology and my continued work with them for over three years starting in mid 2002-2006, that much of the “technology” used in what Scientologists call “Auditing” and Word Clearing, which originated with Hubbard’s “Dianetics”, are exactly the same as Hypnosis, and Neuro Linguistic Programming(NLP) techniques cleverly integrating physics concepts relating MEST; or matter, energy, space, time.

Other strong correlations may be contrasted with age regression and Time-Line Therapy which Scientologists call “revivification”. Is it readily circulated that Hubbard used Hypnosis a lot and was actually calling himself a “Master Hypnotist” at one time.

Auditing is also very similar to circle therapy and systematic desensitization used in psychology/ hypnosis. Scientologists claim the difference is that Hypnotists plant suggestions while Auditing does not. Auditing need not plant suggestions because as I have personally experienced all of the Scientology books, films, audio and other forms of Hypnotic conditioning are chronically and intensely imposed upon individuals seeking information. Maybe Hubbard’s “tech” on Hypnosis is out-dated as are his references to homosexuality being a phenomenon to be corrected or audited out.

Of course, a proper Scientologist would not know that they are being Hypnotized using exact Hypnotic techniques down to the counting to the number 5, snapping of fingers and being given “cancelers” so that “Any suggestion I have made to you will be without force when I say the word ‘canceled.’ Do you understand?”.

Why do you need to be given a canceler for suggestions that you supposedly do not plant?

In addition, a wannabe Scientology recruit, who has not been Hypnotized before, wouldn’t know that Hypnotic techniques were being used and called “Auditing”. This is because the properly indoctrinated Scientologist would never allow himself to experience the useful therapy of Hypnosis because of the fear attached to it by LRH in his books, and the previously Hypnotized potential recruit may never experience “Auditing” because she or he is told they might be harmed or even go insane because of unscrupulous Hypnotists’ implants while undergoing Auditing. A great ploy to stave off the curious from realizing what is really going on. To illustrate, here are a few of Hubbard’s comments on Hypnosis.

“Dianetics: the Modern Science of Mental Health; 1999 paperback edition.
Page 75
Hypnotism is a laboratory tool. It is not used to any extent in Dianetic therapy, but has served as a means of examining the mind and getting its reactions.

Page 77
…hypnotism is just another tool, a tool which is of only occasional use in Dianetics and is, indeed, not needed at all. (Contradicts page 75) Hypnotism is a wild variable. It is dangerous and belongs in the parlor in the same way you would want an atom bomb there. – LRH

page 125
And none of these hypnotic tests should be performed until one has finished reading this book and knows how to get rid of suggestions; for hypnosis, as practiced, is strictly live-fuse stuff and the hypnotist who is unacquainted with Dianetics has no more idea how to get rid of a suggestion he has made than he has of how to peel an atom.

Science of Survival; 2001 hardcover edition

Page 199-200
Submission to being hypnotized is analogous to being raped, with the exception that the individual can, generally, recover from being raped. To any clear thinking human being who believes in the value of people as human beings, there is something gruesomely obscene about hypnotism.

Page 466
the apparent attempted beneficence may be, the individual who would
permit himself to be hypnotized is, frankly, a fool.
page 473
… A motto one could use is “Never believe a hypnotist.”

L.Ron Hubbard’s attempt to steer people away from knowing that his techniques are “borrowed” from Psychology, Hypnosis and mostly the “As above, so below” philosophy of past mystics, occultists and many other sources has worked on the millions of followers boasted by the “Church”, but the keen observer will plainly see the connection. The fact is that a great harm is being done to people financially when they are required to pay more than $500,000 or more to achieve the top spiritual levels on Scientology’s “Bridge to total freedom”. Moving from Wog (Pre-Clear) to Clear and finally to OT (Operating Thetan).

Thanks to the one-sided view in popular books and media many people in general have incorrect data concerning hypnosis, its origins, and applications. Even though Milton H. Erickson, M.D. successfully demonstrated the utility of hypnosis such that the American Medical Association validated it as an effective healing technique in 1958, many people are afraid of being controlled, or of not being able to wake up from a trance amongst other concerns. Others are not confident in its efficacy and may feel that hypnosis does not work on everyone.

