Billion-Dollar Master-Mind, Blog Beast, UniquilibriuM

Optimizing The Search Engine Of Your Mind For Success (pt.1)

Your Mind For Success

Optimizing The Search Engine

(Exercising Your Mind) You are The Secret. And everything that you require in order to create success is already a part of you. The reality is you must know how to find this power.

To permit your mind to dwell upon the inferior is to become inferior and to surround yourself with inferior things.

On the other hand, to fix your attention on the best is to surround yourself with the best, and to become the best.  – Wallace D. Wattles; The Science of Getting Rich

Success leaves clues. And one of the clues that has been left by many of the very successful that I have been learning from, and associating with for many years is the art of emulation.

This really just means behaving as, and taking the same types of actions that successful people do.

Wanna Know What Successful People Are Doing?

Are You Sick And Tired?

If you really are sick and tired, chances are that you have been doing sick and tired stuff. And you may be doing sick and tired stuff because you are simply aimless and are just on a default mode…

Or, you are accepting and acting upon information by sick and tired people and situations.

If this were not the case, then you would be healthy and lively instead of sick and tired.

Searching For Health And Wealth

Open up a new window on your PC, Mac, LapTop or DeskTop and type in a Search Engine like Google, or whatever you prefer.

If you type in disease and poverty; then you are going to get many pages that tell you about disease and poverty.

When you type in health and wealth, then you will get many pages that tell you about health and wealth.

This is exactly what happens to your mind and in your life.

The thoughts and ideas that you continually hold in your mind has the exact same effect as typing those thoughts and ideas into a search engine.

Your Mind Is A Search Engine

What you think about, you bring about. Just like when you type in a thought or idea in a search engine, then you bring it up on your screen or monitor.

What we hold our thoughts upon in life, we tend to notice those things in the world around us, more so than if we were not focused upon those things.

Have you ever made something disappear in front of your face? Like when someone asks you to find something in your house, in a cabinet, closet, or the fridge?

You swear up and down that it is not there and then the person who asked you and knows where it is pulls it from right under your nose; literally right in front of your face!

This is how we go about in our world. You get a new pair of shoes, a shirt, a phone or a new car.

Then all of a sudden it seems like everybody and their whole family has the same shoes, shirt, phone and cars. And they are the same color, and with the same add-ons and accessories.

This is because you have now been preconditioned to notice these things.

Like how your browser on your computer “remembers” your last few searches. Just type in a few of the letters and it pops up without you finishing or spelling it all out. You know the deal.

Your Mind For Success

Tap into your resources and utilize everything that you’ve got. You’ve got to be willing to do whatever it takes. You can control your outcome by controlling your activity.

Do you want to fail, and die, slowly, and painfully?

Or do you want to succeed, and live long, and prosper?

I can only share with you how to succeed, and live long, and prosper. This is because this is what I have been continually searching for in my life.

Because I have been searching for how to live long, and prosper; I have found many people, teams, groups, organizations, and companies that focus on this type of success.

Listen to people that are creating the results that you want

Optimizing The Search Engine

It is one of the most valuable steps you can take to celebrate and edify the success of other people.

When you see someone wearing the nice shoes, fancy shirt, latest phone, or brand new car; you must totally, truly and completely celebrate their success.

Too many people are in the habit of being envious and jealous of what other people have. This is also true when someone has the partner, husband or wife that you find appealing.

You might get jealous and steaming with anger and despise the person who has what you desire.

But like the Buddha taught, when you are angry or hateful towards another person for any reason, it is like you drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

All of that negativity will hold you back from getting what you want, unless you are willing to steal the things that you want from others in a desperate act of lack and despair.

Do you want to spend the rest of your life begging and stealing?

Instead of anything that is less than wonderful, you can focus on the success of the people that have the results that you want with great joy and respect.

This is how you optimize the search engine of your mind for success…

You Are The Secret.

I Believe In You

Believe In YourSelf.

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