Billion-Dollar Master-Mind, HypnoAthletics, Hypnosis, OrthoMolecular, UniquilibriuM

How To Transform Poverty Into Wealth By Choosing Life Over Death

By Choosing Life Over Death

To Transform Poverty Into Wealth

What Does Dying Feels Like?

It hurt to move and to simply be alive. There was no sleep for me and hardly a moment of relief. I was in continuous agony both inside and out.

And I was just a little afraid.

It was 2007 and I was experiencing discomfort in my lower back and many other symptoms which were plaguing my mind, body and spirit.

By Choosing Life Over Death, I was able To Transform Poverty Into Wealth!

Predictions Of A Possible Future

Just two years ago while I was attending College at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute (HMI) in Tarzana, California, I had been introduced to the idea that would greatly impact my life.

This was commonplace for me during my time as an HMI student. Lot’s of life enhancing, changing and life affirming experiences were my rewards for dedicating myself to this course.

The idea that I am speaking of has to do with an event hosted by HMI instructor Michelle Guzy.

Michelle Guzy is an amazing teacher who specializes in Past Life Hypnosis. My first clients were Past Life sessions for my Clinical Residency as a graduate student.

But the event with Michelle Guzy that impacted me so much was during a case study class. This was where a client volunteered to undergo hypnosis in front of the class.

It was free for the client and beneficial for the students because we were learning from a master practitioner of hypnosis.

This particular client in 2005 was on kidney dialysis.

I really felt deep emotional concern for this client while observing the session. It is something I remember because of Miss Guzy’s compassionate and expert handling of the case.’

Escape From Los Angeles

In 2007 I learned that my mother’s sister (my aunt) and her daughter (my cousin) were both suffering kidney failure and were both on dialysis because of it.

The impact then became very powerful because “I was experiencing discomfort in my lower back and many other symptoms which were plaguing my mind, body and spirit.”

But it was not my lower back. It was my kidneys. First one and then the other. you are not supposed to feel your internal organs.

Some physicians suggest that you can not feel your internal organs. But they are wrong according to my experience. I was feeling the pain and and diagnosed kidney failure according to the symptoms.

At that time, my military career sister in the Navy was stationed in Bloomington, Illinois.

She invited me to stay with her for a bit so that I could retreat and recover. So my best friend, Christine and I went to my sister’s place for 30 days to get some rest and relaxation.

I am an eccentric creature who often makes very bold and definite decisions despite advice that goes against my decisions from authorities, friends and family.

A Life Or Death Decision

I had already been possessed by the understanding that I would not seek conventional medical treatment for the recovery of my kidneys.

I embraced the fear and accepted that I would heal myself or die trying for real.

So I did my research and came to the conclusion that I did not need to add chemicals or even natural substances to heal. Instead I only had to remove the cause of the problem.

But because I do not own diagnostic medical equipment, I settled on a holistic, total system approach. I replaced my careless eating habits with a simple diet of organic and raw foods.

At first it was just organic and healthier foods. After I left Illinois, my best friend and I supported and encouraged each other to embrace a completely vegan diet.

The simple action of removing the toxins by eating organic was very helpful and the damage slowed down or stopped.

Born Again

The interesting and most beautiful part about all of this is that I healed into a better condition than before I felt sick!

It was like being born again. I got my life back because the pain went away but I also recovered, enhanced and improved the bodily functions that were falling apart before.

I believe that Health is the Truest of All Wealth.

This is why I say that Choosing Life Over Death is the way To Transform Poverty Into Wealth.

In my mind it would have been a guaranteed death sentence to hand my body and health over to someone else; especially conventionally trained physicians.

I am a big fan of doctors and healers of all kinds and have great respect for the intention and idea they believe or at least pretend to represent.

At the same time I also think many of them are terribly misled and the treatments and procedures that they offer are useless at best and life-threatening or crippling at worst.

So I did what I did and I healed myself. I am still here and I continue to get better and better every day in every way that I choose to!

Another one of my cousins not yet 30-years old just passed away from kidney failure in July of 2012 in Florida.

But I have learned that I can epigenetically and HypnoGenomically heal myself if necessary and I know that if you are suffering then you can heal too.

I Believe In You.

Believe In YourSelf

Throughout my healing journey I have learned quite a lot about myself. I once read a great description in the Hippocrates Health Institute Newsletter from a woman who healed herself there.

She said she was “…a guinea pig with certificates.”

I understand this completely because I decided if I was going to be a self-healer then it would be possible to share my findings and Healing Anecdotes with others who are seeking.

Of course music, martial arts, yoga, self-hypnosis, and meditation are just a few of the ways that I approach the design and engineering of my healing adventure.

With that in mind, I also agree with the Nutrigenomic work of Dr. Amy Yasko in her book “Genetic Bypass” that the causes of diseases and also their cures and remedies are “MultiFactorial”.

This means that there are many causes of diseases not just one or two. and so the cures and remedies for any illness is also based on a multifactorial approach.

Responsible Technology

Right now I am using the MostFit Suspension Strap as a therapeutic accessory for maintaining power and flexibility. It is an elegant tool that provides both mental and physical stimulation and creativity.

In addition to that I also regularly use the Sun Ancon Chi Machine, and the Far InfraRed technology of the Richway International Bio Mat, The HTE HotHouse and SOQI Bed.

I have experienced immediate therapeutic results and relief from these devices and products.

For More Information about some of these devices, please visit my site

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Happy Healing!

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