As I have discovered through recent training and practice, this is not entirely accurate. All persons who possesses a functioning brain not damaged by illness or injury may be Hypnotized and probably have been by their environment or certain types of popular media, or certain religious indoctrination. Hypnosis may be defined as “anything that attempts to control or modify human behavior through the influence or creation of belief systems” It is simply a matter of accessing their individual “suggestibility”, which can be tested and measured.

A very practical theory that Dr. John G. Kappas founder of (HMI) formulated in the late 60’s has proven to be as accurate a method as I have ever utilized for Hypnotic suggestibility. The number thought to be Hypnotizable in the 1950’s and early 1960’s of only 50-60%, is now theorized to be upwards of 95 percent globally using the “E & P” or connotative / denotative theory.

Franz Anton Mesmer,

From who we derive the term “mesmerize” as in “hypnotize” was a German physician who first used a type of suggestion in which he got into harmony or rapport with his patients, in order to realign their magnetic poles and “fluid” to affect a healing. Hypnosis and its derivative words share origin with the Greek God of Sleep, Hypnos, and sleep is literally what is intended by the Central Nervous System Depressants used in medicine such as chloral hydrate, a sedative-hypnotic. When James Braid observed a mesmerized patient in 1841 it may have resembled sleep to him as he later coined the term “Hypnosis” for the state and practice in 1852. He soon recognized the psychological connection, realizing that Hypnotized subjects are never asleep unless they are taught Self-Hypnosis to treat insomnia and related conditions; and even then they go to sleep after the Hypnosis. The “sleep” may actually refer to the conscious mind going to sleep while the subconscious awakens. The term stuck however, though it is proven time and again that you are not sleeping as can be seen by the antics of participants in live stage-Hypnosis shows and on Electro-Encephalographs(EEGs) used in labs.

Hubbard and others seem to have taken all of this information and lumped it together into one big “axis of evil”. Thusly, since the CIA used it to create killer-spies, and drugs called sedative-hypnotics were used, and are also used by the psychs, and people act foolish in stage shows, and it puts you to sleep so you’re unconscious, and you get amnesia etc., it must all be evil. A=B=C=D, so lets fight them all. What about developing beneficial solutions based on integration of these disciplines. They all share a common ancestor after all. One might
conclude that all this is to scare folks away from the evidence that many techniques are exact to other useful systems and monopolize the game for themselves.

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An example of this interplay is that Scientologists / Dianeticists use a device to measure the “mass” of one’s thoughts called the E-Meter or ElectropsychoMeter often utilized in Dianetic and Scientology Auditing Therapy. A Dianeticist and American Researcher, Volney Mathieson presented these ideas to Hubbard, but this device was much longer used before in its first beginnings in 1888, when Tarchinoff discovered the phenomenon of skin resistance. One of its earliest applications was in the work of Wilhelm Wundt in his Leipzig laboratory in the late 1890’s, where he used an early form of it to measure body electricity as part of his research known as psychophysics. It has been used in the practice of Hypnosis and by medical doctors and is known as Bio-FeedBack today.

A device known as the GSR Meter or Galvanic Skin Response/Resistance was used by London Psychiatrist Bernard Hollander for monitoring Hypnotic trance states, he lived from 1864 – 1934. He died long before L. Ron Hubbard integrated his E-Meter and much before his release of Dianetics in 1950.

Carl Gustav Jung published “Studies in Word Analysis” in 1906 which describe techniques that are strikingly comparable to Hubbard’s “Word Clearing” as well as Dr. Peter Mark Roget’s work; “classified collection of related words” supplementing his theory that if a person defined and learned all of the words pertaining to a certain profession, skill or craft, they would more quickly assimilate the new skills becoming expert in understanding significantly more than without the techniques.

If Scientology has such a beef with the psychology and psychiatric industry with claims of how ineffective they are, then why are there techniques so very,very parallel? They would easily have you believe it is because LRH traversed so many subjects in his studies. While this may be true in itself it does not mean that he created something entirely new “never before seen” as LRH claims. As I have previously suggested he may have been master of deception and simply used this ploy to create loyal followers.

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