Billion-Dollar Master-Mind, HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, OrthoMolecular, UniquilibriuM

A=432Hz Cancer Cure (SF/F) EYM -HA- HypnoGenomics: KronoCycler [SubQuantum Agitation]

HypnoGenomics: KronoCycler [SubQuantum Agitation]

A=432Hz Cancer Cure (SF/F) EYM -HA-

(Exercising Your Mind) [Creative Non-Fiction] {Science Fiction / Fantasy}

HypnoAthletics Lucid Oneironautics Division (H.A.L.O. – Delta)
Sentience Protection Agency & Cosmic Embassy (S.P.A.C.E.)
Health Propulsion Laboratories (HPL)


M.E.T.A.-Physician / Field Commander – Alexander, H.A.B.
I.D. = UniquilibriuM: 77917190SUMMARY: While executing the multi-sensory stimulation techniques developed for specific EpiGenetic Engineering applications of HypnoGenomics developed by Health Propulsion Laboratories; the author accidentally triggered a latent mechanism that allows cells to resume their highest functioning, optimal health state by playing a guitar with the A-note tuned to a frequency of 432Hz; digitally calibrated by smartChord V2.11 Freeware ( and all other strings relative-tuned to the 432Hz frequency.

Free-Association Notes

data incomplete

Proprietary information and other details that have been classified TOP-SECRET CODEWORD have been omitted as a means to protect the financial considerations of HPL and the economical integrity of this institution, its officers, partners, employees and affiliates.

CytoVerse Optimization

It was discovered that every living cell always records its most healthy and optimal functioning state.

Whenever a healthier or more highly functioning condition is experienced by that cell, it is recorded as an override of the previously most healthy state.

Every living cell has a recording of the most optimum and healthy state and condition it has ever experienced. This high level state of existence can be triggered into operation at any time.

MultiFactorial Stimulants

There are understood to be multiple factors that are capable of fully stimulating this optimal cellular condition. In other words, there are many known mechanisms that may operate this faculty.

The current procedure to be briefly outlined is only one of  many triggers that was accidentally discovered, observed and recorded through the work of Health Propulsion Laboratories (HPL).

This discovery was brought about by a coincidental, chemical-reaction produced by vibrational variances of coherence and cancellation, here referred to as “agitation“.

The coherence / cancellation variance of vibration (agitation) is an interference caused by the coincidental, sonic-vibrations of particles and the wave-forms in the individual particles themselves.

SubQuantum Agitation (SQA)

A=432Hz + HGF1

The term agitation is a term assigned to this very particular factor out of the multiple that exist because of the mechanism of stimulation.

It was accidental in the same way the carbonated water contents of a plastic bottle would be agitated into reaction by the dropping and tumbling of the bottle from a stable and controlled state.

HypnoGenomics: The New Science of Hypnotically Inducing Cellular Pluripotentiality, Frequency Factor-One, coincidental with sonic molecular vibrations of A=432Hz excites and activates SQA.

Toxic and Carcinigenic Residues

Lysosomal Storage DysFunction serves as a model mechanism for outlining SubQuantum Agitation as a cellular phenomenon. That is the observed effects of SQA on molecular and cellular condition.

Lysosomes – (lyse= dissolution or destruction + soma= body) rid cells of molecular waste through a form of digestion, dissolution or destruction.

However, from time to time these lysosomes encounter indigestible molecules or other materials that it cannot digest, dissolve or destroy.

These indigestible substances remain as toxic, residual materials left within the cells that impede or slow down the cell’s optimal functioning.

When the body’s cells can not eliminate or destroy unregulated biological proliferation; tumors, and malignant growths, carcinogenic or cancer promoting effects are induced or stimulated.

SubAtomic Time-Distortion

Data collection instruments running at the time of the accidental discovery and then later used to replicate the findings under the same conditions recorded the translocation of disease producing substances from within the cell /organism to a predictable, spherical radius outside of the cell / organism simultaneously.

That is, the instant or exact same time as the SubQuantum Agtation was triggered the indigestible and toxic residues within the cells disappeared from inside the cells and were deposited outside of the cells within a given space or cloud of probability external to the cell.

When a cell was exposed to SubQuantum Agitation at 15:33:24; the residue “vanished” from inside the cell at 15:33:24; while at the exact same time 15:33:24, this same residue was found outside the cell.

It was determined to be the same residual, indigestible material by way of thorough quantum, atomic, molecular, cellular, chemical, spectral, thermal and mass measurement and analysis; before, during and after the Stimulation of SubQuantum Agitation.

The residual substance was translocated or teleported in a non-linear time point by occupying a different space at the same time.

Carcinogens Eliminated by SubAtomic Displacement of Time Distortion

Cancer causing and other cytotoxic substances are instantly removed from the cell / organism and deposited outside of the cell / organism where it no longer disrupts optimum functioning.

This so far appears to be an inherent, although latent capability of all living cells / organisms to manipulate space and time in order to return to their previously recorded and encoded, optimal state of functionality and health when appropriately stimulated through SubQuantum Agitation.

An interesting, most welcome and as of yet characterized result of this instant restoration of cells and organisms to their highest functioning; is that there have not been observed any shock reactions.

Usually when a substance is rapidly withdrawn from a subject, there are shock reactions like toxic withdrawal or contraction / expansion reversal effects.

In the case of treatment or exposure to SubQuantum Agitation, there are no such responses observed and therefore as of yet, no adverse reactions.

In fact, three subjects in particular, Goshulak, N., Cexara-Amora, C., and Dias, D. who were accidentally exposed, experienced the benefits of toxin discharge from their bodies with no negative reactions since initial exposure on May 2nd 2012.

Their bodies responded favorably as two of these persons (Goshulak and Dias) experienced gradual body-weight reductions from being over-weight to more optimally functioning body-weights.

Mmeanwhile, Cexara-Amora who was previously diagnosed with stage-3 cancer of the bone-marrow, gradually recovered even after becoming ineligible for continued chemo- and radiation therapy due to adverse reactions to both of these cancer treatments.

This was discovered by the simple observation of improved physical health and enhanced psychological moods and then later confirming cancer remission by way of tests administered through the treating physician and hospital..

RetroActive scanning and sweeping of studios and laboratories revealed the presence of these carcinogens and toxic residuals in the wild environments / locations where the
y were suspected to have been exposed within the given probability cloud of distribution.

In addition, when replicant studies were carried out under the same and other more rigidly and tightly controlled settings, the same residual displacement was observed, measured and recorded..


It was observed by the author and others scientists and clinicians of Health Propulsion Laboratories that exposure to sonic frequencies around the range of A=432Hz concurrent to the application of proprietary HypnoGenomics – EpiGenetic Engineering Protocol One (HGF1) stimulates a hitherto unknown, undiscovered or unpublished ability of cells and organisms to be restored or to return to their most optimal or highest functioning state as has been previously recorded by each individual cell.

So far this appears to be a cure for cancer as well as an undetermined number of other diseases and illnesses due to the fact that all harmful, toxic and carcinogenic substances and residues are completely removed from the cell / organism through SQA.

Regarding the “data incomplete” as noted above there will be full disclosure immediately following appropriate protection of intellectual properties and continued funding and support of HPL, its officers, partners, employees and affiliates who have contributed to this advancement in science.

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