Billion-Dollar Master-Mind, Blog Beast, Guru GrandMaster, HypnoAthletics

Why You Want A Whole Lot Of Money

A Whole Lot Of Money

Why You Want It

That which makes you want more money is the same as that
which makes the plant grow; it is Life, seeking fuller expression.
– The Science of Getting Rich

(Exercising Your Mind) Too many of you reading this have had a difficult time expressing your desire for an abundance of money.

I can only guess this is true because I have often been misled into feeling guilty about having a powerful desire for having a whole lot of money.

But then I came to the realization that there is everything right with having an appreciation for money, and what it can help me to accomplish.

This is much different than worship of money which can rob you of your ability to enjoy your life to the fullest.

  • The key is actually what money can help you to accomplish.
  • Maybe you have kids to feed and a family to support.
  • You may have a lot of bills to pay and just want to be financially independent.
  • It is possible that you want to be wealthy and travel without worry and stress.
  • You might want to prepare for the age of apocalypse and build a bunker.
  • Maybe you are preparing for a conspiracy theory police state scenario.
  • It is possible that you want to be ready for an alien invasion.

Any one of those things or something more or less eccentric could be the reason why you want a whole lot of money.

The point is of course, that money is how you get to do stuff in this world.

And if you do not start right now to get the skills you need to have the stuff that you want and need, when is now a great time to start?

If you do not yet have a game plan, allow me to share one with you that has been shared with me, by a few people who literally make millions with it.

You can use this blue-print to start learning the valuable skills you need to create the life you truly desire, and then begin drawing up plans of your own.

This is exactly what I have been doing.

When I saw that something I was attempting to get done for seven years was able to be accomplished in just 90-days by something they showed me, I got in!

Because I know that I am the one that has to take full responsibility for the experiences that I have in my life; bad or good.

And if you are ready to take that step, which I believe you are, because you are reading this right now; then you must take immediate action.

This is why I am sharing this with you.

And if you have been following my publications at all, you will have witnessed my confidence and my presentations becoming more bold and certain.

Because I am getting results and transforming my life!

And coming up on June 26th through the 29th, is going to be an amazing event in Charlotte, North Carolina where even more will be revealed.

I have already seen how we can make $16,000 in 30 minutes.

We can even earn $30,000 in that same 30-minute depending on the timing.

So I am really looking for a top 10 team to get started with.

Will you be one of them?

This is no small change.

This is big dollars and life-changing income on the line here.

But the only way you will have access to this is if you get started right now.

I Believe In You

Believe In YourSelf

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