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Please God; SomeOne Or SomeThing Help Me Before I Die For NoThing

Before I Die For NoThing

Please God; SomeOne Or SomeThing Help Me

(a secret formula for living abundantly revealed)
[How To Elucidate A SleepWalker]

(Exercising Your Mind) Take note that as you read this and understand that I refer to myself and personal experiences, that you will find very many similarities that you can apply to your very own life in various different and empowering ways right now.

As different as we are, we share so many powerful likenesses that can launch us into greatness!

I always knew this but allowed my wonderful nature to distract me. I did not understand it. Because of this, I thought I would die for nothing. You may have felt the same at some time before.

Keep reading and I will share with you one of the most effective, secret formulas for abundant living and success that has been hidden in plain sight for so long!

The Grave, Gravity and Escape Velocity

Not that I am afraid to die. It just concerns me that I would die, and my life would have been for nothing.

Or even worse – that my life would be a burden or liability in this world and take away from, rather than add to the fullness and richness of life, and the people I share it with.

And so I prayed for help.

Because I did not know what else to do. Not being part of any religion I still knew to pray. By being mindful of the fact that my every thought and consideration counts as a prayer.

There are so many people that have honored me with some great testimonials about my work and services.

Sometimes through chance meetings, or from single encounters in which an isolated event like the reading of an article, an e mail or a conversation, has helped or inspired them in some way.

But I want to do more; I need to…

No man can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money; for to unfold the soul and to develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he has money to buy them with“.
– W.D. Wattles; The Science of Getting Rich

I still sometimes felt somehow dead inside.

I really have to do more. So much more.

And in order to do much more, I realize that I have to have something that might appear to be unlimited resources. For my vision is grand.

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The problem is that I have a problem. My thinking is so far removed from being naturally and normally clear and focused on one, single, specific course of action.

I learn so quickly, and have so many genuine interests that my attention, and flow of energy can be scattered and dispersed so that it is not as effective as it could be.

I knew I needed to find a path to follow, but have resisted ferociously the guidance of anyone.

A man develops in mind, soul, and body by making use of things, and society is so organized that man must have money in order to become the possessor of things; therefore, the basis of all advancement for man must be the science of getting rich“.
– Wallace. D. Wattles

With all my ego and continued education and training, I was confident that I could do it all alone.

There are a lot of things that I need to make use of in order to develop fully in mind. To have peace of mind that my existence actually means something to the world.

To develop in soul, so that I actually have a noble character in good conscience when I do leave this physical world. Not to be a scoundrel; but a hero even.

To develop totally and fully in body; so that others would be inspired to be active and healthy and fully present, aware, awake and alive. Even when they do not feel the motivation from themselves.

Who do you think you are?

But who am I?

An artist?

A musician?

A vagrant wanderer in search of himself; finding nothing yet wanting everything?

A magician?

What magic could such a lost soul possibly command in order to accomplish such feats?

It seems that the answer is simply in having the sincere desire for these great things.

Because once set upon the task with unflinching persistence through faith that it will be achieved; a way has surely been found.

There are people in this world who know how to rise up from the lowest of places and become beings far greater than anyone else would have dared to imagine for them.

There are those in this world who care enough to create a system that enables them to deliver this knowledge to others so they apply the instructions, and also shine in the darkest, self-made prisons.

Learn more about these awesome people HERE

I thought I was one of the lowest beings.

Yet still I knew that I would do great things just because I wanted to. So I kept searching and praying that I would work towards, and find a way to overcome my own barriers.

Who you think you are is who you are.

Maybe you don’t experience that at this moment. But if you keep thinking sincerely upon, and about what you really wish to be; then that you shall become.

Where there’s a will…

I have failed over and over again.

But this is not all in vain as you probably may know.

Because it is only that I have taken massive action over and over again; that I have had the privilege to fail at all. Which in fact is not a true failure. So long as I DO NOT QUIT!

Since I do not give up. I continue to believe that I can develop fully and totally in mind, soul and body; only so far as I can be of some great benefit to my world.

It took long enough to realize that the only way for me to really do this was to submit to the leadership of someone or some group, organization or collective actively living my dream.

Because I learn so quickly and easily; I absorb information from my environment so rapidly that it often appears as if the data are all of my own original cognition.

Being in the world, I have often become of the world. Salivating at the ring of a bell like Pavlov’s Dogs. Saying “Bless you” automatically at every sneeze like a button was pressed on a machine.

This very same highly-suggestible state of being a sleepwalker, or, somnambulist need not be a disadvantage. I turned it into one of the greatest blessing that it could possibly be!

The Secret For Abundant Living

For the highly-suggestible, rapid learning, super-intelligent, sleepwalking, or other easily influenced people; there is a way to succeed to your highest potential!

It all has to do with the world you are in.

You must know that if you are of the world that you are in; then you must change the world you are in at once – into the world that you would most desire to be of.

You can change your world

Your world is made up of the things you pay attention to, the people you spend your time with and the things that you do.

So the secret to abundant living i> is to pay attention to experiences of wealth and abundance; to spend time with people who live in wealth and abundance; and to behave and act on the examples of those circumstances and people of riches, wealth and abundance.

Because if you are easily influenced, by your nature to be of the world that you are in, then you must actively choose to create a world that you want to become a part of, and be of.

So create a wealthy and abundant world to become wealthy and abundant.

This is as simple as exploring the media created by those who are wealthy and abundant; getting close to those people who are wealthy and abundant, and taking the same actions of wealth abundance.

Empower Your Life

There is nothing wrong in wanting to get rich. The desire for riches is really the desire for a richer, fuller, and more abundant life; and that desire is praiseworthy“.
– W.D. Wattles

Lucid Dreaming


The secret to awakening this sleepwalker, has been simply to allow myself to become a lucid dreamer by awakening to the reality of how I experience the world, and learn from it.

The world is filled with people who are actively living the way I envision my business and personal life to be.

Working from home (or anywhere in the world) to build a business while having a great life!

This is the world I have been working to create. So that I can be of a world of my own design. A freedom world where I get to be part of a fantastic community full of free individuals.

All moving forward as unique and original souls who share a common purpose of being our best. And using this to lead with value to share and uplift others as we ourselves soar.

The richest and most successful team of business builders and marketers on the planet in full support of each other in the unified vision and as independent thinkers.

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