HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, Metaphysics

Initiating A League Of Assassins: Killing WithOut Guilt [Part-2]

Killing WithOut Guilt

Initiating A League Of Assassins


(Exercising Your Mind) There is power and magic when you use your imagination to re-frame your ideas about undesired habits, emotions, and actions using self-hypnosis.

You don’t have to call it self-hypnosis though. That is just what I prefer to call it, because it is what matches most closely to the professional training that I received.

You may choose to call it transformational imagination, psychological re-framing, or whatever works best to actually help you practice creating the changes you desire.

If you just landed on this page, you may be wondering what this is all about. I highly suggest that you take a look at the very brief Part-1 introduction >HERE<

This is certainly a necessary primer if you are to reap the full benefit of the awesome abilities you have sown in your life.

Yes you!

Because you are the secret.

And this super-simple idea, when put into action by you, will forever revolutionize the way that you think, act, and live.

How do I know this? I know because I have been living this way very successfully for years.

So be sure to go ahead right now and read the very brief Part-1 introduction >HERE<…

It will be very useful to create the momentum required to make a conscious shift in the re-framing of your subconscious-mind patterns to a most empowering state of transformation.

Back From The Dead

Too often, because of the very morbid, and gory pop-culture theme and meme of the zombie, we mostly consider things coming back from the dead as being gory, nightmarish zombie stuff.

However, this is not exactly about flesh-eating, brain-seeking, Cannibal Corpse creatures hunting the living to bring them to an early demise, or worse; to turn them into one of The Walking Dead.

Instead, when we do our killing without guilt, the dead rise in a much more favorable form.

They are renewed.

More alive and vibrant than before.

Giving us life rather than taking it away.

Bury Your Dead

Now, if you will, recall the idea of digging a grave.

And realize that the purpose of digging a grave is not to leave it empty, but to fill the hollow space in the Earth with a corpse.

In the same way, whenever we assassinate some aspect of our “bad” habits, emotions, and actions; we must fill the hollow we have dug out with the body of the dead.

And even the body or corpse takes on a whole new definition when we re-frame the idea of death into the concept of regeneration and everlasting life.

Picture a seed.

Or imagine, think about, feel, pretend or visualize the idea of a seed in any way that you can.

The seed holds the key to new life. It is the infinite-intelligence, information center for growth.

So as you replace, in your mind, the concept of a corpse being a seed instead, you are moving closer towards your own very powerful, self-propelled transformation.

Fear Is The MindKiller

And guilt is really a form of fear.

So we have to kill them before they kill us.

We have to kill guilt and fear before it kills our mind.

The death of our mind is the very death of all that we are.

And the purpose of this initiation into transformation is so that we have more life!

This is your initiation into The League Of Assassins.

A MetaPhysical-Murder that actually saves you, and those you love, rather than being a violent destruction of the self and the senses.

Unfortunately, most of the time, our minds become like a Fear Factory.

An industry of violent death and destruction of our dreams, and life, and everything we desire for good in this world.

Fortunately, there is a way to turn all of this around for the better.

And as you carefully read, review, and practice what you are learning here, your full initiation will empower you to live forever.

The Garden Of Suggestion

We are now beginning to fill in the void.

To make full that hollow space left in place of the dead that we made by the assassination of the enemies of our hearts, lives, and souls.

We are understanding the transformation that comes from re-framing death into life by replacing the idea of a corpse with the idea of a seed.

And it is from here, that we shall proceed.

To be Continued…

You Are The Secret.

I Believe In You

Believe In YourSelf.

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