Events and Premieres, HypnoAthletics

Health Freedom Expo: Movement and Revolution

Whether or not people who claim that this legislation is unconstitutional are barking up the wrong tree (refer to Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution), the new Health Care Reform is
still a violation, because it leaves out the choice to use the insurance we are being compelled to pay for, in a way that I know to be a real healing modality such as the natural healing
methods I have listed above (nutrition, exercise, etc.). That in itself should cause alarm to anyone who desires freedom of any kind. …

Athletics, HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, Metaphysics

Introducing PhysioMeditation – A New Expression of HypnoAthletics: Exercising Your Mind

Through a coordinated progression of breathing, musculoskeletal and central nervous system activation, Physiomeditation can empower you with motivation, self-improvement, healthy physical fitness,
and if you so desire, spiritual unfoldment. You may fully integrate the physical, energetic, mental, intuitive and spiritual realms of existence and learn to be not only an archive of wisdom in a
healthy body, but a weapon of self-defense if you choose …

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